/I recently traveled with my family back to my husband’s home in Ireland. We visited our extended family and friends, did some sight seeing with our girls and introduced them to the Irish way of life. My four year old, Summer, didn’t want to leave. I can’t blame her. It is such a different way of life over there. The community spirit that exists in that country is unparalleled. I had the opportunity to live there for seven years and I got to experience it first hand as an ‘outsider’ living abroad. It was a very different culture but one that I came to know as home. I must say there are a lot of things I miss from there. The way people just ring the doorbell unannounced and call in for a cup of tea and a chat. The way friends gather in the pub around a pint at any time of day …and man those pints of Guinness! They are unlike anything you get over here. We had a wonderful trip and I’m so grateful my children get to grow up knowing a different set of ideals and cultural norms; that they are four years old and almost one and already have passports. I hope they will go over there year after year and make memories. The differences that exist in countries and cultures around the world are so great and I hope to inspire my children to travel, explore and embrace the different and unfamiliar. We have so much to learn from those who are different from us. I always want to be open to change and difference and I want them to be, too. Think of the education that travel provides. Get out of your comfort zone and inspire your kids to do the same. There’s a whole wide world out there. Go out and explore!
And Be Well,