“Abs are made in the kitchen”....

As a former figure competitor, the question I was most asked was, “How do I get my abs to look like yours?"  People always wanted to know what kind of workout I was doing, or what exercises they should be doing in order to get better results. I have to tell you... it’s not about the workout.  Yes, I am a firm believer in exercise. I love it, I promote it, I think there are an infinite amount of benefits to exercising...however, getting results and having a lean physique has almost nothing to do with how much you exercise.  There! I said it!  Now, you can go ahead and get mad and probably make a good argument against that statement, but IN MY EXPERIENCE, nutrition has everything to do with the results you get and I BELIEVE abs truly are made in the kitchen.

    Have you ever seen the same people at the gym, doing the same workout routine, and their physique never seems to change?  I used to be a slave to my workouts.  I would workout for hours every day.  Sometimes I would work out 3-4 hours a day, and I would train hard.  My body never seemed to change, except that I was always tired, hungry, and cranky.  Sometimes my weight would fluctuate, but I was always just a larger or smaller version of myself; I was never able to attain the “lean” body I was working so hard to achieve.  Until I met Malcolm.  He changed my life.  He taught me how to workout smart, and most importantly, he taught me how much nutrition played a role in achieving my fitness goals.  As I cut back on sugars (including fruits and grains) and increased my protein intake, my body changed drastically.  The layer of fat that covered my hard earned muscle began to melt away, and I could see the results of my labors.  I finally was getting lean.

    I am not saying that everyone should adhere to the “ low sugar” or “no sugar” diet. We all have different fitness goals, we all have different genetics. There is no one nutritional program that will guarantee results for every body.  However, if you are working out consistently and working hard, and are frustrated with your results, it may be time to evaluate your nutrition and make some changes.  To be continued...

Be well!