
We all have days that aren't as productive as we planned. Sometimes, we are downright lazy. And there are other times when we may feel like we are running around like mad women. I've had more of those types of days since school has started up again. I still haven't quite found my groove, yet. I feel unorganized and not very productive. There is a pile of papers on my desk that need to be filed, kids that need to be driven everywhere, laundry done, meals cooked and much more. For some reason, all I really want to do is lay down on the couch and binge watch "Stranger Things" on Netflix. Then I feel guilty, and wake up at 4 am the next day to get caught up. Can anyone relate? I was browsing Instagram the other day when I saw this post. I laughed because I realized that I was getting too worked up over stuff that I didn't need to get worked up over. So, here is my surrender to a balanced life. Sometimes, you have to just take a deep breath after doing all you can do and accept that the rest will get done tomorrow. Or the day after that. 

Be balanced and be well

