Sad to be done.

I labored a patient recently who gave birth to her third baby. It was a relatively fast labor and smooth birth. The patient was delivered about an hour when it hit her. She said aloud, “I can’t believe I’ll never be pregnant again.” You could see that she was sad about this. It’s so interesting to me the amount of women who cannot wait to be done with pregnancy and just have their babies out; and then there are those that relish the whole thing and want to hold onto it forever. Once you’re holding your baby in your arms there is never a minute you wish they were back inside. However, the moments do strike you now and again that you’ll never feel them kick inside you again and it is a strange realization. And for those of us seasoned moms out there, no matter how miserable pregnancy can be for us, it really is easier with them IN rather than OUT. But alas, hindsight is 20/20 and no one realizes that at the time. Everyone rushes to get the baby out-- we choose elective inductions, we stir the pot any way we can to urge labor on. Patience is tested (as Marisa just experienced) as we wait for nature to take its course. But when they are finally here, we are so overcome with emotion that it doesn’t matter what the previous weeks felt like. All that matters is that our babies have safely entered our world. And just like that, our lives are transformed forever.

The ability to give birth and house a baby in our bodies for 9+months is so special. It really is something that should be relished and enjoyed to the fullest. Don’t get me wrong, it definitely has its struggles and challenges and giving our freedom up to our babies is not always easy. But it sure is worth it. And just like that patient who had been pregnant three times, there is definitely sadness and longing for what will never be again.

If you have made the decision that your family is complete, I’m sure you can somewhat relate to this feeling. And if you are about to embark on another pregnancy, try to take it all in your stride and enjoy it. As women, we are so blessed to be able to give new life. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

Be Well,