Total Body Workout

I love this workout! It hits every body part; improves cardio, strength, conditioning, power, and overall fitness. Start with a body weight exercise, then a weighted exercise, and finish with a plyometric exercise.

Set 1:  perform each exercise for 50 seconds/10 seconds rest. Perform 3 rounds then move on to the next set.


-dumbbell chest press

 -single arm plank jacks

Set 2: 

-pulsing squats

-squat pickups using weights

-1 squat/1 jump squat/1 jump tuck

Set 3: 

-Tricep bench dips

-Overhead tricep extension with a dumbbell

-4 plank jacks/4 low plank jacks/4 froggers /4 mountain climbers

Set 4: 

-Skaters forward and back

-Weighted curtsy lunge with a kickout

-3 switch jumps (lunge jumps)/squat jump/3 switch jumps

Set 5: 

-shoulder taps

-manmakers (using dumbbells, do a pushup row, pushup, row, stand up and press)

-burpee/double knee tuck/heel grab

Cool down and stretch