You are what you eat. Huh?
/Glycemic index, ghrelin, leptin, and the insulin cycle...Say what? The science and psychology of healthful living can be overwhelming. There are new studies all the time. In the 90's we were encouraged to follow a low fat, high carb diet. Now with obesity and diabetes (diabesity) on the rise, scientists are revisiting that information and have now discovered that it is not fat that is at the hub of America's health problems, but starch and sugar. With so much information and differing opinions it can be hard to know what is right.
Marisa and I were discussing this the other day as I was trying to find a way to simplify things for you all when she said, "you burn what you eat!" It doesn't get any simpler, folks. If you eat sugar, you will burn sugar and carbs, hopefully. AFTER the sugar is burned THEN your body will begin to dip into its fat stores if it is metabolically efficient. You literally are what you eat. Right now, I feel the urge to get on my "no sugar" soapbox, but I will refrain. I do, however, want to encourage you to evaluate the way you eat for 3 days. Write down what type of exercise you perform that day, what you eat, and how much. Then write down how you feel. Become a detective! Not every body is the same.
Some people like to run long distance, while others enjoy cross fit. The food you eat should support the type of activity you do. If you are a weight lifter, you may consider adding more protein. If you choose to practice yoga and walk for exercise, your body will not require huge amounts of protein. I could easily write a book on this subject, however, I will sum it up by encouraging you to find what works for you. And if what you are doing does not work for you, please feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to point you in the right direction. Until next time,
Be well!