Let's get real

It is easy to get caught in the Instagram trap where one loses all sense of time.  How fun is it to see the photos of your family, friends, and inspirational strangers?  A lot of fun.  Come on!  Be honest!  But it is also a bummer.  Everyone looks so happy.  So perfect.  Mom's are crafting and homeschooling with perfection.  Dad's are piggyback carrying their kiddos at the beach while carrying the beach bag and chairs and smiling.  Abs are exposed and 8-packs seem to have a spotlight shining on them. Kids are smiling and posing and hugging and reading and...agh!  We see perfection!  I love seeing success and happiness and inspiration.  But...

I'll be honest here, I end up feeling as if I am constantly doing something wrong.  Parents are tired more often than rested and if we fail to be in a state of mindful awareness (hello...tired parent, here!) we forget that we are human.  We aren't beings of perfection.

  Authenticity is something I seek in life and relationships.  And it is hard to have authentic relationships when imperfections are hidden.  Or at least, I think so.  Here ya go...my "fails" and those wild moments parents rarely share of their kids.  Let's be present and authentic together...not perfect.

As you can see, my "little angels" are wild children being children and well, quite destructive.  Let's call them little scientists.


This is how my littlest likes to fall asleep.  Hands always on my face.  Often with a finger up my nose or down my shirt.

This toilet disaster happened within seconds of disappearing from the kitchen just one wall away.

This toilet disaster happened within seconds of disappearing from the kitchen just one wall away.

Again, my littlest beefcake, who may be the next American Ninja Warrior can open almond milk containers and thinks this is funny.  Again...happens in seconds.  You'd think I was somewhere neglecting them...oh no, I'm right near by cooking …

Again, my littlest beefcake, who may be the next American Ninja Warrior can open almond milk containers and thinks this is funny.  Again...happens in seconds.  You'd think I was somewhere neglecting them...oh no, I'm right near by cooking or entertaining my other two children.  Or maybe going to the bathroom with the door open.

Oh yes I did share this.  Sorry if you can't handle it.  No, I'm not ashamed.  Maybe I should be for my child but this is me cleaning up poo since my not even two year-old thinks he is ready to potty learn.  You are welcome for c…

Oh yes I did share this.  Sorry if you can't handle it.  No, I'm not ashamed.  Maybe I should be for my child but this is me cleaning up poo since my not even two year-old thinks he is ready to potty learn.  You are welcome for covering it up :-)

Here, again, the beefcake.  He needs to fall asleep with his hands down my Aunt's shirt. 

Here, again, the beefcake.  He needs to fall asleep with his hands down my Aunt's shirt. 

Love You,


Truth Telling

tell truth quote.jpg

We are back.  Family commitments, jobs, moves, etc. pulled us away from our daily SpeedBump posts but we are back.  No excuses.  Just the truth.  Because, ya know, the truth is the best way to go.  Deep down no one wants to hear excuses or lies just because they are pretty.  Funny, because I think people do fib a bit to make their lives seem "prettier" thinking that is what others want.  But we all just want the truth.  It is more interesting and it is what connects us.  It is what connects humanity.  Vulnerability and all.
So, here we are ...being truth-tellers!  Life got wild.  Our passion got put to the side.  Then we realized that our passion was more than a passion.  It is our calling!  We love advocating for healthy lifestyle practices. 

And while on the topic of truth-telling, at times we were embarrassed to see ourselves on video and so we put off recording exercise segments.  We were reluctant to talk about things politically or emotionally sensitive, so we stopped writing.  The irony! 

“If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it.”
― Marcus Tullius Cicero

Get ready for kickin’ new workout videos, truthful and shameless stories about mom-life, exercise, food, digestion…anything goes!

Be Well.  Live Your Truth.


“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
― Theodore Roosevelt

You Go On And Get Those Goals!

Last January I set a goal to do a pistol squat by the end of 2017. It was something I've seen done by many of the fittest athletes, but I was never strong enough to do it. Twice a week since the beginning of the year I have worked on my pistol squats. I started by holding on to a bar, then the TRX straps, cables, etc...I am proud to say that though it took 11 months, I have accomplished my goal and can do pistol squats without holding on to anything. Yay, me! For those of you who have a goal, either fitness related or anything else, go ahead and get your goal. Work hard at it, practice it, and never give up.


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Message to New Mamas

  This is a message to all you new mommas or soon-to-be new mommas. It feels like I have been surrounded by friends and family who have recently given birth or are about to give birth. A few of them have asked me how long I waited until I started exercising again. In my personal opinion, I think you should wait the recommended 6 weeks. I know, some of you may feel better after 2 weeks and feel ready to get back to your workout routine. However, I really think it is best to wait. After I had my second daughter (my first birth), I was walking and even jogged 3 days after I delivered and was back to working out in no time. I felt sore, but just pushed through the discomfort and sometimes, pain. Looking back, it is ridiculous to me that I couldn't wait to start exercising and actually put my body at risk. I had many problems with my lady parts, which I contribute to not letting myself recover. In contrast, my second birth experience was completely different. I waited 6 full weeks before lifting any weight or doing a single lunge. I walked and carried my baby around, but I did not "work out". My recovery was SO much better and after 6 weeks, I could do anything I wanted to do and had no pain or discomfort. I know we are all anxious to get our bodies back in to shape, but it is so important to be gentle with yourself. You just created and carried a human being in your body for 9 months and you need some time to heal. When you do get back to your exercise routine, understand that it may take some time to feel like your old self. Your body changes a lot during pregnancy, your joints are loose and you are more prone to injury. Listen to your body and enjoy that little one (They  grow up in the blink of an eye). 

Be careful and be well!  




Our little ones are watching us.

So, let's do healthy stuff!  Being a mom of three young children and endurance athlete, any and all training happens at home and around my family's schedule.  Yes, I miss running outside and running with other people but I wouldn't change what I have going right now for anything! 

My kiddos are always climbing up on the treadmill and wanting to run but my husband and I keep it unplugged when not in use.  We let them hop on supervised every once in a while.  A few days ago, I caught my youngest (13-months old) climb up with a big smile and proudly reached as high as he could to try to turn it on to start his own little workout :-)

Be well & be the change you want to see,



Kindness all around.

"Raise your words not your voice.  It is rain that grows flowers not thunder."  ~Rumi

Why is it easier to smile at our friends, coworkers, and even strangers but then "growl" at our beloveds?  Because we feel that their love is unconditional?  They will forgive us without question?  They are blood and we are simply stuck together whether we like it or not?

I came upon this Rumi quote and it couldn't have been said better.  There is ENOUGH $hit going on in the world right now.  Many of us want to help, be better, change a circumstance, and be of service.  Let us start by being kinder to each other but more importantly, let us be kind to our partners, our children, and our family. 

Children will model the behavior of their parents.  They are our next generation.  At the end of a long day it is easy to snap at your partner or child but they are the ones we love the most, right?!  We can all do better.  Sure, smile at a stranger but smile at your child.  Smile at your partner in life.  SURRENDER to kindness.  Air your grievance if you must but then move on.

Be well and be kind.


Live NOW

Be present.  Mindfulness is the key to a joyful life.  Presence will set you free.  All we have is the NOW.  All true.  And yet all so cheesy to hear.  Yeah. We get it.  Be present.  Stay mindful.  Cheesy or not.  Let's all be honest with ourselves.  We really only have the present moment.  Good or bad.  We are alive if we are reading this.  We are connected to another human being.  But in the next moment, things could be very different. 

We talk a lot about health and wellness.  But we also try to bring perspective.  Optimal health and wellness isn't just about eating clean or exercising.  Optimal wellness begins with recognizing the power of living mindfully and living in a state of gratitude for all that is.  We can co-create our lives but if we create while living in the past or only planning for our future, are we really creating?  What do you need right now?  What do you want to see of the World, your family, your friends, right now?  Plan your life!  Have goals and dreams.  Work hard!  Aspire!  But be present.  For answers to all questions are in the now. 

I listened to a podcast today while running...and an aha moment smacked me.  An entrepreneur was asked about what he saw of the future of his company.  His response was interesting.  We live in a culture where many of us strive for more, greater, bigger, better.  And in striving, an original mission may be lost or forgotten.  He basically made an analogy stating that when we go to our personal trainer, that trainer tells us to do 10 push-ups.  Not 9.  Not 11.  But what if our form falls apart after 4?  Or we can keep going until we reach 50 push-ups?!

Who knows?  Presence knows.  Know what I mean?

Be well.  Be present.

Hard Is Good

Hard makes us stronger, humbles us, and gives us a chance to prove ourselves. In the world of nature, hard is part of the circle of life. It is hard for a baby chick to hatch out of that tough eggshell. But when someone tries to make it easier, the chick does not develop the strength necessary to live. The struggle of a butterfly to escape the cocoon strengthens it for the life it will live. Similarly, when we face challenges, we have an opportunity to grow stronger. A financial planner related the following; "Most of my work was with multimillionaires who owned their own businesses. Almost all of them had created their successful businesses from lots of hard work. The saddest thing for me was to hear some of them say that they wanted to make it easier for their children. They did not want their children to suffer as they had. In other words, they would deprive their children of the very thing that had made them successful". 

There is definitely something to be said for working hard. When I was a teenager, my dad told me that if I wanted to go to college, I would either have to pay for it myself, get a scholarship, or a loan.  My dad had the means to pay for not only my education, but the education of all my siblings, as well. However, he wanted to teach me how to work.  I started cleaning houses when I was 13 years old. At 14, I taught swimming lessons to kids in my backyard pool, then went on to lifeguard, teach fitness classes, and coach swimming. By the time I had reached college age, I had a small savings and I'd be darned if I didn't do well in school since it was MY hard earned money I was spending. That was one of the best lessons I've ever learned. Today, I enjoy working hard. Whether it's working hard in my workouts, as a wife and mother, or serving in my church and community. Hard work is good for us. It makes us stronger, more disciplined, and prepares us for greater challenges. Just like lifting heavy weights consistently will challenge our muscles, which respond by increasing in size and strength, our challenges WILL strengthen us.

Work hard and be well.  


The truth will set you free.

I am a lucky and blessed woman.  I am getting older.  I'm not sure why people lie about their age or complain about being old.  Ummm, you are alive.  Let's be grateful!  Plus, the older you get you let go of shame and start speaking your truth.  When you can let go of shame and become a truth-teller, life gets better.  It is liberating and you certainly feel more free.

Our current political climate can be down-right scary.  I wonder what it would be like if we all started being Truth-tellers.  What would things look like if we owned up to our shame?  Humbled.  And just did the right thing.

Let's all try this at home!  Let's be truth-tellers.  Own up to our mistakes and oopsie-whoopsies.  Maybe that will become contagious!

Be well. Be truthful.

Get Out Of Your Rut; Make Your Workouts Fun!

  This morning I dusted off my mountain bike and took off for the trail. Although I'm not a fan of being the first person on the trail and breaking through all the spider webs with my face, I had SO MUCH FUN! It was so energizing to be outside on a beautiful day, in the woods, riding my bike and doing something different. Whenever I start feeling burned out with my workouts, I try something new. Saturday, I went paddle boarding, today mountain biking. I know that may not be realistic for everyone, but whether it's taking a new class or heading outside, breaking my routine gets me out of my workout rut. I also really love to get ideas from other people and search for different workout ideas on YOUTUBE, Instagram, and Pinterest. Maybe working out with a friend or a group will motivate you AND make it more fun. When your exercise program is enjoyable, you will be more likely to stick with it! Get moving and have fun! You'll be glad you did!

Be well! 


Being a Parent IS Hard...

I was talking to a friend of mine earlier today about our daughters who are behaving badly, her teenager that has depression and her other daughter going through puberty. She summed it up saying, "Being a parent is SO hard! I QUIT"!

Of course, we know we can't quit at teaching, helping, caring for and loving our kids, but sometimes it feels so overwhelming to deal with ALL the many things we, as parents, deal with. It IS challenging to raise independent, responsible, kind, happy, obedient children! We do our best to love them and help them become the best they can possibly be, and in the process, when things don't go as planned, we feel as though we have failed. I Constantly pray for patience, guidance, patience, love, forgiveness, and did I mention patience????

I often need to stop, take a deep breath, and tell myself to chill the freak out! I notice that I get impatient and grumpy when I'm in a rush to get everything done and checked off my to do list. It always seems like a daunting task to get everyone, myself included, where they need to be. Life is busy and there never seems to be enough hours in the day to accomplish everything. My husband is always so good about reminding me to relax by saying, " Leave the dishes! Let's go play with the girls"! Or "come outside on the porch with me and just chill". My mind says, "but you haven't finished the laundry or cleaned up dinner or......" There will always be some chore awaiting, but those kids will NOT always be there, wanting you to play with them, or read them a bed time story. This message is more for myself than for any of you who are reading this post! As a reminder to myself, I say, "Enjoy those tender moments before they're gone"! You and I will all keep our sanity. Things will work out, and we don't even have to quit parenting. We can make it through another day, another week, another year! Be loving, be gentle, be kind, be patient, be playful, be happy, and be well.



Enjoying a happy moment!!! 

When mini-tasking is ok...

...or so I tell myself.  Being a mom of three and committed to healthy lifestyle practices for myself and my family, training for ultra-marathons, nurturing happy, thriving, functioning children, blah, blah, blah I need to multitask.  I know.  I wrote about avoiding this a couple of months ago.  But sometimes, we gotta get it done and doing two things at once makes those small things get done!  It's life.

Today, I was strengthening my hips while getting some tasks done around the house and my Aunt didn't see my exercise band while I was carrying out this awkward move.  She thought maybe I pooped my pants.  Not-so-much.  Check it out below!

Have fun. Stay present. And by all means...mini-task when needed!



"One of the greatest moments in life is realizing that two weeks ago your body could not do what it just did" Anonymous

As I walked into the gym this morning my husband excitedly walked toward me and said, "Come here, I want to show you something"!  I followed him into the training room and watched as he did a "muscle up" pulling himself up and over the high bar at least 5 times. I was thoroughly impressed. Now, my husband is not a large guy, but he is lean, and extremely strong. He's "that" guy that can whip out 25 pull ups (with a 45 lb. Plate hanging around his waist).

I myself have been working on a variety of handstands, pistol squats, and back bends. Even though I'm 40 yrs. old, I'm determined to get it. I've been making progress and am very happy about the improvements I've made. 

There are a lot of amazing people that can do amazing things with their bodies. I am in awe at the power, strength and flexibility that some have achieved. I enjoy creating new moves and experimenting with challenging new exercises. I cannot do EVERYTHING I try,  but it feels so good when I can see the small accomplishments. You really do not ever know until you try. What do you want to learn to do? Is there something you've always wanted to try? Don't let fear of failure stop you; enjoy the journey and celebrate your accomplishments.

Be bold, be brave, be willing to try, and be well. 



I saw an Instagram post today that made me smile. William Golding praises all women when he writes the following. "I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men. They are far superior and always have been. Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater. If you give her sperm, she will make a baby. If you give her a house, she will make a home. If you give her groceries, she will give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she will give you her heart ❤. She multiplies and enlarges everything that is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of #*!"

-William Golding 

As women, we wear many hats. Much is expected of us and I believe we deliver. May your families and others in your life respect, appreciate, and love you for all you do and for who you are! 

Be AMAZING, women of the world! And be well. 




Kick Stress in the Butt

I spoke to one of my sister's today who shared with me the results of her medical labs, which indicated a need to reduce her inflammation AND her stress. The inflammation can be reduced by eating the right foods for your body and taking the proper supplements. The reducing stress part; not such an easy task.   She asked me how to do it. To be honest, I don't know exactly, since it's something I struggle with myself. I know all the right answers; yoga, meditation, eliminate the stressors...But that is much easier said than done. So, I ask you, faithful speedbump readers. How do you REALLY reduce your stress? We would LOVE to hear your suggestions.

Be stress free and be well! 


"Too much love never spoils children. Children become spoiled when we substitute "presents" for "presence". Anthony Witham

This time of year when much of our focus is placed upon the gifts we are going to give our children, I want to urge you to take a moment to think about the relationship you have with each of your children. What non-tangible gifts can you give them? As a photographer, I take pictures of my children on a consistent basis. This year, I decided to create a book of pictures for each of them. In the back of the album are blank pages. My husband and I are writing the things they like, funny things they said during the year, memorable experiences, and a love letter to each of them. Sometimes I get so caught up in parenting; do this or don't do that, that I forget to tell them what I love about them and how much I adore them. So, I'm going to write it down and make sure they know how I feel. I'm also making a commitment to myself and to them to spend 10 minutes a day with each of them individually and take them on a monthly date. This is my gift. My baby turned 4 last month and it was a wake up call to me. Time is going by quickly. Soon, they will be all grown up and what I do now is going to affect their lives and our relationship later. I'm reminded of a quote I've heard most of my life; "If you love them, tell them". Let's not let the days go by without them knowing their parents love them. A good friend of mine is in remission from cancer. She has told me that she is writing letters to her children, in case she leaves this life on earth prematurely. She wants to give them advice, express her feelings, and let them know she loves them. That isn't a bad idea for any of us. After all, we never know when our time is up. Let's not wait another day to put off telling and showing them how much we car about them. 

May your Christmas bring you much happiness as you spend time with your loved ones.  Amongst all the fun, remember to give them a gift that matters.

Be loving and be well! 



I recently traveled with my family back to my husband’s home in Ireland. We visited our extended family and friends, did some sight seeing with our girls and introduced them to the Irish way of life. My four year old, Summer, didn’t want to leave. I can’t blame her. It is such a different way of life over there. The community spirit that exists in that country is unparalleled. I had the opportunity to live there for seven years and I got to experience it first hand as an ‘outsider’ living abroad. It was a very different culture but one that I came to know as home. I must say there are a lot of things I miss from there. The way people just ring the doorbell unannounced and call in for a cup of tea and a chat. The way friends gather in the pub around a pint at any time of day …and man those pints of Guinness! They are unlike anything you get over here.  We had a wonderful trip and I’m so grateful my children get to grow up knowing a different set of ideals and cultural norms; that they are four years old and almost one and already have passports.  I hope they will go over there year after year and make memories.  The differences that exist in countries and cultures around the world are so great and I hope to inspire my children to travel, explore and embrace the different and unfamiliar.  We have so much to learn from those who are different from us. I always want to be open to change and difference and I want them to be, too. Think of the education that travel provides. Get out of your comfort zone and inspire your kids to do the same.  There’s a whole wide world out there.  Go out and explore!

And Be Well, 



It's already November! What? How did this year pass by so fast? With the holiday season looming, I feel an urgent need to get things done. Building a house and trying to move in before the end of the month has been a constant "concern". Will the house be done? Will I really be able to go thorough and pack all this stuff we've accumulated over the past 10 years? Will we find a renter for our house? As I was heading out to find more empty boxes to load, a thought entered my mind. All that worrying...and for what? The house will get done, we will get packed, and eventually we will find a renter. Things will happen as they will, whether I worry about it or not. I may as well quit worrying. Most likely that will be easier said than done, but I will make a valiant effort to do a little every day, without worry. I hope if you are concerned about something, you will be able to let it go and not let it affect your sanity.

Be worry free, and be well! 


Who Inspires You?

Yesterday, I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw a new Kaisa Keranen post. Kaisa is truly an inspiration to me. She has the fitness, athleticism, and knowledge that I aspire to have. The girl can move! She can jump as though her legs were made of springs; she can squat lower than anyone I've ever seen. She is strong, muscular, beautiful, and makes no excuses. I listened to her talk about a 30 day fitness program she created. She was responding to the many questions she has recently received regarding her program. People want to know if they will lose weight and get "tone" by doing her workouts. Her response made me love her even more. She said, (and I'm paraphrasing) "Will you lose weight and "get tone"? If you move 30 mine's a day for 30 days and eat healthfully, absolutely! But that is not the reason I move. I don't move to change the way my body looks. If you dedicate 30 minutes a day to moving, and focus more on how it makes you feel and be less concerned with the way you are going to look, you will see changes".

Amen, sister! I have spent far too much time being concerned with how I look, instead of how I feel. I am almost 40 years old, and I can finally say that my mindset has shifted towards eating healthfully, feeling great, and being well. My goal is to continue down this road instead of going back to always worrying about how big my bum kids or how much cellulite I have. It is so freeing to finally feel this way. To all of you, I hope you find what makes you feel good. I hope you achieve wellness and happiness. Find someone who inspires you-come-alive and be well!