Celiac & the Silver Lining

A few years ago, someone very close to me was diagnosed with Celiac Disease.  It was and probably still is a devastating diagnosis.  This person also happened to be a talented baker, dietician, and connoisseur of all things sweet and decadent.  Unfortunately, the diagnosis came later in life and the negative health consequences of Celiac Disease had been mysteriously wreaking havoc on her gastrointestinal system and bone density.

No doubt, everyone’s first reaction to a diagnosis of Celiac is to mourn the sacrifice of all things that taste good in exchange for a healthy body.  Then comes the fear of not knowing what to eat or where to eat when not at home.  Then comes the knowing that Celiac is a serious disease with long-term health consequences.  And finally, one begins to wonder who else in their family might have Celiac and if they passed it on to their children or grandchildren.  I don’t think that anyone is thinking of a silver lining at this point.

But there is a silver lining and the mourning of going gluten-free needs kicked to the curb.  In a way, you are given an excuse to follow an all REAL FOODS diet!  Yes, those gluten free items that you find stocking your stores’ shelves can be tasty and offer your taste buds a glimpse into your old diet but they can also be loaded with sugar and processed ingredients and should be eaten in moderation.

Here are the top 10 reasons to be thankful for Celiac Disease:
10.  You get to learn more about what is in the food you eat because just about everything in a box, bottle, or jar could have gluten in it.
9.  Your family may start eating better because you are now aware of what is in the processed and pre-prepared foods you buy at the store or order at a restaurant.
8.  You can take charge of your health and what you put into your body with the knowledge you now have regarding gluten and what it does to your body.  
7.  You now know what causes your frequent trips to the bathroom and can probably enjoy spontaneous adventures without worrying about the nearest toilet.  
6.  You may have learned about eating healthy and now moving on to learning about other positive health and wellness practices.
5.  Most people are clueless when it comes to understanding Celiac Disease.  Here is your chance to enlighten someone!
4.  On the flip side, someone may make you feel bad for passing on the birthday cake.  Here is your chance to speak up for yourself and subsequently realize that it doesn’t matter what other people think.  THIS IS YOUR LIFE AND YOUR BODY!
3.  You now have an excuse to plot out, dig, plant, and cultivate that garden you have been wanting.  Eating fresh vegetables from your own harvest is extremely rewarding.
2.  You have a chance to prepare, cook, and serve yourself and your family wholesome real food, clean food meals.
 1.  You just gave up gluten…ask yourself if there is anything you CAN’T do!

Be Well,

For more information on Celiac Disease, here are a couple of great resources:




Soulful Sunday

When Life Gives You Lemons...

    A few months ago, a very close friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Having caught the cancer in it’s early stages, she was very optimistic and decided to have a double mastectomy.  The night before her surgery I delivered her a plate of lemon muffins with a note that read, “When life gives you lemons, put ‘em in your bra...It couldn’t hurt!”  To some of you, that may seem insensitive, but she and I got a good giggle out of it!

    Life is to short and too wonderful to take things too seriously.  Sometimes you just have to relinquish control, throw your head back and laugh. Laugh until it hurts and the tears are rolling down your face!  “Laughter is and will always be the best form of therapy”.

    Laugh at the funny things your kids do. Then, write it down so you can keep on laughing.  My husband and I started keeping a mason jar, scraps of paper and a pen on the counter. It makes it easy to write down all the funny things our children say and do. At the beginning of this year we took turns reading the quotes from the jar. We all got a kick out of remembering the funny stories.  

    Before you scold them, take a picture.  I suppose that sounds weird, but there are things that you may not want your kids to do, but when they DO do it, take a picture so you will always remember the moment.  Last week my 2 yr. old was being a little too quiet so I went to check on her. She had literally used an entire container of diaper rash cream on her face!  Was it a big mess? Absolutely! But, before I cleaned her up, I took a picture so I could share with the rest of my family her mischievous ways.

    Laugh at yourself! By now, I have gotten pretty good at this! I used to get embarrassed or upset or angry if I did something stupid or silly. Now, I laugh. And I am a much happier person because of it.  During one of the fitness classes I teach, I did a tuck jump with just a little too much enthusiasm and I peed! That’s right, I peed in front of a class of 25 people! And you know what? We all got a good laugh out of that one! I just exclaimed, “Now I FINALLY fit in with all the other moms here that tell me they pee when we do so much jumping! YES!!! I’m in the club!” It’s okay too express a little humor.  We all do funny and embarrassing things sometimes. Don’t dwell on those things; laugh and move on!

“Life is worth living as long as there’s a good laugh in it”.
   -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Be Well,

Family, Fun, & Goings-On Friday

Friday Night Family Rituals

My sister had a friend growing up whose family had pizza night every single Friday.  If my sister got invited to that it was always a treat and I was very envious!  Now that I’m an adult I thought it would be fun to have a ritual similar to that.  John grew up with Friday night being ‘treat night’.  He and his brothers didn’t have sweets during the week but when Friday came they were all allowed to choose the sweet treat of their choice. They looked forward to Friday night every week.  My husband thought this would be a great thing for Summer.  It not only limits the amount of sugar and treats she gets during the week but it makes Friday night special in a whole new way.
Friday is a great night to start a ritual of some sort to put an end to the workweek and kick off the weekend.  During the summer months there are so many outdoor activities and festivals to partake in.  In Wilmington there’s Downtown Sundown, which is a free outdoor concert every Friday night.  It takes place on the riverfront and is a great family night out to listen to music and hang out in our cool downtown.
So have a look to see what fun events are going on around your area. Grab your chairs, pack your cooler and get the family together to spend some quality time and start your weekend off right!

Triad Events:
-- 6/27
--Winston Salem Arts & Music
--6/26 Cobblestone Farmer's Market in Old Salem

Wilmington Events: Fun for the whole family!
--Music on the Town at Mayfaire town center 7-10pm
--Downtown Sundown concert on the riverfront 6-10pm
--Fort Fisher Summer Concert series at the Air Force Recreation area 6:30-8:30pm
--Free family movie at the Main library downtown at 2pm.  All films are PG and snacks and drinks are permitted.
NC 4th of July Festival Freedom Run and Color Outburst (Southport waterfront) at 8am-it’s a 5k and 1mile fun run. 

You are what you eat. Huh?

Glycemic index, ghrelin, leptin, and the insulin cycle...Say what? The science and psychology of healthful living can be overwhelming. There are new studies all the time. In the 90's we were encouraged to follow a low fat, high carb diet. Now with obesity and diabetes (diabesity) on the rise, scientists are revisiting that information and have now discovered that it is not fat that is at the hub of America's health problems, but starch and sugar. With so much information and differing opinions it can be hard to know what is right.
Marisa and I were discussing this the other day as I was trying to find a way to simplify things for you all when she said, "you burn what you eat!" It doesn't get any simpler, folks. If you eat sugar, you will burn sugar and carbs, hopefully.  AFTER the sugar is burned THEN your body will begin to dip into its fat stores if it is metabolically efficient. You literally are what you eat.  Right now,  I feel the urge to get on my "no sugar" soapbox, but I will refrain. I do, however, want to encourage you to evaluate the way you eat for 3 days.  Write down what type of exercise you perform that day, what you eat, and how much. Then write down how you feel.  Become a detective!  Not every body is the same.
Some people like to run long distance, while others enjoy cross fit. The food you eat should support the type of activity you do.  If you are a weight lifter, you may consider adding more protein.  If you choose to practice yoga and walk for exercise, your body will not require huge amounts of protein.  I could easily write a book on this subject, however, I will sum it up by encouraging you to find what works for you.  And if what you are doing does not work for you, please feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to point you in the right direction. Until next time,
Be well!


Summer Bump?

Top Ten Things About Summertime Pregnancy

Most women dread being pregnant in hot weather, for very valid reasons.  However, here is a list of things to make you re-think that "dread" and enjoy the Summer!

10.  No one minds when you take the shady seat at the pool.
9.  You can eat frozen fruit bars for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
8.  You aren't expected to wear layers of clothing in the Summer and now have an excuse for living in a tank top and shorts.
7.  Maternity clothes in the summer are simple: tank, shorts, and sun dresses.
6.  Swollen feet like flip-flops.
5.  We can show our pregnant bellies off with pride!  No one walks down the street or does their weekly Target run with a crop top in the winter ;)  If we did, I'm sure we would hear the snickering.
4.  You can rest your mocktail on your belly while lounging at the pool.
3.  You don't have to suck in your gut while in a bikini.
2.  Swimming is the best form of exercise while pregnant, and most pools are open for business!
The #1 reason to love being pregnant in the Summer is because you know have an excuse for "accidentally" peeing in the pool.

Sow the Seeds of Change

I have to admit, I don’t like gardening. I am a mother and a caretaker and a nurturer; but a gardener I am not.  When my husband John came to me with the idea to plant a garden to grow our own vegetables last year, I baulked at him and said "Ha! Us? Grow a garden?  Sure, you go ahead babe".  And so he did…and he did it all from seed.  He didn’t go out and buy the plants. He built a raised bed, bought the seeds, watered them every day and transferred them once they got established. And here we are a year on with our very own flourishing vegetable patch.  The size of the zucchini we pulled out the other day would really surprise you! It is incredible what can come from a tiny little seed.
So although I didn’t have anything to do with the actual planting of the garden, I do water it.  Summer, our daughter helps us weed it and we all get excited when we are able to juice greens from carrot tops or kale and have a fresh salad from the lettuce of our very own garden.  I think I am finally converted.  I do most of the cooking in our house and when I get to go out to the backyard and cut some fresh vegetables to add to our dinner it fills me with pride. Not only does it save on cost, it’s also completely organic and pesticide free.  I know that we are filling our bodies with goodness.
And so I challenge you today to sow a seed of change. Whether it’s planting a garden or making a concerted effort to do something you’ve never done before.  Plant that tiny seed of change in your mind, cultivate it daily and watch it grow.  You will be amazed at what you’re capable of.

Be Well,

Workout Wednesday

Circuit Training

This workout is designed to increase endurance, speed, strength, and power.  With each interval, increase your speed as time decreases.

5-10 minute warm up on the bike or treadmill

15 minutes: run, ride, or walk

Circuit 1 (C1):
50 jumping jacks, 40, high knees, 30 plank pushups, 20 squat jumps, 10 burpees

12 minutes: run, ride or walk


10 minutes run, ride, or walk


8 minutes run, ride, or walk


6 minutes run, ride, or walk


4 minutes run, ride, or walk


2 minutes run, ride, or walk

cool down 5-10 minutes

This workout is long. If you want to shorten it, start with 10 minutes and work down from there.
Be well!



Maternity Monday

***Please consult with your healthcare provider before participating in any physical activity.

Photo from www.pregnancyhumor.com

True.  Pregnancy, despite feeling like absolute poo at times, is the period in your life when you feel the greatest joy and walk with a glow that makes your aura visible to people without a sixth sense.  So, stick out that baby and be proud...but please think twice about just "letting go".

Interestingly, many moms talk about pregnancy as if it is a carte blanche to let themselves go and eat whatever they want.  Sure, celebrate yourself and your baby!  Celebrate in such a way that you live your life and fuel your body with foods that facilitate the super powers to build another human being while at the same time sustaining yourself.

For those trying to become pregnant or are pregnant or know someone pregnant, this is the best book on the market. 



Please consider picking up a copy and reading it carefully.  Enjoy yourself and this time in your life.  Nine months truly flies by.

Be Well,

Challenge to prove or to inspire?

Realizing I am about to cross the finish line of the 2015 North Face Endurance Challenge 50-miler in Sterling, Va.

Realizing I am about to cross the finish line of the 2015 North Face Endurance Challenge 50-miler in Sterling, Va.

“50 miles.  That is nuts.  Why?  Humans aren’t built to run long like that.”  Well, we are, but that is another story for another time.

Why not run?  Running 50 miles sounds like a challenge and I love to run.  Running outside for 50 miles sounds awesome.

For my 5’10” frame, running was less than graceful when I decided to enjoy it again as young adult.   As a child, being barefoot and running around my parent’s 7-acre semi-farm was a daily adventure during the warm months in Pennsylvania.  But somewhere between school work and dancing and growing up I stopped running.

Long story short, in my 30’s, I am finally running again and feeling just like I did when I was a kiddo.  My runs now, no pun intended, well maybe… are filled with buddies sharing potty-humor-runners-trots stories, humility, joy, failure, success, enlightenment, and the list goes on.  So far, my body has stayed healthy and injury-free minus a couple of falls here and there and I have birthed two babies.  (Can you believe that it was once believed a woman’s uterus would fall out if they ran?)  

“So why take on 50 miles?  What is wrong with running around the block to stay healthy?  What do you have to prove?”

Those are interesting questions.  And when I contemplate it I realize that I don’t take on challenges to prove any darn thing.  But instead I am curious.  I want to feel life.  I want to live life.  I want the good and the bad.  And 50 miles happened to have it all.  Actually, looking back, it had all good.  I met incredibly friendly runners along the race, my family and old friends cheered us all on, I got fitter and stronger, and I discovered a sense of mental and physical fortitude one can have when surrounded by so much positivity.

My husband recently gave a speech at a residency graduation dinner and included a quoted by Wendell Berry of which I will share…

The Peace of Wild Things
“When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.  I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief.  I come into the presence of still water.  And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light.  For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.”  ~Wendell Berry

Instead of lying down, I run, surrounded then by peace and wild things and that is where I find stillness and freedom.
Be Well,


Maternity Monday

My coaches helping me stay fit and strong :)

My coaches helping me stay fit and strong :)

The First Trimester

All you want to do is sleep. And eat. But maybe eating makes you nauseous. Because as we all know even brushing your teeth lately makes you want to gag. Some foods and smells you used to love now have you running to the bathroom. And yet food often helps. What is happening? Any of this sound familiar? Welcome to the first trimester of pregnancy. Thankfully, I have just completed that hellacious first twelve weeks and am now holding onto hope that someday soon it’s all going to change. I’m going to wake up and hop out of bed, brush my teeth without having to heave over the toilet, eat anything I want (something green and healthy would be nice!) and start to feel like ‘me’ again. I know it hasn’t been THAT bad. It can always be worse. As a nurse in L&D I know this all too well and I count my blessings that I’m able to work through these feelings. I’m so appreciative of the amazing coworkers I have; and how everyone pitches in when they know you can’t handle going into a room because of a certain sight or smell. I’ve never been squeamish at my job before, but pregnancy puts a whole new spin on being a nurse. I’ve survived with lemon head candy and peppermints (depending on my mood) but they both really help stave off the waves of nausea.
At the end of the day, I know that it is all worth it. I’m not the first woman to feel these feelings and certainly won’t be the last. This is what the body does as we grow a baby. It constantly reminds us that we are no longer in control, someone else is. And when you’re curled up in the fetal position with your ginger ale feeling sorry for yourself, it’s important to remember: your body is working so hard right now.  It is doing an extraordinary job every minute of the day knitting the cells of another human being together. It really is a miracle. I know, I know, hard to focus on when you feel so crappy but it really does make it ALL worth it.

Soulful Sundays

Just Dance

Every evening as I cook dinner my three year old Summer runs up to me and says ‘Mama can we have a dance party?’ Sometimes I’m in the mood and sometimes I’m not, but either way the answer is always ‘YES’! Because even if I don’t want to dance, when does dancing ever NOT feel good? And clearly my three year old knows this to be true.
She’s not your typical three year old. She loves top 40 music. Her requests always begin with ‘Happy’ by Pharrell or ‘All About The Bass’ but Meghan Trainor. Either way, it’s impossible not to move when either of these beats come on. So I stop what I’m doing, I queue up the songs she requests and we have a jump around the kitchen. It isn’t for long,…maybe five or ten minutes. But during that time when I look down at her smile and see the pure joy she’s getting out of dancing with her Mama (which we all know is short lived!) I think to myself….it really doesn’t get any better than this.
I’ve just left my first trimester of pregnancy and climbing the stairs with a load of laundry was starting to count as a daily workout. But now, as I start to feel better I realize dancing IS cardio. Working out doesn’t always have to be a trip to the gym. It is as simple as a dance party in your kitchen. So my advice to you is this: JUST DANCE. Because not only does it get the heart pumping, the adrenaline flowing and put a smile on your face; it also creates a lasting memory for you and your little one. 

Be Well,


"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right"
~Henry Ford

Have you ever started a workout or weight loss program with the hope that this is going to be the one...the program that changes everything,  only to have your subconscious mind override everything and tell you, "You are going to fail...again. You will never be able to stick with it, you will never be able to maintain it, so why try?"

I have been a victim of my sub conscious mind for years, and to be honest, it still rears it's ugly little head every now and again. To those who see me teaching fitness classes or performing my own workout, they see a strong, confident, athletic woman. I've acquired nicknames such as "killer" and "the beast". However, every once in a while I feel incompetent and insecure. I know, it's hard to believe, but it's true. When those feelings emerge, it's time to bring my self back to a place of mindfulness and realize that nothing good comes from self-sabotage. Visualizing success is essential to being successful. I encourage you to take a few quiet moments everyday to visualize your thoughts, your words and your actions throughout the day. You can do this at night before going to sleep or in the morning when you rise. Think about what YOU will do that day, what YOU will eat. Be specific. Think about how the food you choose to put into your body will make you feel, the energy it will give you. Think about what type of workout you will perform and imagine yourself executing those exercises. Think about how it will feel to move your body in that way, the breathlessness, the burning in your quads. If you practice yoga, envision how it will feel to elongate and stretch your muscles and how relaxing it is to be at peace in your heart and mind. Be specific in your visualization. You can also think about what YOU will do in a situation when you are confronted with foods that you don't want to eat. How will you tell your co-workers you don't want another donut? As you practice visualizing your decisions BEFORE you are confronted with a choice, you will begin to guide your subconscious mind to do what YOU want it to do. You will begin to tell yourself that you CAN succeed. And whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right.

Be Well,


Wellness as a Choice

"What?  You don't drink milk?  How do you get your calcium?"  "Huh, no bread?  Are you serious?"  "Humans are meant to eat animals!"  "Marisa, the way you eat is inconvenient."  "Marisa, thanks for helping me learn more about healthy lifestyle choices.  It has made a big difference in my life."

I have heard it all.  The good, the bad, and the hurtful.  Hurtful because some of the negative comments I receive regarding my own personal lifestyle choices come from people I love.  

Nonetheless, it all comes down to the fact that regardless of what you do in life you will never be without someone sharing their opinion.  So how do we make the right choices for ourselves and our children when we are bombarded with so many differences of opinion of what is good to eat or not eat or what exercise is good for our body or bad for our knees?  Simply, we should follow our gut, literally. 

While out on a run I came up with an analogy to perhaps aid in describing the body and how it can function at its finest based on our choices and the way we treat ourselves.  Here goes...

I view my body as a Nascar race car.  It must be capable of going fast and enduring long stretches of fast paces, it needs an intuitive and experienced driver (my mind), a pit crew to keep it functioning (wellness visits and check-ups with healthcare providers), the finest of fuels (food in its most original form), and an engine to be able to withstand the demands of the driver, the other racers, and the environment.

The Driver, the Mind:  Educate & Empower.  Vow to value your own health and that of your family.  Choose to be positive, open-minded, decisive, compassionate, and PRESENT.  Always remain aware of what you are doing and how you are affecting others.  Listen to how your mind and body respond to what you put in it and what you tell it!  When we remain in the present moment we are more likely to make better choices.  Continue to seek information regarding healthy lifestyle practices and nutrition.

The Pit Crew:  Find your advocates.  Getting regular health check-ups empower you to stay healthy or get healthier!  Never underestimate the power of a massage.  Not in the budget, ask a friend or partner!

The Finest Fuel:  Food.  We are bombarded by peers, family members, and the media with what to eat, how to eat, and why to eat.  The why is easy: we eat to stay alive.  How, what, and when is the challenge for many.  While millions of people in this world are starving, millions can afford food in abundance but for some their bodies are starving for the optimal amounts of vitamins and nutrients it needs to be healthy.  Obesity is an epidemic.  Metabolic syndrome is an epidemic.  Food is a billion dollar industry and a topic of endless discussion.  So, I will keep it simple and say this: when you are about to put an item of food into your body, ask yourself why you are doing it and how it will benefit you and contribute to your greatest sense of well-being and physical health.

The Engine:  The Body.  Well, it is true, you only get one body.  So, what will you do with it?  How will you treat it?  Sadly, cars may receive better treatment and ongoing maintenance than our own bodies.  Many moms are the first to wake up in the morning and the last to fall asleep and on-the-go all day long.  Again, vow to value your health and factor in daily bouts of physical activity so that your engine can withstand the speeds, the tasks, and the long days you require it to endure.

Wellness is a choice.  Wellness is power.  Don't forfeit that power!  You owe it to yourself and your children.

Choose your journey,





“If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail”.
        -Mark Spitz

Preparation! This is the most important aspect of sticking with any health and fitness plan. As a former figure competitor, I ate 6 meals/day every 3 hours. I trained 2-3 hours a day. Preparation was essential to my success. When we are not prepared mentally and physically, it is easy to be persuaded by distractions (aka FATIGUE and HUNGER). That is why I like to take 5-10 minutes every morning preparing myself mentally for what I need to accomplish that day. When I am prepared, it becomes easier to eat cleaner and train smarter.

Preparation Tips

  • First, I like to cook and prepare my food twice a week. I either buy precooked chicken breast or grill my own, chop it up and store it in the refrigerator. I also like to do this with vegetables. This makes it easier to eat a salad for lunch since everything is ready.
  • I also like to have protein powder available for when I am on the go or just need a quick meal or snack. I usually bring a shake to the gym with me to drink right after my workout. This keeps my hunger at bay and replenishes my body after a good sweat session.
  • I stock up on raw nuts, seeds, fruit, and veggies...this makes it a cinch to grab something healthful as opposed to what crackers or cookies may be lurking in the pantry!
  • I schedule my workout! Some people like to exercise after they drop their kids off at school, others like to hit the gym after work...I like to be there at 4:45 am when the gym doors swing open...yes, I know, it’s crazy, but for me, it works! I get it done every day since there is nothing else I have to do at that hour of the day except sleep...And I will catch up on that when I’m dead. Whatever hour of the day, find the time that works for you and put it on your calendar.
  • Have a plan when you workout. Workouts are more effective when you know what you are about to train. Whether its your cardio day or you are training with weights or practicing yoga, it’s important to have a plan.

Hope these tips help you stay better prepared.

Be well,

My Kid Won't Eat That

When I tell people who are trying to clean up their diets to simply get rid of the junk in their house their response is often, "But my kids won't eat that"!
Oh, yeah! Blame it on the kids, who can't drive a car to the store and purchase groceries on their own!!! When people ask what I eat, I often get an expression of confusion. Their noses crinkle up and they ask, "what's kin-oh-uh?" (Quinoa, actually pronounced "keen-wah"). Then they proceed to make up all kinds of excuses about how their kids will never eat that...(or them, for that matter...).  Here's the thing...You simply can not achieve your fitness goals and desired body composition by eating processed, sugar laden foods. AND YOUR KIDS DON'T NEED TO EAT IT EITHER!!
"A typical 20-ounce soda contains 15 to 18 teaspoons of sugar and upwards of 240 calories. A 64-ounce fountain cola drink could have up to 700 calories.  People who drink this “liquid candy” do not feel as full as if they had eaten the same calories from solid food and do not compensate by eating less."  Click here for more statistics on our nation's sugar consumption.  It's no wonder childhood obesity is on the rise.
If YOU don't buy it, NO ONE will eat it. Make it a goal for your entire family to eat more healthful. Start by making small changes, like adding more vegetables and fruits. Think outside the box and make it fun!

Here are a few ideas to get you and your family on the path to greater wellness:

  • Have an after school snack bar.  Let your kiddos take turns managing it.
  • Fill and ice tray with different fruits or vegetables, ask them to close their eyes and experiment with the various textures and flavors.
  • Blindfold them and ask them to guess which fruit or vegetable they are tasting.
  • Make homemade popsicles out of pureed fruits and veggies.  Kids love experimenting and the more they are involved, the more likely they will try new foods!

They might resist at first if they're used to eating a lot of processed foods, but the reward is greater than the struggle if you just stick with it.

We've included a few of our favorite recipes for treats our kids love in our FOOD section.

Be Well,

Wellness exists in the present moment.

"Get up! , it's time to get ready for school"! I say sweetly as I stroke Reese's back and gently massage Presley's feet. The day begins and I am determined today to be more patient with my kids, my husband,   and myself. It only takes 10 minutes before that goal has completely fallen by the wayside. "Come on, girls! Eat your breakfast, brush your teeth! No, no, Skye, you can't clean the toilet with daddy's toothbrush"!. I feel my heart rate rise as I hurry around the house getting everyone ready to get out the door. I grab my gym bag and think to myself, "I need this workout today". Whew! Everyone's buckled up and in the car while we gather round to say our family prayer, then it starts again. This time it's, "Mommy! I don't have my shoes, do you have a headband? I'm thirsty and my water bottle is empty..."I close my eyes, take in a deep breath, and jump in the car to get them to school on time. I'm sure you moms can relate, right? After I take the kids to school I head for the gym with 2 yr old Skye in tow. She's not quite used to walking in her new Minnie Mouse  flip flops and trips on the sidewalk skinning her knee. I quickly scoop her up and carry her into the nursery, ready to drop her off and get on with my much needed and well-deserved workout. In that moment, she layed herself down on the floor and started kicking and screaming. Calmly, I sat down in the chair and she came over, crawled into my lap, and lay her sweet little head against my chest. I thought to myself, "this is what it's all about..these sweet little moments that melt your heart, the reason you get up and do what you do every day. The step mill can wait"!!!
And so I held my baby!!! I let the warmth of her little body melt into mine. Soon she will be too big to even want me to hold her...so I wrapped my arms around her, kissed her cute little head and squeezed her a bit longer, and I ENJOYED THE MOMENT!


Vacation Motivation

Going on a family vacation can definitely inspire us and even force us to mix up our workout routine.  Nonetheless, it is not excuse to skip that daily bout of physical activity!  Make it a family affair or scoot out early and "bond" with the sunrise.  

Here are a few ideas to keep you moving.  And don't forget to have fun with it:

  • Go for a walk, run, bike, or hike to explore your surroundings.  Find your favorite spot in the sand to set up your daily camp or where you will be taking your family for breakfast.
  • Intense exercisers, take on a challenge!  No equipment is needed.
    • 5 X 2 minutes as: 30 seconds jump squats or squats; 30 seconds of burpees; 30 seconds of jump lunges or lunges; 30 seconds of rest.

**You can also find this workout on the "Workout" page.