Sex and Sandwiches

A good friend of mine once told me that she believed the key to a good marriage was "good sex and sandwiches"! While I know there is more to a successful marriage than simply good sex and good food, I really do believe that it is the small and simple things that can matter most. Husbands and wives need to know their marriage partner cares for them, wants to spend time with them, and is willing to sacrifice for them. Everyone wants to feel loved and important. Though we mostly discuss health and fitness, wellness, and motherhood on this blog, it is important to remember that our relationship with our spouse can most definitely have an effect on our health. 

As a new mother, I was so overwhelmed with motherhood that I neglected the relationship that was most important. The busyness of being a mom combined with working part time and trying to keep myself healthy and fit left little time for my husband. I've heard all the excuses... I, myself, used to make a lot of excuses about how I was too tired, had a long day, my head was aching....I felt that there wasn't anything left to give him after spending a day with two babies. Either physically or emotionally.

Once I finally understood that my husband needed me and I needed him and if we were going to be a successful family, we really needed to help each other and rely on each other.  

Having a group of supportive friends that can help you and commiserate with you as you journey through motherhood is so important. My friend was there to teach me how to breastfeed when the lactation consultant fell short. My friends helped watch my kids for me when I needed them, gave me recipes, parenting advice, ANY advice.  I love my friends dearly, but I'm not married to them.  My husband and I love our kids more than anyone else and have their best interest at heart. He is the one who makes me laugh, the one who lifts me up. He is the one I want to talk to before I go to bed at night and when I get up in the morning. I love him and he is important to me, so I show him. It's the little things, ladies. A smile and a hug when he walks through the door after work, a nice (quiet and kidless) meal every now and again, date night, late night conversations...whatever it is, show each other they are still part of your world. Of course, it goes both ways, and he should also do things to make you happy, but someone needs to get the ball rolling (if it isn't already)! As I mentioned, a healthy marriage relationship is a huge part of your health.

Be happy, be loving, and be well!