Power of Thought

 "My body becomes a physical manifestation of my thoughts. My power is NOT my body, my power is my mind"!-Kai Greene

Kai Greene, American IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and 2016 Mr. Olympia does not attribute his success to training and nutrition alone. He believes that his mind and thoughts are a key factor in his success.

Like Kai, I believe it's the power of our minds that will determine our successes. Whether you are a competitive athlete and want to improve your performance or you want to get leaner, stronger, and healthier, your thoughts will either make you or break you. I've spent a lot of years trying to overcome very negative self-talk. I told myself I was too heavy, had big legs, was not smart enough, didn't have the right genetics, etc...It was not only damaging to my mind and spirit, but also my body. I knew I had to change my pattern of thinking. I believe a person can think themselves healthy and fit by thinking encouraging and uplifting thoughts. Be positive and focus on your accomplishments. If you happen to veer from your path to wellness, shake it off and set new goals. You can ALWAYS make changes. Start today by thinking a positive thought that will improve your health or fitness.

Be well!