Be Big

I'm almost through reading Glennon Doyle Melton's #1 New York Times BestSeller, Love Warrior.  Glennon Doyle Melton is an extraordinary woman.  (Please click on her name to read about her and her non-profit organization Together Rising - a non-profit that has raised over four million dollars for vulnerable women and children.)

Love Warrior is a memoir and an offering of her life's experiences with the intention to inspire and empower every individual to face life with openness, honesty, and love.  To show up to your own life. 

Early on in this book I read something that quite literally felt as if I had an elephant sit on my chest and then all of a sudden hop off and allow me to inhale a breath that made my lungs feel as big as an elephant.  Glennon spoke of her daughter that said to her one evening, "I'm big, Mama.  I'm bigger than the other girls.  Why am I different?  I want to be small again."  She explained that her daughter was not asking about how to deal with her body size but instead..."How will I survive being this particular type of person in this particular type of world?  How will I stay small like the world wants me to?  And if I keep growing, how will anyone love me?" 

Glennon writes on: "My daughter and I pay attention.  We know what the world wants from us.  We know we must decide whether to stay small, and quiet, and uncomplicated or allow ourselves to grow as big, loud, and complex as we were made to be.  Every girl must decide whether to be true to herself or true to the world.  Every girl must decide whether to settle for adoration or fight for love.  There on the bed, in her pigtails and pain, my daughter was me--the little girl I was once was, the woman I am now, still struggling to answer the questions: How can I be expansive and free and still be loved?  Am I going to be a lady or am I going to be fully human?  Do I trust the unfolding and continue to grow, or do I shut all of this down so I fit?"

This is Glennon's story and hers only.  Nonetheless, she was able to put into words a feeling that many of us can relate to in our own authentic way.  At 5'10" I am by no means that tall.  Becky is 5'11" and Lauren is almost 6'2".  Nonetheless, I grew up a dancer and by a dancer's standards, I was an oaf.  I did not fit in.  I did not fit in as a "woman" either.  I was skinny and lacking any curves.  And so, I wished to be small so that I could fit in and be desired.  I eventually let go of wanting to be small and embraced my stature.  Being tall made me feel strong.  And feeling physically strong helped me to become mentally strong.  However, being tall, intelligent, outspoken, somewhat attractive, and a woman...well, I might as well plan on never being loved and only called a bitch. 

During my morning walk/run, I was chatting with my Aunt about this book and these comments.  I vented saying, "Men have it easy.  They can be tall, strong, outspoken, successful, intelligent, attractive, and financially responsible and get the utmost adoration and respect."  This Aunt happens to be 4'11".  She simply said, "Good things come in small packages, Marisa."  WORD.  This tiny Aunt of mine is the most noticed in a room.  She is confident, outspoken, happy, independent and does NOT apology for any of it.  I think she is happy because does not feel the need to be small or big.  She just IS. 

Be big.  Be small.  Be who YOU are.  But never hide who your are.  I have a daughter that reminds me that I cannot hide.  Because if I do, she will hide too.  I will encourage her to be herself and to be fully human and not "just a lady".  Everyone else is already taken.

Be well, 



Sad to be done.

I labored a patient recently who gave birth to her third baby. It was a relatively fast labor and smooth birth. The patient was delivered about an hour when it hit her. She said aloud, “I can’t believe I’ll never be pregnant again.” You could see that she was sad about this. It’s so interesting to me the amount of women who cannot wait to be done with pregnancy and just have their babies out; and then there are those that relish the whole thing and want to hold onto it forever. Once you’re holding your baby in your arms there is never a minute you wish they were back inside. However, the moments do strike you now and again that you’ll never feel them kick inside you again and it is a strange realization. And for those of us seasoned moms out there, no matter how miserable pregnancy can be for us, it really is easier with them IN rather than OUT. But alas, hindsight is 20/20 and no one realizes that at the time. Everyone rushes to get the baby out-- we choose elective inductions, we stir the pot any way we can to urge labor on. Patience is tested (as Marisa just experienced) as we wait for nature to take its course. But when they are finally here, we are so overcome with emotion that it doesn’t matter what the previous weeks felt like. All that matters is that our babies have safely entered our world. And just like that, our lives are transformed forever.

The ability to give birth and house a baby in our bodies for 9+months is so special. It really is something that should be relished and enjoyed to the fullest. Don’t get me wrong, it definitely has its struggles and challenges and giving our freedom up to our babies is not always easy. But it sure is worth it. And just like that patient who had been pregnant three times, there is definitely sadness and longing for what will never be again.

If you have made the decision that your family is complete, I’m sure you can somewhat relate to this feeling. And if you are about to embark on another pregnancy, try to take it all in your stride and enjoy it. As women, we are so blessed to be able to give new life. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

Be Well,

Lost now Here

Until taking a breather after having a baby, I never fully realized the sense of urgency most of society has found as a normal day-to-day energy.  Rush here, rush there, gotta get this done because if not it can't get it done during the week or next weekend.  We all do it.  And to a certain extent, it is a good thing.  It expresses pro-activeness, passion for activity, and the willingness to work hard.  However, within this sense of urgency, we are no longer noticing the present moment.  Mistakes can be made and life's little things or even the enormous and most important things get overlooked.  After a while, we begin to feel lost.  We go on autopilot.  And we can even forget to be happy or to appreciate or enjoy life's blessings.

It's tough.  But I'm trying to slow down and laugh more.  And realize that all will get done even if I smile.  And thanks to Myla & Jon Kabat-Zinn, I was reminded of this when I picked up their book, Everyday Blessings: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting.   I came across a poem by David Wagoner, based on the Northwest Native American tradition. 


Stand Still.  The trees ahead and bushes beside you
Are not lost.  Wherever you are is called Here,
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known.
The forest breathes.  Listen.  It answers,
I have made this place around you,
If you leave it you may come back again, saying Here.

No two trees are the same to Rave.
No two branches are the same to Wren.
If what a tree or a bush does is lost on you,
You are surely lost.  Stand still.  The forest knows
Where you are.  You must let it find you.

Attend to Your life.  Please avoid getting caught up in the drama.  Ask yourself, "Is it worth it?"

Be Well.  Stay Present,


Where do you want to go?

I bought my first mountain bike when I was 16 years old. I was ready to conquer the trail and took off with two friends of mine who were more experienced riders. I started out very optimistic, but quickly realized that mountain biking took more skill than I had. It seemed as though my bike gravitated toward every rock, root, or hole. Mountain biking wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be. After a while, my friends stopped to wait for me to give me these words of advice. "Becky, don't focus on the obstacle. You have to look at where you want to go". I got back on my bike and followed their advice. If there was a large rock on the trail, I focused on the path I wanted to take around it, instead of staring at the rock I was trying to avoid. It worked! My bike followed the path I focused on! We finished the ride that day, but their words of advice have stayed with me after all these years.

While you are on your life's journey, or your wellness journey, there will most certainly be obstacles. Perhaps you are having a difficult time getting your nutrition right, or you haven't been consistant in your workouts because life gets in the way. Whatever it is, don't dwell on the obstacles or challenges. Focus on where you want to go. What is your goal? Weight loss? A race or competition? Improving your blood pressure? Whatever it is, realize there will be bumps along the way, but keep your eye on the path you want to go that will get you to your goal.

Be focused and be well! 



We all have days that aren't as productive as we planned. Sometimes, we are downright lazy. And there are other times when we may feel like we are running around like mad women. I've had more of those types of days since school has started up again. I still haven't quite found my groove, yet. I feel unorganized and not very productive. There is a pile of papers on my desk that need to be filed, kids that need to be driven everywhere, laundry done, meals cooked and much more. For some reason, all I really want to do is lay down on the couch and binge watch "Stranger Things" on Netflix. Then I feel guilty, and wake up at 4 am the next day to get caught up. Can anyone relate? I was browsing Instagram the other day when I saw this post. I laughed because I realized that I was getting too worked up over stuff that I didn't need to get worked up over. So, here is my surrender to a balanced life. Sometimes, you have to just take a deep breath after doing all you can do and accept that the rest will get done tomorrow. Or the day after that. 

Be balanced and be well



No makeup! What???

The other day, I saw a friend who I have not seen in a while. She gave me a hug, then pulled back to look at me and said, "you are not wearing makeup! Me either! I'm going Alicia Key's". Interesting. I didn't know Alicia Keys had stopped wearing makeup, even on the red carpet. I did a little research, and was so impressed by her reason for going au natural. She said in a recent article, "One of the things I'm tired of is the constant judgment of women". She wants to break free from the stereotype of a perfect woman, since it is impossible to obtain. Since announcing her no-makeup campaign, Alicia Keys has been seen with a fresh face, free of makeup, and inspiring others to do the same. While I admire her "take me as I am" attitude,  I don't feel strongly either way. Sometimes I enjoy wearing makeup and feel good about myself when I do put it on.  Other times I feel good about myself and I'm good with just moisturizer and lip balm. I'm definitely not afraid to go out in public without makeup, but I'm not a celebrity, either.  No one is following me around with their camera. So, go on, Alicia! I'm glad you are proud not to hide behind a "mask of makeup". And go, all you women out there! Be who you want to be, with or without makeup!




In beast mode


Some of my friends at work and I have been doing this workout for the last nine days. You start with 100 squats, 20 pushups and a 30 second plank and every day you increase your reps. You do get a day of rest every third day (much needed!) and it is a total of 31 days long. By the end of it you will have completed 10,000 squats, 2500 push-upsand a 5-minute plank. It truly is the building blocks of a BEAST!

From someone that hardly works out and finds it hard to fit in gym time, this has been a sore but fun dedication. The best part is we are all on a group thread on facebook and at the end of the day when we complete our challenge we upload silly pictures of ourselves from snapchat. It keeps the mood light and yet makes us all accountable for finishing the workout for the day. So go on and try the BEASTMODE challenge. I dare you!

Be well,


(workout is was beast but the site seems to no longer exist.) 



If you want to be successful in your life, whether relating to your professional life or personal life, there are 5 daily habits that can help you achieve that success.

While we can all study successful habits, it’s meaningless if we don’t implement that knowledge. So here are five daily habits of highly successful people—habits you can adopt to create the life you truly want to live. 

Kimanzi Constable writes in an article for "SUCCESS" the following suggestions. 


1. Successful people plan out their day the night before.  

Successful people take time each night to plan out the next day, setting clear goals for what they hope to accomplish.  

2. Successful people read books to get inspired 

Books contain knowledge. Forming a daily reading habit will expand your knowledge and help you on your journey to success. 

3. Successful people make their health a priority 

 What you eat and how much you exercise affects every area of your life. Successful people use their exercise as a time to reset and plan. And they make smart food choices that will give them the energy they need to accomplish everything on their daily to-do list. 

4.  Successful people don't get distracted by what others are doing

Other people’s journeys to success can be inspiring; you can learn so much—about their mistakes, their victories, what to do, what not to do. But if you start comparing your progress to theirs, instead of using their stories as inspiration, you can feel jealous, stressed, unworthy.

Successful people realize their journey is unique and can’t be compared. So don’t get stuck in the comparison trap—stay focused on your why.

 5. Successful people live each day as if it were their last

Life is short, and there’s no guarantee as to when it will end. Successful people live each day as if it were their last and make the most out of each moment—and so should you.

When you look at a big goal, it’s common to get frustrated at the enormity of what you’re trying to accomplish. If you wake up each day determined to spend it forming good habits, you give yourself a better chance at success. So use these five habits as a starting place to build whatever a successful life means to you.

You can start living a successful life now, incorporating one or more of these suggestions. You may start by reading at night before bed instead of watching TV, or trying a new fitness class a couple times a week. I, believe rising early and taking the time to meditate or just think without distractions, helps me to have a more productive day. Be well on your journey to success.


2016 Olympics

I don't know about you, but I love the Olympics. We went out and bought a TV antenna so we could watch it. The athletes are amazing, and though they don't ALL win a medal, just the fact that they are there competing is amazing to me.   Before bed, we all snuggle together on the couch and watch the different events, listening to interviews with those who have won gold and those who didn't perform as well as expected. In so many interviews, the athletes explained how hard they had to work to get to where they are. They put in the time and the effort required to succeed. I am so glad my girls are there watching with us as we have tried to instill in them a desire to be passionate about something and to work hard to achieve their goals. I loved how Aly Raisman shared her experience after winning the silver medal for her incredible floor routine. She told how when she was younger, she was going to move up to the next level of gymnastics, but was held back because she was weak on the floor. That inspired her to be more determined and to work harder. Her greatest weakness has become her greatest strength. The Olympics are truly inspiring and it's not over yet, so if you haven't tuned in to watch the world's greatest athletes compete, check it out, and be inspired.

Be well



I was lying in bed with my oldest daughter, Summer, tonight when she said,  “Mama, I feel worried.” I asked her, “Why honey? What are you worried about?’ She replied, “I don’t know. I just feel worried.” It made my heart sink. What in the world does a 4 year-old have to worry about? I, of course, reassured her that she was safe and loved. I asked her to take some deep breaths and told her she had nothing to worry about. But then my mind got going. I thought about the recent conversations I’ve had with my sister and a good friend. Both have expressed having some increased anxiety lately. This feeling… this jittery, stomach churning, elephant crushing feeling is real. It’s not just in us as adult women. Little children feel it too. They are already suffering from a young age. Why?? What is it about our society that makes us feel this? Why do we worry about things happening that aren’t our reality? Why do we lie in bed with racing thoughts riddled with worry and anxiety? It’s not healthy. It’s all consuming and I hate it. I want to banish it from our lives -I want to make us more in tune with the moment. For what more do we have but this moment-this breath? This is all we have control over. It’s not about the‘what ifs’ of the next minute, the next day or the next week. All we know is the present. But yet we get wrapped up in what could be and what MAY occur.
More and more we are hearing about meditation and what it does for our wellbeing. But just simply coming back to the breath is what has often worked for me when I find myself unreeling.  Other than that, though, I don’t have the answer. I wish I did. I wish I could tell everyone the secret. I especially don’t want my daughters living in constant fear, worry or anxiety. I just want everyone to know they are not suffering alone. The feeling is real. But it doesn’t have to be our reality. Let’s make a pact to come back to the only place we have control. Right here, right now.
Be well,

Lead by example.

The other night as I was putting Summer to sleep she had brought her cradle up from the playroom with her baby doll and placed it next to her bed. She turned out the light and told me to, ‘shhhh, please be quiet. I have to put my baby to sleep’. And then I proceeded to watch her rock and sway her doll exactly the way I do with Liza. I saw her kiss her baby’s forehead ever so gently as she quietly ‘shushed’ her baby over and over and then gingerly laid her in the cradle. And right then like a bolt of lightening it hit me. Even when I think she’s not paying any attention to me, even when I think what I’m doing is not important or isn’t apparent to anyone, I realized that children are always watching and learning by our example. It was such a heart-warming moment for me as I watched Summer mimic my every move with the night routine I have with Liza. But then I was struck by the realization that kids really are sponges. Everything we say and do affects them and they are just as likely to pick up on the negative things as the positive things. And just like that I thought, “I better stop cursing so much!” It’s true. I swear like a truck driver. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not ever directed AT my kids, but certainly when I’m on the phone or driving in the car and they are around it happens. And I rarely censor it. I haven’t tried to replace my words with other kind words like ‘Sugar!’ I really need to work on that though. Especially after seeing Summer the other night. She’s already a little mother at four years old. It really is inherent in so many little girls. They are programmed to tend and care for their babies. I can only hope she doesn’t utter any swear words under her breath when that baby just won’t fall asleep! 

Be well, 


Letting go a bit.

I'm fully prepared for the backlash I may receive regarding today's post.  Yikes.  Oh well.  Here goes...

I haven't laughed until I couldn't breathe in a while.  Actually, I can't even remember the last time I laughed hard enough to even pee myself.  Ugh.  Bummer.  I'm extremely practical.  I like to plan.  And I cannot be anything but responsible.  Boring, right?  I do know how to have fun and be goofy.  I am far from normal and probably give others some good laughs just based on my weirdness.  However, in my defense, I have a lot of responsibility...who doesn't?  Lots on my plate with lots of people relying on me to "get the job done".  Letting go and having fun means forgetting an important task...or at least that's how I feel.  Nonetheless, this constant seriousness has to stop.  And I realize that.  I'm not quite sure how to remedy it other than to make lists and only complete what is necessary and not go beyond that.  I do tend to put "fun" on the list and then get stressed when I don't check that box (ummm, issues much?).  One way I know how to have fun is when I am surrounded by water.  Pool time makes the list almost daily.  I am able to let go and give my kids their mother back.

So, here is where I may get in trouble...  Today, I noticed that myself and about 2 other adults were the only adults in the pool.  Packed with kiddos that had energy seeping from every pore.  Somewhat annoyed, I was shocked at how a lot of the kiddos had no boundaries and tended to steal other kids toys, shoot water guns, and try to dunk other kids that couldn't quite swim.  I know...they are just being kids!  And maybe I am just being a "helicopter parent".  But I looked around the pool deck and there were tons of parents talking on their cell phones, talking with their pals, or reading magazines, completely unaware of what their elementary-aged school children were up to.  I get it.  Its the pool.  Bring your kiddos to burn some of their energy off.  Cuz us parents have empty tanks and perhaps zero energy reserves.

Take it for what its worth...get in the pool with your kiddos!  It will fill up your tank and your reserves!  Ok, maybe get in at least a few times a week.  Learn to let go and refuel with fun!  I promise to join you!  And leave you with an awesome Nora Ephron quote...

Be Well,

"Here are some questions I am constantly noodling over: Do you splurge or do you hoard? Do you live every day as if it's your last, or do you save your money on the chance you'll live twenty more years? Is life too short, or is it going to be too long? Do you work as hard as you can, or do you slow down to smell the roses? And where do carbohydrates fit into all this? Are we really all going to spend our last years avoiding bread, especially now that bread in American is so unbelievable delicious? And what about chocolate?"
                                                                                             ~Nora Ephron

Your Health is Your Wealth

To all the moms out there who haven’t been physically well lately: wow---I am so sorry! You really don’t know how good it is to have your health until you don’t. I am only recently recovering from pneumonia. It really knocked me. I couldn’t stop sleeping and was in pain with no energy for seven days. I’m only really feeling better now after two full weeks of recovering.

When you’re a mom you are rarely ‘allowed’ to be sick. I mean, how does the household run when mom is down? I am fortunate to have a wonderful husband with a flexible job, a great baby sitter and some family near by; but, for those of you who don’t have that or lack a support network for one reason or another, it really takes its toll. I honestly don’t know how I would have managed it alone. I was not able to take care of myself, let alone parent my children. And all that time in bed trying to get better made me think of that saying we’ve all heard again and again…your health really is your wealth. What else in life truly matters?

It’s only when we hit our low points that we can truly come to appreciate the highs. But not even the ‘highs’ just the even keel. I struggled with an overwhelming sense of guilt while I was sick. I felt so bad that I was sleeping so much and that my kids were missing me and asking when I was going to be better. For some women out there, that time may never come and for others it’s a lot longer haul than two weeks! So all I can say is we have to try our best to not take one single second of good health for granted. It can all change in a heartbeat and we don’t know what is around the next corner. I do believe that when we have illness or injury it is our body’s way of saying SLOW DOWN. I couldn’t do anything but take it easy. Sometimes there is no other way to get us to stop and start taking care of ourselves. But please, take my advice and do something to take care of you every single day. NO GUILT. Just take time to be present and appreciate your pain free workout or your unlabored breathing. It’s the little things but boy do those little things ever add up.

Be Well,


No Matter How Slow You Go, You're Still Lapping Everybody On The Couch

There is a lot of competition in sports and fitness. It is easy to compare ourselves to others and can be discouraging when we don't feel we are good enough. Unless we are competing in a competition, it is not a contest. No one in our group fitness class is judging us, no one driving down the road is laughing at us as we jog by. There isn't a single person in our yoga class watching us, thinking we look completely ridiculous. Everyone else is more concerned about their own selves, and most likely not paying any attention to us. It is often our own insecurities that hold us back from becoming our best selves. We may not feel "fit enough" to take a fitness class, or start a workout program. Perhaps we don't feel knowledgeable enough to lift weights at the gym or we are embarrassed to try a new workout because we may not be able to keep up. All of those insecurities can be realities and may very well be difficult to overcome. Just know that we have all started somewhere, we have all been beginner's at some point. Make the decision to start. Whether it is a change in our nutrition, or we are beginning a workout program. Then, take it day by day, week by week. You will be glad you did.

Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and be well! 


"It doesn't get easier! YOU get better"!

I get all sorts of comments from participants after they take one of my classes. The comment I get the most is "It never gets easier"! I usually chuckle at that because they are right. It really doesn't ever get easier because we get stronger. When we get stronger, we push ourselves harder. We may change things up and go a little bit longer, dig a little deeper, or lift a bit heavier. Maybe we will have a longer interval, take less rest, or try a more challenging exercise. The point is, we change it up. As you become more fit and healthy, you will find that you will need to tweak things a bit by making your workouts more challenging. We cannot do what we've always done and expect change to occur. We must challenge ourselves. Enjoy getting better. Enjoy becoming stronger.

Be well, 


What makes YOU come alive?

My husband came home earlier this week with the idea that he needed to sell his bikes in order to spend more time with our kids. While I appreciate the thought, it broke my heart. He LOVES to ride his bike. Physically, it's a great workout! Mentally, it's a great stress reliever! Socially, it's his time to hang out with the guys! Not to mention, it's my favorite date night activity. I love that he rides his bike because it makes him a better person and I think it makes him a better dad. I believe when we do what we love, it makes us come alive! And that life will transfer to other areas in our lives. The joy and happiness that comes from doing what we love can spread like wildfire and ignite passion in others. An hour or two a couple times a week for yourself should not make you feel guilty when you spend every other waking moment  giving to others. It's healthy and good for you to recharge your body and your soul. What gets YOU excited? Take some time out and DO IT! There is always a way to fit it all in. You may have to make some adjustments to make it work, but that's ok. Find your passion and be well!



#Grace&Frankie indulgence.  While walking or jogging on my treadmill and while doing dishes at 4am, I watch Grace & Frankie  on Netflix.  I know.  We typically talk about something insightful on Thursdays...but today I just needed to say, "Please consider watching this show! All episodes! Both seasons!"  It is full of humor, life lessons, and IS wonderfully insightful!  That's all. Good night, y'all.

Be well and take time to enjoy your life, 


Get Your Eggo Preggo...

I was talking to a friend of mine about getting pregnant, infertility issues, etc...I hope this post can help those of you that struggle with similar issues. 

It took me 6 1/2 years to get pregnant. To this day, I'm not sure why it took so long, but all of my infertility issues were cleared up as soon as we adopted our first daughter. Bam! Just like that, I was pregnant and had another baby within the year. While I'm no doctor, I do love to read and research all things regarding health. In doing so, I discovered that research suggests that women who eat a healthy, well rounded diet are more likely to become pregnant.

 "One study conducted on couples who were having trouble with fertility found that a higher-protein, lower carb diet helped increase pregnancy rates. Eating a diet of 25% or more protein and 40% or less carbs improved egg quality and doubled the pregnancy rate in IVF patients as opposed to those following a higher carb, lower protein diet".

Eggs are a great source of high quality protein and fat. The yolk of an egg is also high in choline, which has been linked to less stress for mom and baby.

New research from Cornell University indicates that pregnant women who increase choline intake in the third trimester of pregnancy may reduce the risk of the baby developing metabolic and chronic stress-related diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes later in life. So, eat your eggs to improve the quality of your eggs.

Another important macronutrient while trying to become pregnant is omega 3 fatty acids. 

"When you get pregnant, omega-3s are great for the baby's brain development," says Palinski-Wade. But they're excellent to have in your diet now because your body needs the healthy fats to keep hormones functioning properly—so you can get pregnant in the coming months. Work more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet each day by consuming chia seeds, flax seeds or eating wild caught fish each week".

Don't forget to load up on fresh, locally grown vegetables and some fruits. Fruits and veggies are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that improve your overall health. 

Finally, remember to stay active, eat well and take care of yourself. Strict dieting and over exercising are not recommended when trying to conceive. Often, that type of lifestyle will lead to the absence of your menstrual cycle and interrupt your hormones. As with everything, we encourage you to be mindful and be well.


Power of Thought

 "My body becomes a physical manifestation of my thoughts. My power is NOT my body, my power is my mind"!-Kai Greene

Kai Greene, American IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and 2016 Mr. Olympia does not attribute his success to training and nutrition alone. He believes that his mind and thoughts are a key factor in his success.

Like Kai, I believe it's the power of our minds that will determine our successes. Whether you are a competitive athlete and want to improve your performance or you want to get leaner, stronger, and healthier, your thoughts will either make you or break you. I've spent a lot of years trying to overcome very negative self-talk. I told myself I was too heavy, had big legs, was not smart enough, didn't have the right genetics, etc...It was not only damaging to my mind and spirit, but also my body. I knew I had to change my pattern of thinking. I believe a person can think themselves healthy and fit by thinking encouraging and uplifting thoughts. Be positive and focus on your accomplishments. If you happen to veer from your path to wellness, shake it off and set new goals. You can ALWAYS make changes. Start today by thinking a positive thought that will improve your health or fitness.

Be well!

Summertime fun to keep your kids happy AND fit

It's that time of year when the kids are almost out of school and the days are getting warmer. You are wondering how you are going to keep them from strangling each other before summer ends. 

Here are a few ideas to keep those kids happy AND fit this summer. 

1. Join a seasonal swim team or join a pool where they can cool off, play, and have fun with other kids. Swimming is a great life skill, a total body exercise, and it's fun! Most seasonal swim teams start just after memorial day, so don't delay. 

2. Take a train ride to another city and explore. Yes, it takes longer to get to where you want to go, but it is such a great experience and one they won't forget.

3. Water games are always a fun way to cool off during the hot summer months. Get an attachment for your sprinkler, a slip'n slide, water balloons, or just turn on the hose.

4.  Create something! Pinterest has tons of craft ideas, science experiments, art projects, and games that will keep your kids busy for a few hours (ok, at least a few minutes). 

5. Go on an outing! Kids love an outing to pretty much anywhere that isn't their own house. Explore the children's museum, the library, science center, aquarium, a local farm or the zoo. Many cities offer free or discounted movies for kids, too. 

6. Take a hike! Living in North Carolina, we are lucky enough to be surrounded by mountains. A day trip to a state park for a hike and a picnic is one of our families favorite things to do.

7. Go for a bike ride, scooter ride or roller skate. Leave those motorized toys at home and get those legs moving and hearts pumping. 

8. Make a refreshing snack. Once again, Pinterest to the rescue. There you will find more than enough healthy summertime treats that kids will have a ball making. I love making fresh fruit popsicles. Simply puree your favorite fruits and pour them into a popsicle mold. Freeze for 2 hours.

I hope some of these ideas will help you have a happy, fit, and healthy summer! 

Be well