Build them up!
/I know a lady who is absolutely amazing! She is a wife, mother, talented athlete, an ultra-marathoner, a coach, and a friend. She has a beautiful energy about her that is so selfless and calming. Every time I see her, her eyes light up and she greets me with a huge smile. She makes me feel like I'm important and I feel she is genuinely interested in me. For that reason, she is my friend.
The other day, I was reminded of a quote by Maya Angelou. "People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel."
One of the most motivating aspects of this journey to wellness is the people I have learned from. There are so many kind and generous people who are so willing to share their knowledge. I am inspired every day by people who make me feel good about myself and encourage me to become better. It makes me want to do the same for others. There is enough backbiting and ugliness in the world. We need a world with more love and kindness. There are enough harsh words spoken. We need more words that uplift and inspire.
Throughout our lives, there will be challenges and difficulties. None of us will ever escape it. I hope we choose to surround ourselves with others who support us and our endeavors. I hope we choose to uplift and be supportive to others. We have each experienced bad days, months, or even years. Sometimes, all we need is a break. A few words of encouragement, a pat on the back, a big smile, or a hug can go a long way. It is the easiest gift to give.
May we all be well and be kind!