Sugar detoxing...

Sugar detox:
We are excited about the feedback we have already received and are so excited to complete the 10-day sugar detox. I will be taking part in this experience with you. I have done this detox before and had a great experience. Lauren is in the last stages of her pregnancy and Marisa is competing in a 50-mile ultra marathon next weekend, so they will not be participating at this time, but at a later date. Many of you have been asking questions about the specifics of this 10-day program.  I will be posting every day for the next several days to make sure you are prepared to begin next Wednesday, November 4th.

First, this is a sugar detox adapted from the book "The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet" by Dr. Mark Hyman, MD. The suggestions we will be giving you are his recommendations.

Before you begin, you will need to prepare mentally. This is a 10-day detox that will help reboot your body, metabolism, and restore good health. This is not meant to be a long-term diet regimen, although, you may experience a drastic reduction of cravings, feel great, and want to continue. Listen to your own body, become aware of how you feel before, during, and after the 10 days. It is important to be your own detective, and after the 10 days, we hope you will discover what it is that YOU need in order to achieve overall wellness and good health.

The second thing you will need to do is plan your grocery list. When you have the recommended foods stocked and easily accessible, it will set you up for a successful detox.

Tomorrow, I will post a detailed grocery list, but for now, understand that you will be eliminating sugar in all its forms for 10 days. This includes all processed sugars, honey, maple syrup, molasses, rice syrup, fruit, grains, legumes, dairy, gluten and alcohol. It is also recommended that you abstain from caffeine and artificial sweeteners. I realize that seems overwhelming and you are probably asking, "what CAN I eat"??? No worries, there are many foods you will be able to enjoy. Check back tomorrow for a grocery list. Please comment if you have any questions or would like us to address anything in particular. Until tomorrow,
Be well!


The largest organ


When we talk about being healthy and doing what’s best for our bodies, often we only focus on what we are eating and putting INTO our bodies. We neglect to think about the fact that our skin is our largest organ and what we put ON our bodies is equally important. Especially as moms of little people, it’s a topic worth talking about. I’m a sucker when it comes to some good scents I have to admit. I love a nice smelling shampoo and lotion. However, when you read about all the horrible chemicals used in our body products, it’s actually quite alarming. Many of the same ingredients used to make shampoo lather and smell good are things that also cause cancer and who knows what else?!  Our environment, that's what else.

I have recently jumped on board the natural product train. Marisa introduced me to this website,, where you can get many natural and organic products for cheaper. Everything from toothpaste to make-up to shampoo and body wash are available on this site. It’s a great place to start if you want to try out some products that are not harmful to our bodies and our babies’ bodies. 

As moms and health promoters it’s crucial to read labels and to be proactive in preventing potential illness and disease; not only by watching what we eat and how much we exercise, but also by what is absorbed through our skin. What laundry detergent are you using? Do you know what is in it that makes it smell so good? Consider going for one that is eco friendly and also has natural additives in it rather than one full of chemicals. 

A good guide to consult when researching chemicals that are harmful and what to look out for when choosing skin care products can be found on:

It’s time to start being mindful of everything we are putting in and on our bodies. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that there is a rise in cancers and other illnesses in today’s world. True, we are all budget-conscious and love a good bargain; but when it comes to our health and wellbeing isn’t it worth spending the extra money to know exactly what we are consuming?  

Be well, 


Put a new spin on it.

A good friend shared this with me, knowing that my life has had its fair share of challenges recently.  I can read this and laugh and think I am capable of putting a positive spin on everything.  Finding humor in it all.  But when consumed by the challenge, I forget to even look for the humor, let alone find it.  

Well, let's remind each other to search and find the humor in life!  And let's not take ourselves too seriously!  And by the way...I'm still trying to figure out why and at what age passing gas became embarrassing versus funny.  Hearing my 1 and 3 year old toot can induce a laugh session worthy of an ab workout. 

Be well, 


Actions louder than words

"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say".
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

When I was in middle school, I was walking home from the bus stop with my younger sister when a boy yelled out a derogatory comment about about the size of my butt. When I got home, I put on my sneakers and went outside for a run. I've been committed to exercise ever since.

I don't remember being a fat child, but I was very tall and towered over everyone in my class, including the boys. People often called me "big", which in my mind meant "fat". I was occasionally teased about my size, but one day in particular a teacher at my school told me that he saw me jumping rope. He then told me that I did a good job, "for a little fat girl". His words were embarrassing and hurtful. It's been almost 30 yrs. since that day, yet I still remember it. Those hurtful words and others have affected me and the way I've felt about myself practically my entire life. Perhaps I have educated myself about health and fitness because of those early childhood experiences, and for that I am grateful because I am able to share that knowledge with you. Hopefully, we can learn to instill positivity and a feeling of self worth in our children.

My message today is to all mothers.  Please be careful about the comments you make to your children regarding their bodies and more importantly, be careful about the things you say about your own bodies. 

"50% of teenage girls and 30% of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting, and taking laxatives to control their weight" [1].

This statistic disturbs me and my goal is to offer some advice on how you can teach and educate your children to not only be healthy, but feel confident about themselves and their bodies.

First, never, EVER, call a child too fat or too skinny. These words do not define your child and labeling them or calling them names will not do any good, nor will it change them. Be kind and respectful. If you want to help them become healthier, make a decision that the entire family become healthier instead of singling them out. We can ALL eat better and take better care of ourselves.

Second, focus on health instead of appearances. Explain that It's important to eat well in order to run fast and play without getting tired, have more energy, and avoid getting diseases caused by an unhealthy diet. Educate your children about eating fruits and vegetables and how it helps you become healthier and strong. Focusing on appearances will only encourage children to set unrealistic goals about body size and can damage their self esteem.

Third, be active as a family. Go hiking or ride bikes together. Walk to the pool or park instead of drive a car. Jump rope, play hop scotch, set up an obstacle course in the yard, dance in your living room. Being active doesn't mean your child has to exercise on the treadmill or be involved with a sport. Being active means MOVING! Set limits on tv watching and video game playing, then go out and have fun!

Finally, your children see and hear everything you say and do. If YOU are critical of your body and are always on a diet, or if YOU are constantly comparing yourself to others, they will too. Be kind to yourself, and teach your children through your example how they can achieve good health that will last a lifetime. Remember the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson. "What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say"! Be the best example you can be to your family and be well!

Be Well,

  1. Neumark Sztainer, D. (2005). I’m, Like, SO Fat! New York: The Guilford Press. pp. 5.


"Your thoughts are the architect of your destiny"
-David O. McKay

The mind can be a powerful tool, or it can be a powerful weapon.

It is crucial during this journey to wellness that we watch our thoughts and make a conscious effort to keep them positive and uplifting. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about being kind to ourselves; not beating ourselves up for our imperfections. It can be difficult, especially when we set very high expectations. However, beating ourselves up doesn't do any good, nor does it change the result of our actions. 

Once there was a mouse that fell into a bowl of milk and could not get himself out. He could have resorted to drowning, but instead, he swam. He kicked his legs hard, and kept kicking, despite the exhaustion he felt, after a few minutes of kicking, the milk was churned to butter and the mouse crawled out. 

It's a silly little sorry, but the message is powerful. WE choose how we react to our situations. WE decide if we are going to overcome our negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves or if we are going to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over our heads. Truth be told, I've done it both ways... And looking back, the days when I got up, looked at myself in the mirror, and told myself that it would be a better day, it actually WAS a better day. I will never forget one of my college professors who said, "Things turn out the best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out!"  So, ladies, today is YOUR day! Get up and kick YOUR legs as hard as you something today that will empower you and make you feel good about yourself. Whether it's getting in a great workout, going for a walk, getting a massage or simply putting on some makeup!

Be happy and be well!

"Raising Rippers"

Freelance journalist, mother, ultra runner, Katie Arnold, writes Raising Rippers for Outside online. In her words, her blog is about "bringing up adventurous, outdoor kids."  If you haven't already, her blog is worth checking out.  It is inspiring, humorous, and yes, adventurous.  

Are we sheltering our kids?  Are we allowing them to dictate their days and their parents' days?  Are WE overloading their youth with too many organized activities (sports, dance, gymnastics, music lessons, karate, cooking classes, boy/girl scouts, etc.)?  Whatever happened to free play?  What ever happened to facilitated adventure and giving kids freedom to explore?

I'm not sure where or when playtime became a "chore" and screen-time became the desired activity.  Nonetheless, this generation of youth seems to be missing out on developing the kind of intelligence and common sense that the great wild outdoors teaches us.  I suppose I make a statement like this based on the CDC's stats regarding childhood obesity, being a high school sports coach within the past decade, and simply having young children of my own and witnessing what they are interested in and what their friends are interested in.  Unfair?  Maybe.  But I said it.  And yes, these are just speculations.  But we need to start somewhere.  And we need to start now.  Let's get our kids outside.  Let's get our kids dirty.  Let plant gardens, hike mountains, swim in oceans, and run through fields.  

Enjoy the outdoors!  It's free space.  Can't get any better than that!

Be Well,

Eat Kind.


"If you are persistant, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it"

One day I was running with a friend, who also happens to be a therapist, lucky me. She told me,"For every period of restriction is an equally long period of bingeing".

These words were true for me, as they are for thousands of others who suffer from either an eating disorder or disordered eating. Confession; I also struggled with disordered eating and as challenging as it was to overcome, I was able to overcome the struggle I had with food. You too CAN overcome it. Dieting can be a way of life. Do you ever feel like you are constantly on "a diet".? Are you always looking for the magic solution to lose weight and get fit? I used to eat clean 5 days a week, only to blow it on the weekend, feel horribly guilty, and then commit myself to starting again on Monday, with a determination to eat clean every day for the rest of my life. The problem with that mindset was that it was a nearly impossible goal and in order to maintain that type of strict dieting, my life revolved around food and exercise. When I ate well, according to my standards, I was empowered. The times when I didn't eat as well, I felt out of control and then extremely disappointed in myself for having "messed up..again"!

I remember one morning sitting on the kitchen floor, literally crying because I felt so out of control. Thank heaven for a very caring and understanding husband. Together with his help and the help of an amazing therapist, I was able to change my thoughts, my eating, and my life. Today, I no longer feel out of control. I no longer beat myself up for eating carbs after 5 pm, and I no longer cry on the kitchen floor after eating a piece of dark chocolate. I learned that restriction was driving me to binge. Once I changed my mindset and my goal became about my health versus my physique, I began to heal both in body and mind. 

For those of you who struggle, to you who feel like you are always watching what you eat and are constantly working out, I say, "be kind to yourself". Find a way of eating that you can maintain long term. There IS a quick fix, you most certainly CAN lose 20 lbs in 30 days, but know that those types of eating plans come at a high price. Strict dieting will not yield long term results. Making healthful decisions every day will bring you good health and peace of mind. Training for competitions or races may require a different type of diet, but for overall health and wellness, no strict dieting is required. Eat fresh food whenever possible, drink a lot of water, exercise, indulge on occasions and sleep well. These are things we can all do and maintain over our lifetime. So stop beating yourself up... Be kind, and be well!




Labor Day weekend...typically the last big summertime hurray for those heading to the beach that live farther inland.  A few weeks ago I spent the weekend with friends at the beach. As I was floating aimlessly past where the waves break, I was struck with a few thoughts. Firstly, I looked down the coastline to see the water dotted with other happy faces bobbing in the glistening water and thought 'look at all of us brave souls in here after a summer of 7 shark attacks along the North Carolina coast'. I had my 3 year old with me in the water, and my friend had her 6 year old bobbing along side her. Were we crazy putting ourselves in this vulnerable position? Would we regret it? What if something were to happen?? But nah....we smiled and laughed enjoying every minute of it.
And immediately I began to think about the way women go back to have more children even after negative experiences. And the general risks we take in every day life. As a labor and delivery nurse, it always amazes me that women can have a bad birth experience, overcome it, and still make the choice to do it all over again. My sister, for example had a really rough birth with her first daughter. She tore so bad she was recovering for weeks and she's had some permanent issues since. But the joy that baby brought far outweighed the risk of the same thing happening again and so she bravely undertook a second pregnancy and natural birth process and had a successful delivery with only a first degree tear! A much different experience and a great testament to the power of the woman's body (and MIND!). 
It is so encouraging to me that the nature of  human beings is to not give into fear but to feel that fear and do it anyway. Isn't that what life is all about? If we were to fear every bad thing in this world we'd never leave our homes. But the reality is that even when difficulties arise we are stronger than we know and we power on through the hard times and get to the other side.
So today I encourage you all to take a leap and trust that the net will appear!
Be Well,

Family Health

My father recently made a trip down to North Carolina from New Jersey to come visit us. It’s his annual trip. I don’t get to see him often, but when I do I am reminded how important it is to keep up with our family connections. We don’t have the pleasure of seeing our extended family on a weekly basis. My husband’s family is overseas and mine are so spread out it’s not often we get to be together.
This last visit really hit me though. He had a health scare this year and was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Thankfully after removal of the tumor, and his left kidney he is cancer free. We are so fortunate that he is but many are not so lucky. Unfortunately, my dad is not a very health conscious man. When I’m around him I am privy to his diet and lack of exercise regime. I am struck by how unhealthy this makes a person. He gets winded walking up a flight of stairs. When we took him out on our boat and he found it hard to take a big step up onto the dock, he himself said, “I’ve really got to join a gym. I’ve gotten so out of shape.” Inside I was like ‘FINALLY--he’s realized it’! It’s no way to live. He has been given a new lease on life with a second chance. I’d hate to see him throw it away.
Both of my parents could use an overhaul on their diets and some motivation to move their bodies on a regular basis. I’m not sure where your parents are on that spectrum of health, but I do know that all of them can learn a lot from our generation. They were not raised in a society that put emphasis on keeping their bodies in the best condition possible. They were not making healthy food choices, nor were they encouraged to exercise regularly when they were younger. Heck, smoking wasn’t even considered unhealthy when they were growing up! So it is our responsibility to help them see that this change will help them live a longer and more fulfilling life. I am committed to helping them (not nagging them) to do this. Because, at the end of the day we ALL benefit. It keeps our parents around and helps them get the most out of life. Family is everything-- let’s inspire one another to take the best care of ourselves. It’s never too late!

Part II: Abs are made in the kitchen.

Our readers have spoken!  "Abs are made in the kitchen" has been one of our most popular posts and the one that has spurred the most curiosity.  We find this interesting and it has raised a question WE needed to find out:  Is it popular because people are more concerned with the way they look or with how they feel?

Our goal is to inspire, educate, motivate, and empower women (and men and children) to live their best life by advocating for overall health and wellness.  Quite the opposite of offering quick fixes or magic pills.  But back to the is true, if your fuel sources and choices are not synergistic with your levels of physical activity, you will most likely be disappointed by either the way to look or the way you feel and perform.

At some point in the next few days, ask yourself what it is that you value.  What are your priorities?  Do you want to compete in a marathon, a figure competition, be able to keep up with your kids, or workout to stay sane?  Then decide your level of dedication and if you commit to a goal, how flexible will you and can you be?  If a late night dinner with friends a few times a month that includes wine and divine culinary creations, then please, enjoy that important social aspect of your life and let go of strict expectations regarding 24/7 365 ripped abs!  No guilt!  Life can be short.  Enjoying healthy and tasteful food may bring more contentment than obsessing over your abs.

On the flip side, if you have a goal to compete and can give up certain indulgences, then go for it!  We encourage this too.  Nonetheless, the bottom line we hope to convey is that everyone is different and YOU must determine what is important and what works for YOU.  I know people that swear by the "Paleo Diet" and others that follow a vegan diet and have never felt or performed better!

Again, there are no quick fixes or miracle pills.  But there is passion and dedication.  That part of the equation is up to you.  We can help you stay motivated and inspired!  Eat what makes your body healthy and feel good.  If you happen to appear chiseled and buff then great!  but health and happiness should be paramount.

You'll find a goal setting worksheet below to help you stay on track and define what it is you are hoping to accomplish.

Be Well,

SpeedBump on the Run
Goal Setting Worksheet

Step 1:  Define your goals & priorities

1.  What do you want to accomplish and how do you want to feel?
2.  How do you feel about your progress now?
3.  How do you want to feel?
4.  What actions do you need to take to get there?

Step 2:  Where will you find motivation & inspiration?

1.  List 10 things you enjoy.
2.  List 5 people who will provide you support and motivation.
3.  List 10 things you are good at! What might hinder your goals?

Step 3:  Prioritize tasks/responsibilities/passions in these 4 areas.

1.  Family
2.  Self-care
3.  Work
4.  Play

Step 4:  Plan for your goals!  Mark them on your calendar!

1.  Goals and how to measure success and lessons learned.
2.  What will you give up to make time for your goals.
3.  Define short and long term goals.
4.  When will you (re)evaluate your goals.

Saturday Shout-Out

I'm a sucker for soft, breathable, comfortable, functional, practical, and stylish.  On a whim, I bought a Threads 4 Thought tank/sport bra combo at Whole Foods.  I bought it because it felt soft and was a "two-fer".  Having bought Threads 4 Thought apparel in the past, I had a feeling I wouldn't regret the purchase.  The added bonus was that all of the T 4 T products were 35% off. 

It is the Kari tank (link here) and it is my favorite sport bra and tank by a long shot.  It offers everything I want and need in a workout and running tank.  The side mesh panels allow for air flow to stay cool.  The material is soft and breathable yet wicks sweat.  Zero on the itch factor. 

I ended up wearing the tank post workout all day and felt fine, actually.  Gross but hey, I am a busy mom and getting a shower before the kiddos are in bed and sleeping is rare. 

Definitely worth saving and splurging on!

Be Well,


Photo and full article found on:'It’s natural and healthy to gain weight’: Bethany Hamilton praised for post-birth Instagram postRead more at ht…

Photo and full article found on:

'It’s natural and healthy to gain weight’: Bethany Hamilton praised for post-birth Instagram post


If you don't know who she is...please take a moment to check out her site:

The movie Soul Surfer introduced the masses to this inspiring young woman.  She recently gave birth to a beautiful son and will no doubt continue to move, shake, inspire, and motivate everyone she encounters.

***Please share with us what challenge you faced head-on in your life and found the silver lining.  You never know who you will affect and inspire!


“Abs are made in the kitchen”....

As a former figure competitor, the question I was most asked was, “How do I get my abs to look like yours?"  People always wanted to know what kind of workout I was doing, or what exercises they should be doing in order to get better results. I have to tell you... it’s not about the workout.  Yes, I am a firm believer in exercise. I love it, I promote it, I think there are an infinite amount of benefits to exercising...however, getting results and having a lean physique has almost nothing to do with how much you exercise.  There! I said it!  Now, you can go ahead and get mad and probably make a good argument against that statement, but IN MY EXPERIENCE, nutrition has everything to do with the results you get and I BELIEVE abs truly are made in the kitchen.

    Have you ever seen the same people at the gym, doing the same workout routine, and their physique never seems to change?  I used to be a slave to my workouts.  I would workout for hours every day.  Sometimes I would work out 3-4 hours a day, and I would train hard.  My body never seemed to change, except that I was always tired, hungry, and cranky.  Sometimes my weight would fluctuate, but I was always just a larger or smaller version of myself; I was never able to attain the “lean” body I was working so hard to achieve.  Until I met Malcolm.  He changed my life.  He taught me how to workout smart, and most importantly, he taught me how much nutrition played a role in achieving my fitness goals.  As I cut back on sugars (including fruits and grains) and increased my protein intake, my body changed drastically.  The layer of fat that covered my hard earned muscle began to melt away, and I could see the results of my labors.  I finally was getting lean.

    I am not saying that everyone should adhere to the “ low sugar” or “no sugar” diet. We all have different fitness goals, we all have different genetics. There is no one nutritional program that will guarantee results for every body.  However, if you are working out consistently and working hard, and are frustrated with your results, it may be time to evaluate your nutrition and make some changes.  To be continued...

Be well!


In this busy life filled with over indulgence and overabundance, it’s often hard to take time out to stop and think about all we have to be grateful for.  We are deluded by the media to think that MORE is better.  So, we strive to get the bigger house, the newer car, the name brand clothes, the high end electronics, more, more, more. But is it better?  Do all of these things make us happy?  If we always feel as if we don’t have enough then aren’t we always lacking in some way? Do we ever pause to think about what we already have and feel grateful for that?  I don’t mean the material things that consume our lives.  I’m talking about the simplest thing like being grateful for our working body as we go for a long walk or climb the stairs.  It can be a moment of gratitude when your little one looks up with a tender smile and whispers ‘I love you’.  It is these moments that are the ones that truly fill us up.  And it is the actual act of being grateful that helps lead us to a more contented life.  I know this because I’ve practiced gratitude for a long time.  I once kept a journal where I wrote down even the smallest things that I was thankful for that day. It has become a tremendous help in keeping me grounded and in the moment.  It has also helped me realize I’m so fortunate in so many ways.

I have a friend who struggled with the entitlement that came during her daughters’ teenage years.  She started to wonder how they got this way and what would help them gain some perspective.  She ended up taking each of them separately on a ‘gratitude trip’.  When they were in high school they went and did charity work in a struggling third world nation for a week during spring break.  This eye-opening journey helped them realize that they were much more fortunate than so many in this world.  It also helped them get out of their own way and see that even people with nothing could find joy in the littlest things in life.  I think this is a fabulous idea and a great way to give back too.

If you are wondering how to incorporate gratitude into your life, being thankful for the present moment is the simplest way to start.  I’ve adopted the mantra ‘be here now’. When I find my mind wandering to my to-do list, I stop and remind myself to just be where I am in that moment and to savor it.  Life changes in a heartbeat and we don’t know what tomorrow brings. All we have is the here and now.  So let’s be grateful for it!  Give it a try and see how it transforms your world.

Be Well,

Weekend Events

What’s on Wilmington:
Friday 7/24 @9am: FREE!
--Beachcombing 101: Fort Fisher Recreation area. This starts in a classroom where you learn all about the shells found on Fort Fisher and ends with a trek on the beach to test your new found ID skills.
Sat 7/25 @8am: $35
--Fundraiser- YMCA Kid’s triathlon: at the Wilmington YMCA on Market Street. Ages 5-13. Registration online.
Sat 7/25 @10am: FREE!
--Discovery Hike in Halyburton Park.  Ages 5+.  This lets the kids learn about the different plants and animal species that inhabit the park. Each hike includes hands on learning activities. Pre-registration required.
Sat 7/25 @8am-1pm: FREE!
--Carolina Beach Farmer’s Market & Riverfront Farmer’s Market

Movie Night at the Village - Friday, July 24, 2015
The Village of Clemmons is holding its first ever outdoor movie night at the Jerry Long YMCA Outdoor fields tonight!!
7pm – movie at sunset around 8:45pm
Bring your lawn chairs and/or blankets for an evening of family fun and an outdoor screening of Big Hero 6!
Enjoy family picnic games including cornhole, volleyball and feel free to bring your own tailgate games to play as well.
Henry’s Gourmet Kettle Korn and Kona Ice will be available for purchase.
**Please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the Clemmons Food Pantry
***Please note that Jerry Long YMCA campus is alcohol, dog and tobacco free.

--Beat the Heat 5k & Fun Run in Winston Salem

Family Fun & Maintaining Humor & Spark

My husband and I are currently in an all out war---a water balloon war. He’s had some surprise attacks that caught me off guard in such a way that it’s prompted a big retaliation. The only problem is every time I have tried to get him, they bounce off him and break on the ground! Not cool. He even shakes his head at me and says, “You’re brutal. Nice try.” Until the other day… He came home from work and I launched one at his back that hit him hard and really got him! Yes!!! I was delighted. It’s been a long time coming.
You might think this sounds crazy but it’s added such an element of fun to our lives in this summer heat. The dollar store sells a pack of 100 water balloons for a dollar. How could I resist? Summer, my daughter, asks me on a daily basis to fill up some water balloons so she can go out and smash them. She loves the splash they make. The evening water balloon fights have had us laughing and screeching at the top of our lungs. It’s been a great new way to spend time together…even if it has started a war. We have come up with creative ways to get each other back and no one ever gets upset. How could we? The cold burst of water is a welcome addition in this heat. So go out and get yourself a pack and let the fun begin! You won’t regret it. But your husband might…
Be Well,

Does this clutter make my butt look fat?

Meet "GobbleGobble", our new toy goblin! Our soon-to-be 7 year-old created him as a way to help keep our home free from clutter. If toys, art supplies, clothes, or anything else is left out of its place, GobbleGobble will eat it up. If you want your stuff back, you have to do a chore to earn it back. I thought her idea was genius. Especially since I've been researching how clutter affects our health both mentally and physically.

 *A number of ill effects are pointed out in the The New York Times and by WebMD.

Effects on Physical Health
--Exacerbates allergies by inviting buildup of dust mites, dander, mold and other allergens.
--Creates a germ haven.
--Increases risk of fire and injuries.
--Decreases odds of exercise. (How can you go running when you can’t find your shoes?)
--Makes you late for work and appointments when you can’t find your keys and other important items.
--Makes you fat...WHAT?  Organizational expert Peter Walsh found a link between over consumption of stuff and over-consumption of food.
--Depletes your energy with its overwhelming presence.

“As people start to control the clutter, they begin to take better care of themselves,” according to professional organizer Lynne Gilberg.  Better self-care hits both the mental and physical levels, WebMD adds.

Effects on Mental Health
--Increases stress and anxiety.
--Exacerbates symptoms of paruresis (a type of phobia in which the sufferer is unable to urinate in the real or imaginary presence of others, such as in a public restroom) and other mental issues.
--Blocks out new things from entering your life.
--Strengthens procrastination.
--Weakens decision-making skills, as you’re avoiding any decisions by letting all this stuff pile up.

Several years ago I trained a client who was a hoarder. She had many mental and emotional problems, as well as an obesity problem. Her home was so cluttered, she couldn't use her kitchen to cook and as a result.  She ate out for every meal. Then an interesting thing happened. Her good friend and workout partner began helping her clean up her house. It didn't take long before the weight began to fall off. She lost over 75 lbs.

I realize this is an extreme example, however, I would like to emphasize that when we are organized and free from clutter, we are able to gain more control over our lives. I encourage you to get rid of the things you don't need and organize what you do need. We would love to hear from you about any positive health changes you experience as a result of decluttering your home.

Be well!



For the Love of Chocolate

The feeling of euphoria we may feel after consuming dark chocolate may actually be real.  We hear it in the news, in commercials, and on your morning news shows: researchers are finding that cacao (pronounced “cuh-COW”) raises levels of serotonin in the brain and stimulates the release of endorphins, creating a feeling of well being.  Sure enough, there are dozens of studies looking at that exact claim.  (We listed a few below.)

Lucky for us, the benefits of dark chocolate don’t end there, so it seems.  Dark chocolate is now being looked at as one of the best sources of antioxidants on the planet.  ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) measures the antioxidant activity of foods. It seems as though, raw cacao was among the highest scoring of foods tested.  We are not talking about the chocolate you buy at the checkout counter of grocery store, which is loaded with sugars, milk fats, hydrogenated oils, and artificial ingredients. We are talking about high-quality, organic dark chocolate with 70% or higher cacao content.  Some scientists are finding that this type of quality dark chocolate can lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and blood pressure while increasing HDL (good cholesterol) and improve insulin sensitivity, lowering the risk of heart disease overall. 

To get the health benefits, you have to eat the right kind of dark chocolate with the ingredient “cocoa solids” listed first on the ingredient list. So go ahead and moderation. Dark chocolate, even the quality kind, is still high in calories and sugar, so eating just a couple of squares per week is sufficient to reap the benefits.  You can also reap the benefits from adding raw unsweetened cocoa powder to your smoothie or oats.   

Enjoy and be well!

Cacao Smoothies
2 unpeeled frozen bananas
2 Tbsp organic cacao powder
1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond or coconut milk
1 tbsp of raw honey or maple syrup (optional)
blend until creamy

Some Studies:

Meditate….Go On I dare you!

How often do you take time out everyday to just ‘be’. I mean to sit and close your eyes and let your mind and body become quiet and be still. Does that happen? Ever? Being a mom means our work is never ending. When the kids sleep we want to be getting things done, right? Who has time to quiet their minds and sit in silence? Well the more research that comes out about meditation, the more its proven benefits show just how important it is to be still EVERY SINGLE DAY. It’s not something I commit to daily. I wish I did. I haven’t yet figured  out how to incorporate it into my daily life like other rituals such as putting on the coffee every morning, or taking a shower. But when you read about the many benefits of meditation it’s really quite obvious that every one should take time out (what’s five minutes? Or even ten?) to just sit in stillness and breathe.

Oprah Winfrey has teamed up with Deepak Chopra and together they have a website entitled where every so often they promote a free three week meditation journey. All you have to do is register online and you will get guided through 21 days of meditations. Each day is different and focuses on something new. I have taken part in this experience twice before. The next free 21 day trial starts July 13th. So go onto the website and register. I encourage you to try it if you haven’t ever done it before. It’s especially helpful because you commit to something outside of yourself that makes you show up and be accountable every day. And you will be amazed how you’ll come to look forward to it and how quickly the time will pass. Hopefully it will be such a positive experience, you will start to incorporate it into your daily routine.  Because really what good are we to our children, our families  our friends and coworkers if we can’t be good to ourselves first? So let’s start making our mental health and overall well-being a priority.

Let’s commit to taking better care of ourselves. Baby steps…because change is hard so we have to take it slow and be patient with ourselves. But I assure you that the benefits of meditation far outweigh any excuses we may have for  NOT carving out the time in our day to do it. I’ve signed up and am looking forward to the challenge. I hope you will join me.

Family Fun & Goings-On Friday

Winston Salem

Friday, July 3rd
--Gallery hop (1st Friday of every month). Located downtown Winston Salem, 6th street, Trade and Liberty St. 7-10 pm

Saturday July 4th
--Independence Day Celebration in Old Salem 9:30-4:30
        Activities, music, games, and more.
--FIREWORKS at BB&T Ballpark after the DASH baseball game

Wilmington & Wrightsville

Wilmington Events

Events at the beach