It's not what you do in the gym that makes you fit, it's what you do all day!
/If you were to exercise for one hour each day, you would be spending only 4% of your day working out. FOUR PERCENT! That is not a very significant amount, yet studies show that just 60 minutes of exercise 3-5 days/week yields health benefits including weight control, disease prevention, improved mood, energy, and sleep. However, just because you meet that recommendation doesn't necessarily make you healthy OR fit. We've discussed this topic before and we've concluded that exercising simply isn't enough to keep your body healthy and well. If you feel like you are just spinning your wheels with your workouts, and not making progress with your fitness and health, it's time to take a look at what you are doing the other 96% of your day. How are you eating and sleeping? Are you stressed out or working too much? Do you have fulfilling relationships, or desIre more time spent with your family? Do you spend too much time watching tv? Could you benefit from taking vitamins or supplements? The point I'm trying to make is that there are so many things that can affect our health and our fitness. Wellness is defined as "the quality of being healthy in body and mind as a result of deliberate effort". So, if you feel like you are not making progress in your health and fitness, look at your lifestyle, not just your workouts. We can all make improvements, whether it's drinking more water or cutting out processed foods...We challenge you to make a change for the better.
We want to hear from you; what did you change and how did that change make you feel?
To be continued....but until then, be well!