Sex and Sandwiches

A good friend of mine once told me that she believed the key to a good marriage was "good sex and sandwiches"! While I know there is more to a successful marriage than simply good sex and good food, I really do believe that it is the small and simple things that can matter most. Husbands and wives need to know their marriage partner cares for them, wants to spend time with them, and is willing to sacrifice for them. Everyone wants to feel loved and important. Though we mostly discuss health and fitness, wellness, and motherhood on this blog, it is important to remember that our relationship with our spouse can most definitely have an effect on our health. 

As a new mother, I was so overwhelmed with motherhood that I neglected the relationship that was most important. The busyness of being a mom combined with working part time and trying to keep myself healthy and fit left little time for my husband. I've heard all the excuses... I, myself, used to make a lot of excuses about how I was too tired, had a long day, my head was aching....I felt that there wasn't anything left to give him after spending a day with two babies. Either physically or emotionally.

Once I finally understood that my husband needed me and I needed him and if we were going to be a successful family, we really needed to help each other and rely on each other.  

Having a group of supportive friends that can help you and commiserate with you as you journey through motherhood is so important. My friend was there to teach me how to breastfeed when the lactation consultant fell short. My friends helped watch my kids for me when I needed them, gave me recipes, parenting advice, ANY advice.  I love my friends dearly, but I'm not married to them.  My husband and I love our kids more than anyone else and have their best interest at heart. He is the one who makes me laugh, the one who lifts me up. He is the one I want to talk to before I go to bed at night and when I get up in the morning. I love him and he is important to me, so I show him. It's the little things, ladies. A smile and a hug when he walks through the door after work, a nice (quiet and kidless) meal every now and again, date night, late night conversations...whatever it is, show each other they are still part of your world. Of course, it goes both ways, and he should also do things to make you happy, but someone needs to get the ball rolling (if it isn't already)! As I mentioned, a healthy marriage relationship is a huge part of your health.

Be happy, be loving, and be well!


Cry it out? Or not...


I went to Liza’s four-month check up last month and her pediatrician asked me how she was sleeping. First of all I thought maybe this was a trick question.  I said she sleeps well during the day (I think we have conquered the crib naps!) but her nighttime sleep is still quite broken. I get a good long stretch when I first put her down from maybe 6:30-12 but then it can be every 2 to 3 hour wake ups. And the pediatrician looked at me and said, “ you know she’s capable of sleeping through the night right now. My advice to you is turn your monitor down and your ears off and let her figure it out.” I said, “Really? Just let her cry?” She said “Yes, she really doesn’t need to breastfeed in the middle of the night anymore.” And so I left that appointment with the feeling that somehow I had been doing it all wrong. I guess I shouldn’t be tending to her every need and that I should let her cry more and figure things out and maybe that’s how we’d all get a lot more sleep. I talked it over with John and decided that we should probably try it. I needed to just toughen up and realize that she’s in a safe place, her needs are met, and after all its just noise right?

And then I really thought about it. She’s FOUR months old. FOUR. Not eight or ten months, FOUR. And I said to myself, this is insane. I’m not ready for it. I can’t just let her lay in a crib screaming when I know that if I go in and breastfeed her, she settles immediately and goes right back to sleep. And what does the pediatrician really care if I’m up every two hours during the night or not? She isn’t the one who has to deal with it. It was like a switch went off and I realized that although she was trying to be helpful she wasn’t the one to decide. I’m the mom-- I’m the one. And I get to decide what works and what doesn’t; and right now, although I’m exhausted and craving an empty bed and endless hours of sleep I am not willing to go through the cry it out method to get there just yet. Maybe in a few months I will be ready, or maybe I’ll never be ready. I’ve realized that I have to do what feels right. For now, it’s going in to tend to my baby’s needs and not get upset about it but to enjoy those night time snuggles and realize that this too, will pass.

I am in no way judging the moms who do the cry it out method. I think you need to do what feels right to you. If you commit to it, I do believe it will work. Stay the course and follow your gut. It won’t lead you astray. 

Be well, 


Build them up!

I know a lady who is absolutely amazing!  She is a wife, mother, talented athlete, an ultra-marathoner, a coach, and a friend. She has a beautiful energy about her that is so selfless and calming. Every time I see her, her eyes light up and she greets me with a huge smile. She makes me feel like I'm important and I feel she is genuinely interested in me. For that reason, she is my friend. 

The other day, I was reminded of a quote by Maya Angelou. "People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel."

One of the most motivating aspects of this journey to wellness is the people I have learned from. There are so many kind and generous people who are so willing to share their knowledge. I am inspired every day by  people who make me feel good about myself and encourage me to become better. It makes me want to do the same for others. There is enough backbiting and ugliness in the world. We need a world with more love and kindness. There are enough harsh words spoken. We need more words that uplift and inspire. 

Throughout our lives, there will be challenges and difficulties. None of us will ever escape it. I hope we choose to surround ourselves with others who support us and our endeavors. I hope we choose to uplift and be supportive to others. We have each experienced bad days, months, or even years. Sometimes, all we need is a break. A few words of encouragement, a pat on the back, a big smile, or a hug can go a long way. It is the easiest gift to give.

May we all be well and be kind!


Expectations & Reality

***My husband sent this to me a while back.  I thanked God he notices!***

***My husband sent this to me a while back.  I thanked God he notices!***

While cutting the grass this afternoon I tried to clear my brain and come up with a topic for today's post.  But my mind kept filling with all the tasks I had yet to do today.  And then it came to me:  I need super powers. 

I'm grateful for the tasks that I have.  It means we have food to eat on dishes, a house that has grass to play on, and clothes to wear so that we don't have to run around naked.  Although, my kiddos would probably love to run around sans clothes.  But at some point, expectations and responsibilities pile up without a chance to even recognize what we have taken on or said yes to.   Volunteer work, thank you cards, holiday cards, birthday cards, car pools, play dates, lunch dates, and returning phone calls and text messages.  All things most of us enjoy doing.  Again, here is another BUT: I can't do it all.  I'm sorry.  I'm making it known to all of you that don't get holiday cards or thank you cards (even though I am beyond grateful and make sure to verbally thank you).  I'm sorry that I don't always text you back.  I just can't seem to remember to do it all.   I mean no harm or rudeness.  Please do not take offense.

Moving forward, know that I DO NOT expect thank you cards, holiday cards, text messages, or a birthday card!  We are all doing the best we can with what we have.  At the end of the day, try to let some things go.  I bet we would all be happier if we just let go.  Sanity might return and a willingness for more random acts of kindness might appear.  Stop the cycle.  Stress less by doing just a little less.  We might be wearing super hero capes but we aren't perfect and even super heroes have their limits :)

Be Well on Your Journey,


As I was driving home from the gym this morning, I noticed a bumper sticker on the car in front of me. It said, "I'm sorry I'm driving so close...when I'm IN FRONT OF YOU"!

I chuckled at that and thought how impatient we are. Always needing to go faster and get there sooner. I'm not judging.  I, too, have the tendency to want things, and want them NOW.  However, instant gratification isn't always possible.  We may have the tendency to want the greatest reward in the fastest way possible with the least amount of work, but most things in life don't work that way.  Many authors of diet and exercise books would have you believe you can achieve your health and fitness goals in no time at all. They offer 10, 20, and 30 day solutions, claiming you can lose weight and get fit in that short amount of time. I'm here to tell you that it is not that simple. Your body and your health may have been neglected for years and that is not something you can fix in just a few days. Fitness, health, and wellness take time, so be patient. I hear women talking about getting their pre-pregnancy bodies back right after they've delivered. I'm embarrassed to say, but I was one of them. Jogging just 4 days after delivering one of my daughter's. I look back and think how ridiculous that was to push my body so hard physically when what it needed most was rest. We live and we learn and the next time around, I enjoyed my six weeks of walking and stretching and easing back into my workouts. I can't begin to explain how much better I felt overall. 

If you have recently started a nutrition or fitness program and are frustrated because "it's not working fast enough", I encourage you to be patient and realize that change will come, but it takes time. Don't let that discourage you. Continue to be diligent in your efforts and recognize the small changes that show your progress, not just your end goal. Maybe you haven't lost the 30 lbs you gained after your last pregnancy, but you are getting stronger and feel better. So, give yourself a high five and smack on the butt for putting forth the effort it takes to change. 

Be patient, and be well!


In it together.

My sister has been here visiting from Maine for the past three days. It’s been heavenly. She digs in and helps and does the mundane tasks around the house that need to be done without even being asked. It has truly been a gift. Today I got to sleep in for three hours while she took Liza (my four month old) and brought Summer to preschool. It was bliss!


While she was here spending time with Summer, she drew dots on a paper for Summer to connect and make letters. GENIUS! Summer did it so well and was so proud of herself.  And I was so happy to see her doing something new; but I couldn’t help but beat myself up. Why haven’t I done that with her before? What part of me as a mom was failing her? So as my sister and I chatted on the couch last night, I expressed my guilt and told her I felt like a bad mom. Her response was immediately, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? That’s why you have me. It takes a village. Now you know this is something she likes that also helps her learn. It’s all good. You don’t have to think of everything.” In other words, it’s ok….guilt is a useless emotion. I did just have Liza four short months ago. I don’t have the concentrated time to spend with Summer like I once did. I make a point to read to her and spend time with her outside every day. I do lots of creative play and we have dance parties in our kitchen but I haven’t been teaching her how to write. She is three. She’s going to learn. She is a smart kid. I’m doing the best I can.

I just want every mom out there to realize that.  We are all just trying to be the best moms we can be and some days we excel and some days it’s survival mode and we get by on a wing and a prayer. But once my sister explained to me that we are all in this together and we can learn from one another, I definitely breathed a sigh of relief. Hope this helps all you over achieving moms out there to take a step back and realize that we don’t have to put so much pressure on ourselves. We have each other to lean on for a reason. Reach out to your village and know you are not alone.

Be Well, 


Anyone can give up...

"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength".



Feels like I write an awful lot about overcoming challenges. It's something I feel I need to work on, I suppose. I've always been a "go getter" type of girl. I remember when I was a kid, I would tape motivational quotes on my closet door instead of posters of rock bands. A teenage boy once told me I had a big butt, so I started running and lost 20 lbs. I had no problem motivating myself to workout, even though at the time, I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I was extremely competitive, but very hard on myself when I didn't perform the way I wanted to or thought I should.  

I don't tell you these things to brag about strength. I tell you these things because I've learned after all these years that being strong and having strength isn't about "not breaking down". It's about trying your hardest to be better and accepting yourself even if you don't achieve the goal....and not giving up. Sure, it's easier to quit when things get tough. We might even break down and cry...Everyone does sometimes. But sticking it out when things get tough...Not quitting even though you want to...That's strength. 

We all have our own personal kryptonite. Our weaknesses can be made strengths, if we have the will.

Be strong, women of the world! Don't give up! Your strengths can strengthen others and your weaknesses can be strengthened.

Be well! 



As I took a walk this beautiful morning I kept stumbling upon newspapers lying on driveways with this word staring up at me: CHANGE.  It got me thinking…we are all in a constant state of change. The world, our environment, our families, our bodies….every thing around us is ever changing--nothing is stagnant, nothing stays the same. Isn’t that what keeps it all interesting?
Or does it?

It’s often been said that the only person who likes change is a baby with a dirty diaper. Speaking as a parent of a new baby, I can vouch for that. Her screeches and whines quickly turn to smiles and coos as soon as I lay her down on that changing table. But why is it so many of us shy away from change?  What about it makes us want to run away from it? As the spring season is upon us I thought it would be a good topic to broach. After all, spring is the season of change, right? I am always in awe of the new buds and blossoms that take over the once barren tree branches. The bursts of color everywhere really make me happy. It reminds me that this time of year is a time of renewal and rebirth. It’s a great time to make some changes in your life. Commit to something new, start an exercise program, make healthier food choices, vow to be more positive. Whatever it is you decide, realize that we are capable of great things. We really can do anything we put our minds to. We are evolving every day and have the power of great change. It doesn’t have to be a big scary undertaking. In fact, sometimes the littlest changes make the biggest impact. So start small. Think of something you’d like to change about the way you live and do it. The time is now.

Be well on your journey,

Be Happy!


Happiness is something we all desire. It's innate to want to achieve it. Certainly we can not expect to go through life without difficulties and challenges. The hard times are what make happiness so desirable. So? What is it that makes YOU happy? Should we delay our happiness until we attain a specific goal? Perhaps we think, "I will be happy when...".  I  think it is great to have goals, and especially great to challenge ourselves to become better.  However, I don't believe our happiness should be based on achievement alone. Happiness is a journey, not a destination.  So, discover what you love and what makes you happy...what is it that excites you and makes you want to jump out of bed?  Life is too short, so get happy! 

Be well


You are worth it.

I had my beautiful second daughter, Liza, 11 weeks ago. This week I started back to work--sad, but true. My first night down was a big accomplishment and it went fairly smoothly so I decided to treat myself to a facial today. I had been scrimping and saving all maternity leave and felt now that I was back in the work force earning some money I could justify a little splurge. It turns out it was the best decision I could have made.

As busy moms, whether you work outside the home or not, it’s a true luxury to have any sort of down time where the focus is on YOU. Whether it’s going to get a mani/pedi, a massage, a facial, or just some time ‘off’ while you stroll the mall aimlessly and window-shop. I have come to find that paying for childcare to do something like this is ENTIRELY WORTH IT! Or, if you’re lucky you have family to help out and that doesn’t add to the cost. Any way you look at it, it’s money well spent because at the end of it you feel recharged. You are more able to give of yourself because your tank has been filled up. Why, as women, we are so guilty and reluctant to take time out for ourselves I’ll never know. Because when we do, it feels dam good! And it is completely necessary. After 11 weeks of sleepless nights, countless diaper changes and doing more loads of laundry than I ever thought possible, it was pure bliss to lie on a comfortable bed and be pampered. While I was lying there, the never ending  ‘to do list’ would pop into my head. So I kept thinking to myself,  ‘BE HERE NOW’.  It helped me savor the moment and realize that taking time for ourselves needs to be a priority. Because, as the saying goes, “When mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”.

So I’m challenging all you ladies out there who haven’t done anything for yourselves in far too long to think about what would help recharge your batteries. Just pick up the phone, set a date and make it happen. You will thank me….and so will your husband and kids. Go on--you’re worth it!

It's not what you do in the gym that makes you fit, it's what you do all day!

If you were to exercise for one hour each day, you would be spending only 4% of your day working out.  FOUR PERCENT! That is not a very significant amount, yet studies show that just 60 minutes of exercise 3-5 days/week yields health benefits including weight control, disease prevention, improved mood, energy, and sleep.  However, just because you meet that recommendation doesn't necessarily make you healthy OR fit. We've discussed this topic before and we've concluded that exercising simply isn't enough to keep your body healthy and well. If you feel like you are just spinning your wheels with your workouts, and not making progress with your fitness and health, it's time to take a look at what you are doing the other 96% of your day. How are you eating and sleeping? Are you stressed out or working too much? Do you have fulfilling relationships, or desIre more time spent with your family? Do you spend too much time watching tv? Could you benefit from taking vitamins or supplements? The point I'm trying to make is that there are so many things that can affect our health and our fitness. Wellness is defined as "the quality of being healthy in body and mind as a result of deliberate effort". So, if you feel like you are not making progress in your health and fitness, look at your lifestyle, not just your workouts. We can all make improvements, whether it's drinking more water or cutting out processed foods...We challenge you to make a change for the better.

We want to hear from you; what did you change and how did that change make you feel? 

To be continued....but until then, be well!


Surprise in a Box

Our first Koala Crate

Our first Koala Crate

...seems all the rage these days.  And my family and I have hopped on that wagon.  We have a local produce and food goods box delivered every Tuesday from Salem Delights; a kiddo activity box from Koala Crate sent every month (a thoughtful b-day gift from my husband); and an organic spa products box from The Good Box (another cool gift from my husband) sent monthly (I have yet to receive this one).

So far, we have absolutely loved getting our treats from Salem Delights.  Their customer service is on point and magically, our kiddos are beginning to enjoy eating vegetables.  They open the box together and yell out each item as they hand it to me and I stash it in our fridge. 

We got our first Koala Crate today and enjoyed putting together a transportation site.  I'm sleep deprived most days and my brain isn't far from feeling like a plate of scrambled eggs.  Guilt is rarely a productive state of being but I will admit, I feel guilty for not feeling more creative.  Painting, writing, renovating the homes we have lived in, landscaping...all things I love and do; but lately, I'm stumped.  Help is needed.  And this cute little box saved the day.

Who out there has similar subscriptions?  We would love to here from you!

Be Well,

Click here to preview 20 different box subscriptions.

"If you always do what you've always done, you will continue to get what you've always got"!

I'm not sure who coined that phrase, but I hear it over and over again and I believe it is so true. This can be applied to any aspect of our lives, but I want to talk about it as it applies to fitness and health. We can not expect changes to occur in our fitness, if we keep doing the same workouts that do not bring results. Every body responds differently to different workouts. What once challenged and changed your physique may not continue to yield results. Therefore, there is a need to make a change if you want to continue to get stronger, have more endurance or change the way your body looks. If you feel stuck, try something new. If you ALWAYS run, try taking a fitness class or lifting weights. If you only do cardio, try Yoga, Barre, or Pilates. And if you workout all the time and mix it up often, try taking a rest. It is AMAZING what a few days or weeks off can rejuvenate the mind and body and give those nagging aches and pains time to recover and heal. I often joke about how getting breast implants healed my plantar fasciitis. I couldn't do anything other than walk for three weeks and my body definitely needed the rest.

It's not all about your workouts, either. Maybe you need to sleep more, or drink more water, stop smoking, or de-stress. So, once again, we encourage you to listen to YOUR body and see what changes you can make in order to improve your state of health and well-being. 

Be well! 


Defying odds

"Stair Jumps 🐸 #ForeverFaster #kallasmanagement"

This is Norway's Ezinne Okparaebo, a sprinter.  She is preparing for the 2016 games this Summer in Rio.  We cannot wait to see her run!  

She is an inspiration and surely makes us want to channel our inner athletes'!  What about you?!

Be Well,

The moment you feel like giving up...

"The moment you feel like giving up is usually the moment when change is about to occur".

~Jeanette Jenkins, The Hollywood Trainer

There have been many times in my life when I have felt like giving up, throwing in the towel, crawling into bed and pulling the covers over my head...I'm sure we have all experienced those feelings at some point in our lives. That's part of our journey, right? The ups and downs, the happy times, and the not so happy times.  Sometimes we sail along and everything seems to be going our way, then all of a sudden, it isn't. In contrast, sometimes it feels as though nothing is going our way and our lives are nothing like we planned...and then there is change. Our lives are constantly in a state of flux. The challenges and resistance we feel can make us stronger if we push through and never give up. Or we can throw our hands up and remain unchanging, never growing.

I have participated in several different athletic events, each challenging not only my body, but also my mind. I have noticed that the mind usually gives up long before the body does. A few years ago, I rode my bike to the summit of three mountains near my home. The ride was about 80 miles long. It was hot and humid in the middle of the summer and the most difficult climb was at the end of the ride. I pedaled up that last mountain, my legs were burning and my chest felt as if it were going to explode. As I came to the steepest part of the climb, I saw other riders simply turn around and start on their descent. Had they kept going, they would have discovered that it was the last steep incline, then it began to level out and the ride wasn't nearly as strenuous. I felt strangely empowered as I stood at the top of that mountain, knowing I didn't give up.
On another occasion, I thought it would be fun to swim around the island of key west. It turned out to be one of the most physically challenging experiences of my life. Towards the end of the race, with 12 and a half miles under my belt and just one mile to go, I turned onto my back and started to cry. I told my husband, who was kayaking next to me, that I was DONE! I simply couldn't take another stroke. I was exhausted, sea sick, and my shoulder hurt so much I could barely lift it out of the water. He looked at me and said, "Babe! You can not quit now, you have come so far. I can see the buoy, you just have one more mile to swim. You CAN go on"! I finished that race, and though it was not even close to being fun, I'm glad I did it. I'm glad I accomplished the goal I had set for myself and I'm glad I didn't give up.

After I had my second daughter, I decided to compete in a figure competition. The challenging part of training was the discipline it took to adhere to such a strict diet and the mental focus it took to train in such a way that it would change my physique.  I took it one day at a time, and soon my body began to transform. Drastically.  I remember when my trainer, Malcolm Marshall, would put me on the leg extension machine. I would knock out repetition after repetition. My legs were burning and I felt as though I could not perform one more rep...That is when he would get down and look me in the eyes and push against me and tell me to resist...RESIST...RESIST...RESIST!!! KEEP HOLDING! It literally took all I had to kick up and not let the plates come crashing down. I had tears streaming down my face and felt broken. It was so hard...I wanted to quit and eat some ice cream. He encouraged me to stay strong and keep focused. He also told me that change I wanted would only occur under resistance and pressure.
Just like a diamond forms from carbon placed under extreme heat and pressure, we can also be changed into something stronger and more beautiful when we resist the physical, mental,and emotional heat and pressure placed on us.
Never give up! Not on your workouts. Not on your health. Not on yourself. Stay strong under the pressure and know that change is about to occur.
Be well!




Please Listen

"When you Talk you are only Repeating what you know; but when you Listen, you may Learn something new."  ~Dalai Lama

What started out as a conversation with my 8 yr. old daughter quickly turned into a power struggle and it appeared that whoever could raise their voice the loudest would be the winner. It didn't take but a few seconds for me to realize that arguing my point louder than should could argue hers was pointless. I took a deep breath, became silent and listened to her finish saying what she wanted to say. It was amazing to see the change in her tone and her demeanor when she was finally heard.
Listening may be one of the most important but many times unpracticed skills a person can possess. We all want to be heard and understood, though it can be difficult to find the patience to simply listen and possibly learn something new.

Listening can be a great tool on your journey to achieving and maintaining wellness. 
Not only is it important to listen to others, but to also listen to ourselves. Have you ever taken the time to peacefully ponder what it is that YOUR body, mind or spirit need in that moment? Take a moment to sit quietly and think about how you are feeling physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Your body may be trying to tell you something. Are you feeling tired, injured, stressed or emotionally drained? Do you have trouble sleeping, concentrating or feeling happy? I'm not suggesting any quick fixes or remedies, rather I want to encourage you to take some quiet moments to listen to your body and evaluate yourself and your needs. As mothers, we tend to give a lot of attention and put a lot of our energy into our families...which is great and necessary. However, in serving and loving and giving to those around you, don't neglect YOU. 

With the busy holiday season upon us, it can be a great time to practice finding a peaceful time to learn something new about ourselves, our bodies, our health and set goals for the upcoming year.
And be well!

50 miles

A good friend of mine sent this to me the night before the most recent 50-miler I tackled.  Isn't it awesome?!  Why wouldn't you want to put yourself in a situation where you have the chance to live like a cave woman again?  LOL!  Ultra-running is humbling, challenging, and liberating.  I suppose that is why I do it.

Rewind 16 years and you'd find me sitting in a college sports philosophy class feeling inadequate, amazed, and intrigued as I read about a woman that finished a triathlon called an Ironman.  She swam 2.4 miles, rode her bicycle 112, and then ran 26.2 miles.  Unsure of what exactly ignited my curiosity and interest in experiencing that particular event, I am certain today that my curiosity has not waned and I continue to go after adventures that are physically challenging.  Which brings me to the 2015 Nashville Ultramarathon.

The event itself was straightforward--well organized, moderately supported, and quite small.  I ran 37 of 50 miles completely alone.  It was glorious!  Just me and my thoughts for 6 hours.  A quote from The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is perhaps the best way to describe how I felt: "I felt very still and empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo."  

I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to run and at the same time for my family to have been there to celebrate a truly simple act: running.  

I think I have mentioned it before but I'll go ahead and admit it again, I hope to teach my children, through running, to love what they do and to not be afraid to work hard.  To accept success and failure and find lessons learned from each experience.  To be humble, transparent, and compassionate.  To be joyful, passionate, and intense.  And that life should never be without humor.

Running has taught me to accept humility, to rise above it, and to never stop moving.  

Find what makes you move!  

Take on a challenge!

And be well on your journey,

Sugar Detox: Day 3

You are now halfway through your third day. Some of you seem to be sailing through just fine. Others are having difficulty. If you ate a healthful diet before starting this cleanse, you are probably feeling fine. If you are accustomed to eating more processed, sugar laden foods, you may be experiencing headaches, fatigue, light headedness, etc... There really it's no correct way to feel, as everyone is so different. However, I can tell you from experience that each day gets easier as your body begins to adjust. For me, once I get past day three, I feel pretty good, but that may not be your experience. Try to work through it by taking a walk, or a well deserved nap. Read a book or take a bath in Epsom salt. Yoga and massage are both great ways to detox the body.  It does take discipline at first to follow this program, but I encourage you not to give up just yet. Changing your health takes time, but can change relatively quickly when you give your body what it needs. 

Be consistent

And as always... Be well! 


Sugar Detox: Day 1

I hope you have all gotten off to a good start on our 10-day sugar detox. I am excited about completing this challenge with you and I am looking forward to hearing from you about what you experience over the next 10 days.

When I followed this program in July, I found the first couple of days to be somewhat of a challenge, as I was trying to fugue out what to eat exactly.  The best advice I can give you is to make sure your refrigerator and pantry are loaded with the foods you CAN eat while following this program.  Make sure you have a lot of nuts and seeds, VEGETABLES, and lean proteins. Eggs and avocados were my saving grace...

The other important advice I can give you is to make sure you stay hydrated. Drink the recommended 8 cups of water each day. Add  fresh lemon juice and let the detoxing begin. 

It is important to note that you do not need to change your workout regimen unless you want to. Because you are not getting the carbohydrates and sugars your body is used to, it is possible you will feel sluggish and perhaps light-headed. If this is the case, slow it down Or try again another day. Sweating is detoxifying, as well, so we encourage it, but we also want you to listen to YOUR OWN BODY. After all, this detox is about YOU and YOUR health. We are all different and what works for some doesn't necessarily mean it will work for all.

Feel free to comment or contact us if you have any questions.  

Be well!