Part II: Abs are made in the kitchen.

Our readers have spoken!  "Abs are made in the kitchen" has been one of our most popular posts and the one that has spurred the most curiosity.  We find this interesting and it has raised a question WE needed to find out:  Is it popular because people are more concerned with the way they look or with how they feel?

Our goal is to inspire, educate, motivate, and empower women (and men and children) to live their best life by advocating for overall health and wellness.  Quite the opposite of offering quick fixes or magic pills.  But back to the is true, if your fuel sources and choices are not synergistic with your levels of physical activity, you will most likely be disappointed by either the way to look or the way you feel and perform.

At some point in the next few days, ask yourself what it is that you value.  What are your priorities?  Do you want to compete in a marathon, a figure competition, be able to keep up with your kids, or workout to stay sane?  Then decide your level of dedication and if you commit to a goal, how flexible will you and can you be?  If a late night dinner with friends a few times a month that includes wine and divine culinary creations, then please, enjoy that important social aspect of your life and let go of strict expectations regarding 24/7 365 ripped abs!  No guilt!  Life can be short.  Enjoying healthy and tasteful food may bring more contentment than obsessing over your abs.

On the flip side, if you have a goal to compete and can give up certain indulgences, then go for it!  We encourage this too.  Nonetheless, the bottom line we hope to convey is that everyone is different and YOU must determine what is important and what works for YOU.  I know people that swear by the "Paleo Diet" and others that follow a vegan diet and have never felt or performed better!

Again, there are no quick fixes or miracle pills.  But there is passion and dedication.  That part of the equation is up to you.  We can help you stay motivated and inspired!  Eat what makes your body healthy and feel good.  If you happen to appear chiseled and buff then great!  but health and happiness should be paramount.

You'll find a goal setting worksheet below to help you stay on track and define what it is you are hoping to accomplish.

Be Well,

SpeedBump on the Run
Goal Setting Worksheet

Step 1:  Define your goals & priorities

1.  What do you want to accomplish and how do you want to feel?
2.  How do you feel about your progress now?
3.  How do you want to feel?
4.  What actions do you need to take to get there?

Step 2:  Where will you find motivation & inspiration?

1.  List 10 things you enjoy.
2.  List 5 people who will provide you support and motivation.
3.  List 10 things you are good at! What might hinder your goals?

Step 3:  Prioritize tasks/responsibilities/passions in these 4 areas.

1.  Family
2.  Self-care
3.  Work
4.  Play

Step 4:  Plan for your goals!  Mark them on your calendar!

1.  Goals and how to measure success and lessons learned.
2.  What will you give up to make time for your goals.
3.  Define short and long term goals.
4.  When will you (re)evaluate your goals.