Booty Workout: Body by Becky W!

  I've asked you all what types of workouts you would like to see more of and it was unanimous! BOOTY! Everyone wants a nice, tight bum and these exercise will help you achieve it. I typically do this type of workout after I've already trained my legs. My muscles are fatigued by then and it's a perfect time to finish off the accessory muscles. I do anywhere from 16-32 reps/exercise or 8-16 reps on the combination exercises, as they are more challenging.


Straight leg kick ups

Bent leg kick backs

3 pulse kick ups/1 kick back

Side leg kicks

Pulsing kick ups

1 side kick/1 pulse kick up

Plank diagonal kicks

* Repeat on the other side

Click on the link below to watch my YouTube video. 




HIIT It! In under 60!

WU: 5-10 minutes easy, your choice

  • 10 minutes on Stairmill (can use a bike or treadmill and modify)
    • Done as: 30 sec fast, 30 skip a stair, 30 sec fast, 30 sec easy pace)
    • REPEAT 4-5 X for 10 minutes
  • Breakout core set: Refer to video!
  • 10 minutes on Stairmill (can use a bike or treadmill and modify)
    • Done as: 30 sec fast, 30 skip a stair, 30 sec fast, 30 sec easy pace)
    • REPEAT 4-5 X for 10 minutes
  • Breakout core set: Refer to video
  • Go on to a 5-10 minutes CD or if you are feeling wild, go for another round!

Be well, Be strong, Be fit!


1000 rep workout

  I'm not going to lie; this workout is tough, but will leave you feeling GREAT when it's over. You can modify the exercises by taking the jump out of the plyometric moves. Get ready for a heart-pounding, leg-slamming workout!

* Perform 10 reps of the 10 exercises for 10 rounds (If you are a beginner, aim for less rounds).

1-Squat jack/hop forward and back

2-1 plank jack/1 double mtn climber  


4-4x4's (4 high knees/4 inside feet) 

5-lunging pushbacks

6-leg drop/knee hug

7-box jump squats

8-Mat hops  

9-lunge jumps

10-plank twists


Combination workouts

Some of my favorite workouts are what I like to call "combination workouts". This is where I  combine 2 or 3 movements into one exercise. It really challenges so many different muscles as you use them together. I've listed a few of my favorites below. Try doing each exercise for the specified number of reps. Aim to complete 2-4 rounds.

1. 4 mtn climbers/4 jump lunges x 10 reps

2. 1 pushup/1 kick through (alternate sides)  X 10 reps

3. 1 burpee/hop forward/kettle bell swing/hop back X 10 reps

4. 5 jump squats/5 V sits x 10 reps

Have fun getting sweaty!!!


2 to 1 Workout

In this workout, you will perform 2 cardio exercises followed by 1 sculpt exercise. Perform each move for 1 minute. You can do 1-3 rounds of each set before moving on to the next set.

SET 1:

Burpee jacks (1 jumping jack/1 plank jack) 


Standing arabesque (30 sec each side) 

SET 2: 

Criss cross squat jumps  

High knees

Flutter kick abs


4 Double mtn climbers/4 plank jacks  

Squat jack/hop forward and back

Downward dog elbow drops 


Kick/back lunge/switch jump

3 mtn climbers/single leg pushup

Leg drops

 *Cool down and stretch

Enjoy your weekend! 

At Home Cardio Workout

  There are many reasons why people don't exercise. Lack of time, lack of equipment, or  lack of motivation. I can't do much about that last one, but if you feel motivated to get in a good cardio workout in a short period of time, without going to the gym and without equipment, here is a workout for you.


At home cardio workout

 Warm up for 5-10 minutes. Walking, riding a bike, easy jog, and stretching.  

* perform each exercise for 45 seconds/15 seconds rest. Repeat the set 1-3 more times .

Lunge jumps

Spider-Man-Man pushups (touch your elbow to your knee as you go down)


Squat jumps

1 toe touch/1 leg lift

* You can also do intervals with this workout if you have access to a bike or treadmill. Try sprinting for 30 seconds/resting 30 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Then repeat the above set.




5k Gobbler Training Plan

Here is a simple 5k training plan to get you ready for those Thanksgiving fun 5k's.  If you are a beginner, please be sure you have some experience with consistent running over the past 2-3 months.  Also, run with awareness to your body positioning, gait, foot-strike, and most importantly, run with ease and a high cadence!  Strive for 180 steps per minute.  This will practically force you to run with less impact.

You’ll notice a range of distances for each workout and within each workout.  Adjust according to your fitness and strength level.

Oh...important to notice that you have to scroll to the bottom for Week 1 of workouts.  I typically build plans from the race back.

Week of November 20:
Monday - Aerobic paced run for 3-5 miles.  Add in a few fartleks!

Tuesday - Day off or something short and easy with just a few pick-ups.

Wednesday - Short run.  You be the judge!  But be sure to move those legs today!

Thursday - Happy Thanksgiving!  Happy Running!

Week of November 13:
Monday - Run an aerobic paced 3.5-6.2 miles.  Not too easy like Sunday pace but not too close to tempo pace.  Conversational pace but challenging.

Tuesday - Speed Day. Warm-up is 10-15 minutes easy running.  Main workout: 4-6 x 800’s (.5-miles). Run your best pace and recover for half the distance. Cool down is 10 minutes of easy running.

Wednesday - Cross-training day.
Thursday - Tempo run. Testing out your speed for next week!  Do a total of about 4-6 miles.  Once warmed up, do 20-30 minutes at the best pace you can hold for that amount of time…staying consistent!

Friday - Cross-train or day off.  If you are an experienced runner, take off only every other Friday.

Saturday - Relaxed run for 5-8 miles.

Sunday - Short easy run or a bonus day off!

Week of November 6:
Monday - Run an aerobic paced 3.5-6.2 miles.  Not too easy like Sunday pace but not too close to tempo pace.  Conversational pace but challenging.

Tuesday - Speed Day. Warm-up is 10-15 minutes easy running.  Main workout: 6-10 x 400’s (.25-miles). Run your best pace and recover for half the distance. Cool down is 10 minutes of easy running.

Wednesday - Cross-training day.
Thursday - Mix it up today…and find a good hill or a hilly course!  After a 10-15 minutes of relaxed paced running, find a hill that takes about 30 seconds to run up.  Stand at the bottom and run strong up the hill 4-8 times!
Finish with another 10-15 minutes of easy running.

Friday - Cross-train or day off.  If you are an experienced runner, take off only every other Friday.

Saturday - Relaxed pace for 5-8 miles. Keep it steady.

Sunday - Easy, easy paced run for 3-5 miles.

Week of October 30:
Monday - Run an aerobic paced 3.5-6.2 miles.  Not too easy like Sunday pace but not too close to tempo pace.  Conversational pace but challenging.

Tuesday - Test your fitness up to this point!  Usual warm-up of easy 10-15 minutes of running.  Pick your usual course or go to your usual track.  And do 2-3 x 1-mile at your best pace!  Walk or easy jog for 2 minutes as your recovery. Be sure to cool down with another 10-minutes easy running.

Wednesday - Cross-training day.
Thursday - Run 3-6 miles. Make sure 15-20 minutes of this run, somewhere in the middle, is done at a challenging pace, also called “tempo” pace.

Friday - Cross-train or day off.  If you are an experienced runner, take off only every other Friday.

Saturday - Relaxed pace for 5-8 miles. Keep it steady.

Sunday - Easy, easy paced run for 3-5 miles.

Week of October 23:
Monday - Run an aerobic paced 3-6 miles.  Not too easy like Sunday pace but not too close to tempo pace.  Conversational pace but challenging.

Tuesday - Speed Day!  Hit a track or treadmill or just watch your GPS watch, if you have one, out on a flat course.  After a 10-15 minute relaxed pace warm-up of running begin workout.
Main workout: 2-4 x 400’s (.25-mile) at best pace with recovery as walk or jog half the distance.
            2-4 x .5-mile at your best pace.  Recovery is a walk or jog .25-mile or half the time it took you to do the interval.
            1 x 1-mile at best pace
 Complete workout with another 10-15 miles of relaxed paced running.

Wednesday - Cross-training day.
Thursday - Run 3-6 miles. Make sure 15-20 minutes of this run, somewhere in the middle, is done at a challenging pace, also called “tempo” pace.

Friday - Cross-train or day off.  If you are an experienced runner, take off only every other Friday.

Saturday - Relaxed pace for 5-8 miles. Keep it steady.

Sunday - Easy, easy paced run for 3-5 miles.

Week of October 16:
Monday - Run an aerobic paced 3.5-6.2 miles.  Not too easy like Sunday pace but not too close to tempo pace.  Conversational pace but challenging.

Tuesday - Speed Day!  Hit a track or treadmill or just watch your GPS watch, if you have one, out on a flat course.  After a 10-15 minute relaxed pace warm-up of running begin workout.
Main workout: 4-6 x .5-mile at your best pace.  Recovery is a walk or jog .25-mile or half the time it took you to do the interval.  Complete workout with another 10-15 miles of relaxed paced running.

Wednesday - Cross-training day.
Thursday - Mix it up today…and find a good hill or a hilly course!  After a 10-15 minutes of relaxed paced running, find a hill that takes about 30 seconds to run up.  Stand at the bottom and run strong up the hill 4-8 times!
Finish with another 10-15 minutes of easy running.

Friday - Cross-train or day off.  If you are an experienced runner, take off only every other Friday.

Saturday - Longish run day. Maintain a steady relaxed pace for 4-7 miles.

Sunday - Easy, easy paced run for 3-4 miles.

Week of October 9:
Monday - Run an aerobic paced 3-6 miles.  Not too easy like Sunday pace but not too close to tempo pace.  Conversational pace but challenging.

Tuesday - Speed Day!  Hit a track or treadmill or just watch your GPS watch, if you have one, out on a flat course.  After a 10-15 minute relaxed pace warm-up of running begin workout.
Main workout: 1 - 3 x 1-mile at your best pace.  Recovery is a walk or jog .25-mile to .5-mile.  Complete workout with another 10-15 miles of relaxed paced running.

Wednesday - Cross-training day.
Thursday - Run 3-6 miles. Make sure 10-15 minutes of this run, somewhere in the middle, is done at a challenging pace, also called “tempo” pace.

Friday - Cross-train or day off.  If you are an experienced runner, take off only every other Friday.

Saturday - Longish run day. Maintain a steady relaxed pace for 4-7 miles.

Sunday - Easy, easy paced run for 3-4 miles.

Week of October 2:
Monday - Run an aerobic paced 3-6 miles.  Not too easy like Sunday pace but not too close to tempo pace.  Conversational pace but challenging.

Tuesday - Speed Day!  Hit a track or treadmill or just watch your GPS watch, if you have one, out on a flat course.  After a 10-15 minute relaxed pace warm-up of running, begin workout.
Main workout: 4-8 x 400’s (1 lap around track or .25-mile). Shoot to run a challenging pace but NOT all out.  Recovery is a walk or jog of half the distance or half the time it took you to do the distance.
Complete workout with another 10-15 miles of relaxed paced running.

Wednesday - Cross-training day
Thursday - Run 3-6 miles. Make sure 10-15 minutes of this run, somewhere in the middle, is done at a challenging pace, also called “tempo” pace.

Friday - Cross-train or day off.  If you are an experienced runner, take off only every other Friday.

Saturday - Longish Run. 4-7 miles at aerobic pace.  This is a pace in which you can carry on a conversation.

Sunday - Easy Run 2-4 miles.

Running Training Plan

Yep, it is only 62 days until Thanksgiving.  Which means, 62 days to get ready for all the Turkey Runs, Struts, and Gobblers.  So, how about we post a training plan to get ready for the suckers?  It'll post next Friday.  A day-to-day guide to get ready for a Thanksgiving 5k. 

In the mean time.  Look back at our posts over the past couple of years.  Get your mind set on a goal and prioritize your calendar.  Over the next week, fit in 3 short runs.  And get ready to start training!

Need a little weekend motivation but don't have time to fit in a whole workout?  Wake up and get it done!  Here's my go-to pick-me-up:

10 power squats, 8 PS, 6 PS, 4 PS, 2 PS
10 push-ups, 8 PU, 6 PU, 4 PU, 2 PU

2 Power squats, 4 PS, 6 PS, 8 PS, 10 PS
2 Push-ups, 4 PU, 6 PU, 8 PU, 10 PU

Now go on with your weekend!

Be well. Be fit. Be healthy.



100 Round Workout

Despite the 100 rounds in this workout, it goes by quickly. We did this workout this morning in my class and everyone loved the fast pace as it really got our heart rates up for 50 minutes.  There are 2 ways you can do the 100 rounds in this workout. Since there are 25 different exercises, you can either go through all 25 , then repeat those 25 exercises 3 more times OR you can perform 4 sets of exercise #1, 4 sets of exercise #2, 4 sets of exercise #3, etc...(That is the way we did it this morning. It is more challenging as you really fatigue those muscles).

Each round is 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest. That may seem like a lot of rest, but as you get into this workout, you will need that 10 seconds.  If you need more rest,  take a bit longer then get back into it. An interval timer will help keep you focused. Set it for 100 rounds of 20 seconds for the high intensity and 10 seconds for the low intensity intervals.

I hope you enjoy this workout as much as I did! 


100 round tabata workout

25 moves x 4 rounds (20 sec work/10 rest)

1-2 squat hops forward/2 lunges/4 high knees back


2-2 pushups/2 jump squats


3-double mtn climbers (elbows)


4-2 Squat pick ups/2 shoulder press jacks


5-Spider-Man shoulder presses or kneeling alternating shoulder presses


6-belly drop knee drives


7-passe abs (alternating)


8-3 skaters/side lunge


9-Side lunge hops (weighted side lunge/back lunge/knee pull hop) R


10-repeat on the left side


11-rollback pushups


12-180 ° burpees


13-mat hops


14-3 switch jumps/single leg pushup


15-low plank alternating kick ups


16-stork hops (R)


17-stork hops (L)


18-monkey jump tucks


19-squat/twisted press (alternate with weights)


20-plyo squat/plyo lunge (R)


21-repeat (L)


22-bent knee down down up ups/pushup


23-double knees


24-plank to squat/tuck (or jump squat)


25-swimmer kicks (abs)


Burning Legs Workout

I love this workout!!! I haven't lifted weights in a while and decided it's time to change up my routine a little bit. Lifting weights followed by a plyometric movement will increase both strength and endurance. Warning: my legs were SORE. If you haven't lifted weights consistently, I recommend fewer sets (and/or reps) and choosing a light weight to begin. You can always increase the weight if you need to. 

Warm up walking, jogging, cycling for 5-10 minutes before beginning this workout. Beginners can do 1-2 sets, while intermediate and advanced athletes can do 3-4 rounds of each set. 

Set 1:  perform 2-4 rounds of the following set. Rest a minute between each round. Then complete the finisher at the end of the set.

15-20 weighted squats

15-20 box jumps

Finisher: 30 seconds of squat pulses

Set 2: 

15 Weighted back lunges/side

30 jump lunges

Finisher: 50 Glute bridges

Set 3:

15-20 weighted step ups/side

25 jump squats

Finisher: 30 frog hops or plank to squats

Cool down and stretch

This workout can be modified or made more challenging. You can try body weight only or increasing the weight for a more difficult workout.




Go on up then come back down.

Be sure to raise your HR with an aerobic warm-up for at least 10 minutes.  Brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or a variation of jumping jacks, step-ups, etc will do the trick.


  • 30 lunges, 30 side squats, 30 push-ups, 30 high knees
  • 40 power squats, 40 v-sits, 40 squats, 40 tricep dips
  • 50 lunges, 50 jumping jacks, 50 step-ups, 50 toe raises
  • 40 high-knees, 40 jumping jacks, 40 v-sits, 40 side squats
  • 30 burpees, 30 push-ups, 30 high-knees, 30 side squats

Cool down and stretch a bit.  Give yourself that time to lengthen.  Flexibility in the body can lead to flexibility in mind and life.

Be Well!