Kindness all around.

"Raise your words not your voice.  It is rain that grows flowers not thunder."  ~Rumi

Why is it easier to smile at our friends, coworkers, and even strangers but then "growl" at our beloveds?  Because we feel that their love is unconditional?  They will forgive us without question?  They are blood and we are simply stuck together whether we like it or not?

I came upon this Rumi quote and it couldn't have been said better.  There is ENOUGH $hit going on in the world right now.  Many of us want to help, be better, change a circumstance, and be of service.  Let us start by being kinder to each other but more importantly, let us be kind to our partners, our children, and our family. 

Children will model the behavior of their parents.  They are our next generation.  At the end of a long day it is easy to snap at your partner or child but they are the ones we love the most, right?!  We can all do better.  Sure, smile at a stranger but smile at your child.  Smile at your partner in life.  SURRENDER to kindness.  Air your grievance if you must but then move on.

Be well and be kind.
