The Dirty Dozen Workout

Twelve rounds of 12 reps make up this workout.   You can focus on a specific body part, or  mix it up for a total body workout. Personally, I like to make it a total body workout. We will pick 4 exercises. You can pick any four you like, but I'm going to choose 1 lower body, 1 upper body, 1 core, and 1 cardio exercise. Perform 12 rounds of 12 reps. We would love to see what YOUR workout looks  and feels like. Comment to share!

Be fit and be well! 


 Dirty Dozen Workout 

12 jump squats  

12 pushups (any version) 

12 4x4's  (4 high knees/4 inside feet)  

12 plank hip twists

* Repeat 11 more times


The Burpee Challenge

I love combining different moves and incorporating them into my workout. In my opinion, the "Burpee" is one of the most effective exercises. It increases your heart rate, as well as builds strength and power. Here is a burpee challenge for you to do at home, outside, or in the gym. Set your interval times for 24 rounds of 50 sec work/10 sec rest.


The burpee challenge: 50/10 x 24 rounds. Every third exercise will be a variety of your choice of high intensity cardio (i.e. High knees, jump rope, jumping jacks). 

1. Half Burpee (burpee without a pushup)

2. Burpee

3. Double high knees 

4. Burpee/2 jump squats/2 jump tucks

5. Burpee/heel grab

6. Double high knees

7.  Burpee toe click (When you jump up, click toes together then land in a squat)

8. Single leg burpee (jump into a one legged plank and single leg pushup; alternate legs) 

9. Double high knees  

10. Burpee/hop forward/hop back/hop up

11. Rollback/low lateral hop to the right/burpee/rollback/lateral hop left/rollback

12. Double high knees  

** Rest one minute then Repeat the set 

Have fun! 



3 x 3 x 3 Workout

Happy Mother's Day weekend, ladies! Being a mom is definitely something to celebrate, as is having a mom! Whatever you do this weekend, I hope you find some time to enjoy your children and celebrate your motherhood. Isn't it the best??? (Most of the time, anyway)

I also hope you take some time for yourself and do something to improve your health. I read a quote the other day from trainer, mother, and my workout hero, Kaisa Keranen. She said, "Health is NOT a look; It's a feeling". How many of us are always trying to "lose 10 lbs", crunch our way to 6 pack abs, or get rid of those saddlebags??? Believe me, I'm the one who just bought the fascia blaster in order to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Maybe you struggle with your appearance, maybe you don't. If you don't, I think that is awesome and I hope to get there one day. For now, I think it really is so important to focus on health and what makes me feel well. Just because you "look" fit, doesn't mean you are healthy. Health is so much more than your physical appearance. I can go on forever about that, but I will get to the workout. I love this workout. It makes me feel so strong and healthy. It is 3 sets of 3 exercises performed for 3 rounds. The first set consists of 3 arm exercises. You can pick any 3 you want, but for the sake of balance, I chose a shoulder exercise, a bicep exercise and a chest/tricep exercise.

The next three exercises will work your legs and the last three will target your abs. If you are a beginner, aim to complete 1 round. If you are more advanced, try 2-3 rounds. 

3 x 3 x 3 WORKOUT

Set 1: Arms (perform 30 reps of each exercise, then 20, then 10: no rest between sets)

Shoulder presses

Bicep curls

Belly drop knee drives (keep your hands next to your chest and squeeze you elbows into your sides as you push your body of the floor, pulling your knee into your chest. Alternate sides). 

Set 2: Legs: perform 50 reps of each exercise

Jump squats

Lunge jumps  

Prisoner squat with a side leg lift

Set 3: Abs: perform 25 reps of each exercise 

Straddle V sits 

Plank jacks

Swimmer kicks


Legs & Lungs Workout

Those who know me know I love to get my heart rate up and get a good sweat going when I workout.   When I teach my cycle class, I playfully refer to the front row of bikes as "the splash zone". I also love to train my legs. This workout will get your heart rate up while strengthening and toning your legs. Set your interval times for 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.

You will be doing high knees, double knees, jump rope or jumping jacks every third exercise. Do any exercise that will raise your heart rate.  The other exercises will be weighted leg exercises or plyometric exercises. You can modify by doing body weight only or taking the jump out of the plyometric moves. Let's go!!!

Legs and Lungs Workout: 50/10 x 16 rounds 

1-double knees

2-weighted side lunge (right) 

3-weighted side lunge (left) 

4-double high knees

5-weighted squats

6-weighted kneeling squats

7-double high knees

8-lunge jumps (body weight only) 

9-plie squat pulses

10-double high knees

11-weighted step up/kickback (right)

12-weighted step up/kickback (left) 

13-double knees

14-dead lifts

15-squat jacks

16-double knees

** If you want more of a challenge, repeat the entire set  

Have fun getting your sweat on! 



5 minute workout

Lack of time is the biggest reason I hear for why people don't get their exercise. We are busy; we have children, homes to keep up, careers, community and volunteer responsibilities...the list of all we have to do in a day seems endless. Who has time to workout? It can be a challenge to manage everything and still take some time each day to dedicate to our health. There are some days when we get it done and others when we don't. There are times when I workout for 10 minutes, but even that short period of time gets my heart pumping, muscles burning and I feel more alert and focused throughout the day. This morning, we had an hour class and did several 10 minute and five minute sets. Feel free to pick your own exercises or modify the following. 

For the 10 minute sets, we performed 3 exercises for 30 seconds each, 30 seconds rest. We completed 5 rounds. 

For the 5 minute sets, we performed 2 exercises for 30 seconds each for 5 minutes without rest. 

Here are some sample workouts. 

10 min: 30 sec each, 30 sec rest x 5

1-squat jack/plyo lunge (alternating legs on the lunges)

2-plank jacks

3-burpee/2 jump squats

5 min: 30 sec each x 5  

Kneeling alternating shoulder presses

Down, down, up, up pushups

 5 min: 30 sec each x 5  

Weighted squats

Jump squats

This format will wear you out. Pick a variety of exercises to superset and enjoy the burn in just 5 minutes. 



The Killer Workout

My morning workout was a real killer. This HIIT workout was 32 minutes of non-stop movement. I set my interval timer for 1 minute of hard work, then 20 seconds of Burpee lunges. 

Perform each exercise for 20 reps, then 15 reps, finally 10 reps.   As you are going through the repetitions during that minute of work, when the timer goes off perform 20 seconds of burpee/lunge switches (Burpee/pushup/lunge/lunge). When the timer goes off again get right back into performing 20 reps of each exercise. So, if you've done 17 pushup pushbacks and the timer goes off, after the 20 seconds of Burpee lunges, perform 3 more pushup pushbacks before moving on to the next exercise. The following are the 8 exercises I did. Feel free to pick your own.

Jump squats

Weighted squat shoulder presses 

4 x 4's (4 high knees/4 inside feet is one rep) 

Double mountain climbers (from a plank position, jump both feet in to your hands then jump back to a plank, then in with your feet on the outside of your hands and back to a plank: this is one repetition).

3 skaters/1 forward lunge 

Pushup pushbacks

Squat Jack/plyo lunge (alternating legs) 

* Repeat the exercises performing 15 reps (16 reps on single leg movements). Then 10 reps of each exercise. Don't forget your Burpee/lunges for 20 seconds after 1 minute of work. 


Jump Squat, Burpee, Lunge, Plank Workout

There are not a lot of different moves in this workout, but you will definitely feel every muscle in your body working. I've taken the 4 most effective bodyweight exercises (in my opinion) and have combined them in a way that will get your heart pumping, legs burning, and core tight. We will start with jump squats, an overall great Cardiovascular and strength exercise. Then, on to Burpees (with a pushup). Burpees will target your entire body; legs, arms, core... They hit EVERYTHING! Next, we will perform lunge jumps. Not only will they target your Quads, but your Glutes and Hamstrings, as well. Last, but definitely not least, we will hold a plank. Make sure you are pressing the floor down, rounding slightly through your upper back, engaging your entire core. All righty then, let's do this!

Set 1: 30,20,10 rep workout

Perform 30 reps of each exercise, then 20 reps of each exercise, then 10 reps. Try not to rest between sets. 

-jump squats


-plank jacks

-lunge jumps

Set 2: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Complete 5 rounds.

-jump squats


-lunge jumps

-plank hold


**Repeat Set 1 if you have anything left. These exercises should be done powerfully, jumping high and landing low. I'd love to hear what you think!

Be fit and be well! 



5,4,3,2,1 workout

This 5,4,3,2,1 minute workout is designed to work the entire body in a short period of time. It will require you to push yourself, as you try to stay on the intervals. If you need to modify, take the jump out or give yourself a longer period of rest. You can do 1 round, 2 rounds, or 3 rounds. If you feel a burn in your legs, great! That means you are working hard. If you don't, try getting lower into the moves. 

5 minute, 4,3,2,1 minute workout

  Start with a dynamic warm up: 10 squats, 10 lunges, 20 plank jacks, 10 pushups, 10 v sits

 5 minutes: 50 seconds of work with 10 sec rest.

1-Burpee/hop forward and back

2-4x4's (4 high knees/4 inside feet)

3-rollback pushups OR pushups

4-plank jacks OR Mtn climbers

5- kick/back lunge/switch jump

4 minutes: Tabata (20 seconds of work/10 seconds rest x 8 rounds) Alternate between exercise number 1 and 2.

1-4 Squat pulse turns (get low into a squat pulsing 4 times then jump up and half turn getting right back to the 4 pulsing squats)

2-Squat Jack/back lunge (alternating legs)

 3 minutes: 30 sec each x 3 rounds

1-Down down up up plank jacks

2-Belly drop knee drives

2 minutes: perform 5 reps of the following exercises for 2 minutes without rest

5 jump squats/5 burpees/5 pushups

 1 minute: V-sits or single leg v-sits

* Repeat the entire distance 1-2 more times


Rep workout

This workout will get your heart rate up, strengthen your core, and kick your butt! Have fun!

* Set your timer to go off every minute. Start performing the reps for each of the following exercises. When your timer goes off each minute, perform 3 burpees, even if it interrupts your reps. After the 3 burpees, complete the reps and move on to the next exercise. Keep going for 20-30 minutes.

Start with a warm up, finish with a cool down. 

25 jump squats

25 double knees

25 pushups

25 lunge jumps (on each side) 

25 belly drop knee drives  (on each side)

25 Rollback jump squats

25 V toe touches  

Best Arm Workout Ever!

Okay, maybe that is an exaggeration, but this bodyweight arm workout is TOUGH! Add more time if you want to make it more challenging. This is a great workout if you don't have a lot of time or you want to add it to the end of a weightlifting or cardio sesh. 

** Set your timer for 6 minutes then perform the following exercises without rest. If you finish before the timer is done, start over!

20 pushups

5 divebombers  

10 pike pushups

15 yoga or half cobra pushups  

10 plank jack pushups

10 down down up ups


That should wear your arms out in 6 minutes or less!  

Have a great weekend, be strong and be well!  


Total Body Workout

I love this workout! It hits every body part; improves cardio, strength, conditioning, power, and overall fitness. Start with a body weight exercise, then a weighted exercise, and finish with a plyometric exercise.

Set 1:  perform each exercise for 50 seconds/10 seconds rest. Perform 3 rounds then move on to the next set.


-dumbbell chest press

 -single arm plank jacks

Set 2: 

-pulsing squats

-squat pickups using weights

-1 squat/1 jump squat/1 jump tuck

Set 3: 

-Tricep bench dips

-Overhead tricep extension with a dumbbell

-4 plank jacks/4 low plank jacks/4 froggers /4 mountain climbers

Set 4: 

-Skaters forward and back

-Weighted curtsy lunge with a kickout

-3 switch jumps (lunge jumps)/squat jump/3 switch jumps

Set 5: 

-shoulder taps

-manmakers (using dumbbells, do a pushup row, pushup, row, stand up and press)

-burpee/double knee tuck/heel grab

Cool down and stretch


Quickie Tummy Toner

This is a great  abdominal workout when you don't have a lot of time. It's quick and effective. I believe abs are made in the kitchen and what you put into your body makes more of a difference than your workouts do. When you eat healthfully AND work out, you can burn any unwanted fat and show off those abs before swimsuit season. 

Set your timers for 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of double knees. Complete each of the following exercises. If you want a longer workout, feel free to do 1-2 more sets.

  Quickie Tummy Toning Workout

 1-4 plank jacks/4 elbow plank jacks: double knees

2-rollback/pushups: double knees

3-  plank twists: double knees

4-curtsy lunge/side kick (right): double knees

5-curtsy lunge/side kick (left): double knees

6-mountain climber twists: double knees

7-belly drop knee drives: double knees

8-V sit flutter kicks (kick your feet as you go up into a V sit and back down): double knees

9-prisoner toe taps  (hold your hands behind your head and tap your toes on a stair or chair): double knees 

10-woodchoppers (holding a dumbbell or weighted ball) . Start standing upright then lunge to the side bringing the weight down toward your toe. Alternate sides.

* For a longer workout, throw in a quick 10 minute run or bike ride and repeat the set.




28 minute HIIT workout

Perform each of the following 7 exercises for 30 seconds/10 rest. Set your interval timer for 42 rounds. That is 6 times through this workout! Killah! My legs were dead at the end.


28 minute HIIT  

30/10 x 42 rounds=28 minutes

1-box jump squats 

2-V sits

3-pushup pushbacks

4-4x4x4's (high knees, inside feet, jump lunges) 

5-3 jump squats/long leap forward/jump tuck and turn

6-bent knee plank jacks

7-Burpee jump tucks 


Mash up

This workout will wear you out quick, so be prepared. I recommend this workout for a snowy day, like tomorrow morning, when you are homebound and may not have any equipment available. Have fun! 

Set 1: perform each exercise for 50 seconds with 10 seconds rest. Set your timer for 3 rounds. 

1-double knees (2 high knees/2 inside feet) 

2-jump squats

3-5 double knees/5 jump squats

Set 2:

-50 pushups (default to knees if needed) (pushup variety: 10 wide, 10 standard, 10 Tricep, 10 standard, 10 wide) 

-50 plank jacks

-50 shoulder taps

Set 3: same format as set 1

1-jump lunges

2-mountain climbers

3-3 jump lunges/2 mountain climbers  

Set 4: same as set 2


2017 Reps

Yup.  You got it correct...two thousand seventeen reps.  Start the new year with a challenge! 

Disclaimer: This is not for the beginner.  Please consider your fitness level before tackling this workout.

Go from one exercise to the next without stopping.  Perform each exercise with "perfect" form but do try to move briskly!

  • Warm-up: Jog in place counting 150 steps
  • 50 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Burpees
  • 50 Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Burpees
  • 50 Lunges
  • 50 Squats
  • 50 Jumping Jacks
  • Jog in place counting 150 steps
  • 20 Push-ups (wide-arms)
  • 20 Push-ups (elbows in, targeting triceps)
  • 50 Crunches
  • 20 Push-ups (wide-arms)
  • 20 Push-ups (elbows in, targeting triceps)
  • 50 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Burpees
  • 50 Mountain Climbers
  • Jog in place counting 200 steps
  • 20 Side-step Lunges (Right side)
  • 20 Side-step Lunges (Left side)
  • 10 Power Squats
  • 10 Jump Squats
  • 50 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Burpees
  • 50 Crunches
  • Jog in place counting 200 steps
  • 50 Mountain Climbers
  • 50 Crunches
  • 50 Squats
  • 50 Lunges
  • 50 Push-ups (Do on knees)
  • 50 Jumping Jacks
  • Jog in place counting 300 steps
  • 20 V-sits
  • 17 High Knees


12 Days of Christmas Workout

It's almost Christmas!!! Here's a tough workout that will torch calories so you can indulge at your holiday parties!

This workout is long and follows the same pattern as the "12 days of Christmas " song. Perform 1 rep of exercise #1, then 2 reps of exercise #2 and 1 rep of exercise #1. Then 3 reps of exercise #3, 2 reps of #2, and 1 rep of #1. Keep adding on until you perform 12 reps of exercise #12 and every proceeding exercise.  


Warm up for 5-10 minutes

1-squat pickup


2-single leg pushup/kick through to a lunge/stand and shoulder press (right and left)


3- triple squat burpees




5-long leap forward/4 lunge jumps/2 squat jacks back


6-4 high knees/1 squat


7-pushup pushbacks


8-4 plank jacks/4 low plank jacks (4 of each)


9-rollback/lateral hop right/forward jump/lateral hop left


10-double knees


11-2-1 squats


12-burpee belly drop knee drives or double knee drives

Cool down and stretch

Cardio/Strength Quick Burn

 While we know this time of year is hectic, this will give you a quick intense burn. Who has time to workout? We have 24 hours in a day, we owe it to ourselves to give our bodies time to move, get our hearts pumping and muscles burning. Working out is a great stress reliever and will give you that energy boost you need to get through the day. Try this quick cardio and strength workout. You can choose any form of cardio. Run, cycle, swim, row or stair climb. It is easiest if you are on a machine so you can quickly transition from the cardio portion to the strength interval.

* After a 5-10 minute warm up, perform 10 minutes of 40 seconds at a moderate pace (your choice of cardio), then 20 seconds at a fast pace.  

Strength 1

1 jump squat

1 Burpee

1 lunge jump (right AND left leg is one rep) 

1 pushup

1 V sit  

Then complete 2 of each of the above exercises, then 3, then 4, then 5.

Cardio 2

Perform 10 minutes of fast pace for 1 minute/1 minute easy

Strength 2

Repeat the above strength set

Cool down and stretch




Total Arm Workout

  I've shared my 30,20,10 workout in the past. This I've really focuses on shoulders, biceps and triceps. I like to add cardio intervals on the treadmill, bike or stairs in between sets.

Perform each exercise for 30 reps, then each exercise for 20 reps. Finally, perform each exercise for 10 reps. Do not rest until you have completed the entire 30,20, and 10 reps, then either complete 5-10 minutes of cardio or rest for 60 seconds then move onto to the next 3 exercises.

Arm workout

Set 1:

Shoulder presses

Bicep curls

Overhead tricep dips

Set 2:

Lateral shoulder raises

Hammer curls

Tricep bench dips

Set 3:

Rear deltoid flys

In out bicep curls

Tricep kickbacks

Bonus round, if you have time

Upright rows

Alternating bicep curls

Belly drop knee drives

Progressive Workout

Today's workout will start out easier then become more challenging with each round. Don't forget to warm up and cool down for at least 5 minutes. 

Perform 5 reps of each exercise in both sets. On the second round, perform 10 reps of each exercise. On the final round, perform each exercise for 15 reps. If you would like a longer workout, you can either do a 4th round of 20 reps each exercise OR go back to 10 reps, then 5 reps. Feel free to choose your own exercises if you don't like the ones I've chosen.

Set 1: 

Burpee/squat jump forward/back

Mountain climbers (right and left is 1 rep) 

Pushup pushbacks  

Catch lunges (right and left legs are 1 rep)

V sits  

*200 high knees OR jump rope for 3 minutes

  Set 2:

4 skaters forward/4 skaters back (1 rep) 

Box jump squats

2 x 2 x 2's  (2 high knees, 2 inside feet, 2 switch jumps) 

Belly drop knee drives  

Plank to squat

**Run or jump rope for 3 minutes


* Repeat both sets, performing 10 reps of each, then 15, and so on... 

Do as many rounds as you want, but remember to work intensely. Be explosive in your movements and push yourselves. If you need to modify, take the jumps out. Walk or march instead of high knees or running.  

Have a great workout!


Can't fit in a workout?

Well, you can't afford to fit in excuses.  Give this a try... 

It won't work for everyone.  Nonetheless, it is a creative and fun way to fit in physical activity throughout your day!

Set an alarm to alert you at every 10-minutes to the hour (watch, phone, clock, etc) over a 6-hour period.  For example: 8:50am, 9:50am, 10:50am, etc.  Complete 10 minutes of 5 different exercises.

  • 50 seconds of jumping jacks or burpees/10 sec rest OR jog in place Or high-knees
  • 50 seconds of squats or power squats/10 sec rest OR jog in place Or high-knees
  • 50 seconds of push-ups or a variation of/10 sec rest OR jog in place Or high-knees
  • 50 seconds of lunges/10 sec rest OR jog in place Or high-knees
  • 50 seconds plank/10 sec rest OR jog in place Or high-knees
  • REPEAT for a total of 10-minutes

Or simply pick your favorite 5 exercises!

Again, we realize this won't work for everyone.  However, if you can make this work for you, you are doing your mind, body, spirit, and family a favor!  You are setting an example.  You are inspiring.  You are respecting yourself. 

Work for it!  And Be Well,