Maternity Monday

My coaches helping me stay fit and strong :)

My coaches helping me stay fit and strong :)

The First Trimester

All you want to do is sleep. And eat. But maybe eating makes you nauseous. Because as we all know even brushing your teeth lately makes you want to gag. Some foods and smells you used to love now have you running to the bathroom. And yet food often helps. What is happening? Any of this sound familiar? Welcome to the first trimester of pregnancy. Thankfully, I have just completed that hellacious first twelve weeks and am now holding onto hope that someday soon it’s all going to change. I’m going to wake up and hop out of bed, brush my teeth without having to heave over the toilet, eat anything I want (something green and healthy would be nice!) and start to feel like ‘me’ again. I know it hasn’t been THAT bad. It can always be worse. As a nurse in L&D I know this all too well and I count my blessings that I’m able to work through these feelings. I’m so appreciative of the amazing coworkers I have; and how everyone pitches in when they know you can’t handle going into a room because of a certain sight or smell. I’ve never been squeamish at my job before, but pregnancy puts a whole new spin on being a nurse. I’ve survived with lemon head candy and peppermints (depending on my mood) but they both really help stave off the waves of nausea.
At the end of the day, I know that it is all worth it. I’m not the first woman to feel these feelings and certainly won’t be the last. This is what the body does as we grow a baby. It constantly reminds us that we are no longer in control, someone else is. And when you’re curled up in the fetal position with your ginger ale feeling sorry for yourself, it’s important to remember: your body is working so hard right now.  It is doing an extraordinary job every minute of the day knitting the cells of another human being together. It really is a miracle. I know, I know, hard to focus on when you feel so crappy but it really does make it ALL worth it.