In beast mode


Some of my friends at work and I have been doing this workout for the last nine days. You start with 100 squats, 20 pushups and a 30 second plank and every day you increase your reps. You do get a day of rest every third day (much needed!) and it is a total of 31 days long. By the end of it you will have completed 10,000 squats, 2500 push-upsand a 5-minute plank. It truly is the building blocks of a BEAST!

From someone that hardly works out and finds it hard to fit in gym time, this has been a sore but fun dedication. The best part is we are all on a group thread on facebook and at the end of the day when we complete our challenge we upload silly pictures of ourselves from snapchat. It keeps the mood light and yet makes us all accountable for finishing the workout for the day. So go on and try the BEASTMODE challenge. I dare you!

Be well,


(workout is was beast but the site seems to no longer exist.) 
