Expectations & Reality

***My husband sent this to me a while back.  I thanked God he notices!***

***My husband sent this to me a while back.  I thanked God he notices!***

While cutting the grass this afternoon I tried to clear my brain and come up with a topic for today's post.  But my mind kept filling with all the tasks I had yet to do today.  And then it came to me:  I need super powers. 

I'm grateful for the tasks that I have.  It means we have food to eat on dishes, a house that has grass to play on, and clothes to wear so that we don't have to run around naked.  Although, my kiddos would probably love to run around sans clothes.  But at some point, expectations and responsibilities pile up without a chance to even recognize what we have taken on or said yes to.   Volunteer work, thank you cards, holiday cards, birthday cards, car pools, play dates, lunch dates, and returning phone calls and text messages.  All things most of us enjoy doing.  Again, here is another BUT: I can't do it all.  I'm sorry.  I'm making it known to all of you that don't get holiday cards or thank you cards (even though I am beyond grateful and make sure to verbally thank you).  I'm sorry that I don't always text you back.  I just can't seem to remember to do it all.   I mean no harm or rudeness.  Please do not take offense.

Moving forward, know that I DO NOT expect thank you cards, holiday cards, text messages, or a birthday card!  We are all doing the best we can with what we have.  At the end of the day, try to let some things go.  I bet we would all be happier if we just let go.  Sanity might return and a willingness for more random acts of kindness might appear.  Stop the cycle.  Stress less by doing just a little less.  We might be wearing super hero capes but we aren't perfect and even super heroes have their limits :)

Be Well on Your Journey,