I wasn't raised in a particularly healthy or active family. I was a teenager teaching swim lessons at the YMCA when the aerobics instructor didn't show...and that is when my passion for fitness was born.
My name is Becky Wilkinson. I am a wife. I am a mother to three energetic girls. I am an athlete. I LOVE to be fit and healthy and I LOVE to teach others to be fit and healthy.
My fitness experience ranges from chasing after my kiddos to yoga, triathlon, and figure competitions. Anything is possible!
"To be mediocre when only a little effort could have netted superiority is an error akin to sin." -Spencer W. Kimball
We all experience triumph as well as trial while on this journey through life. It's not about perfection, as you will soon discover, if you haven't already. There will always be ups and downs as you challenge yourself to be healthier, workout smarter, eat cleaner, and still have the energy to LOVE deeper!
Wellness and Fitness Cred:
Becky is a certified yoga and cycling instructor and has been teaching overall fitness classes for over a decade. She was also a competitive swimmer and played water polo as a young adult. Becky has also successfully competed in numerous road cycling races, triathlons, running races, and figure competitions.
You can also find Becky capturing life's simple beauty at: www.beckywilkinsonphotography.com