Soulful Sunday
/When Life Gives You Lemons...
A few months ago, a very close friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. Having caught the cancer in it’s early stages, she was very optimistic and decided to have a double mastectomy. The night before her surgery I delivered her a plate of lemon muffins with a note that read, “When life gives you lemons, put ‘em in your bra...It couldn’t hurt!” To some of you, that may seem insensitive, but she and I got a good giggle out of it!
Life is to short and too wonderful to take things too seriously. Sometimes you just have to relinquish control, throw your head back and laugh. Laugh until it hurts and the tears are rolling down your face! “Laughter is and will always be the best form of therapy”.
Laugh at the funny things your kids do. Then, write it down so you can keep on laughing. My husband and I started keeping a mason jar, scraps of paper and a pen on the counter. It makes it easy to write down all the funny things our children say and do. At the beginning of this year we took turns reading the quotes from the jar. We all got a kick out of remembering the funny stories.
Before you scold them, take a picture. I suppose that sounds weird, but there are things that you may not want your kids to do, but when they DO do it, take a picture so you will always remember the moment. Last week my 2 yr. old was being a little too quiet so I went to check on her. She had literally used an entire container of diaper rash cream on her face! Was it a big mess? Absolutely! But, before I cleaned her up, I took a picture so I could share with the rest of my family her mischievous ways.
Laugh at yourself! By now, I have gotten pretty good at this! I used to get embarrassed or upset or angry if I did something stupid or silly. Now, I laugh. And I am a much happier person because of it. During one of the fitness classes I teach, I did a tuck jump with just a little too much enthusiasm and I peed! That’s right, I peed in front of a class of 25 people! And you know what? We all got a good laugh out of that one! I just exclaimed, “Now I FINALLY fit in with all the other moms here that tell me they pee when we do so much jumping! YES!!! I’m in the club!” It’s okay too express a little humor. We all do funny and embarrassing things sometimes. Don’t dwell on those things; laugh and move on!
“Life is worth living as long as there’s a good laugh in it”.
-L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Be Well,