Wellness as a Choice
/"What? You don't drink milk? How do you get your calcium?" "Huh, no bread? Are you serious?" "Humans are meant to eat animals!" "Marisa, the way you eat is inconvenient." "Marisa, thanks for helping me learn more about healthy lifestyle choices. It has made a big difference in my life."
I have heard it all. The good, the bad, and the hurtful. Hurtful because some of the negative comments I receive regarding my own personal lifestyle choices come from people I love.
Nonetheless, it all comes down to the fact that regardless of what you do in life you will never be without someone sharing their opinion. So how do we make the right choices for ourselves and our children when we are bombarded with so many differences of opinion of what is good to eat or not eat or what exercise is good for our body or bad for our knees? Simply, we should follow our gut, literally.
While out on a run I came up with an analogy to perhaps aid in describing the body and how it can function at its finest based on our choices and the way we treat ourselves. Here goes...
I view my body as a Nascar race car. It must be capable of going fast and enduring long stretches of fast paces, it needs an intuitive and experienced driver (my mind), a pit crew to keep it functioning (wellness visits and check-ups with healthcare providers), the finest of fuels (food in its most original form), and an engine to be able to withstand the demands of the driver, the other racers, and the environment.
The Driver, the Mind: Educate & Empower. Vow to value your own health and that of your family. Choose to be positive, open-minded, decisive, compassionate, and PRESENT. Always remain aware of what you are doing and how you are affecting others. Listen to how your mind and body respond to what you put in it and what you tell it! When we remain in the present moment we are more likely to make better choices. Continue to seek information regarding healthy lifestyle practices and nutrition.
The Pit Crew: Find your advocates. Getting regular health check-ups empower you to stay healthy or get healthier! Never underestimate the power of a massage. Not in the budget, ask a friend or partner!
The Finest Fuel: Food. We are bombarded by peers, family members, and the media with what to eat, how to eat, and why to eat. The why is easy: we eat to stay alive. How, what, and when is the challenge for many. While millions of people in this world are starving, millions can afford food in abundance but for some their bodies are starving for the optimal amounts of vitamins and nutrients it needs to be healthy. Obesity is an epidemic. Metabolic syndrome is an epidemic. Food is a billion dollar industry and a topic of endless discussion. So, I will keep it simple and say this: when you are about to put an item of food into your body, ask yourself why you are doing it and how it will benefit you and contribute to your greatest sense of well-being and physical health.
The Engine: The Body. Well, it is true, you only get one body. So, what will you do with it? How will you treat it? Sadly, cars may receive better treatment and ongoing maintenance than our own bodies. Many moms are the first to wake up in the morning and the last to fall asleep and on-the-go all day long. Again, vow to value your health and factor in daily bouts of physical activity so that your engine can withstand the speeds, the tasks, and the long days you require it to endure.
Wellness is a choice. Wellness is power. Don't forfeit that power! You owe it to yourself and your children.
Choose your journey,