Who Inspires You?

Yesterday, I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw a new Kaisa Keranen post. Kaisa is truly an inspiration to me. She has the fitness, athleticism, and knowledge that I aspire to have. The girl can move! She can jump as though her legs were made of springs; she can squat lower than anyone I've ever seen. She is strong, muscular, beautiful, and makes no excuses. I listened to her talk about a 30 day fitness program she created. She was responding to the many questions she has recently received regarding her program. People want to know if they will lose weight and get "tone" by doing her workouts. Her response made me love her even more. She said, (and I'm paraphrasing) "Will you lose weight and "get tone"? If you move 30 mine's a day for 30 days and eat healthfully, absolutely! But that is not the reason I move. I don't move to change the way my body looks. If you dedicate 30 minutes a day to moving, and focus more on how it makes you feel and be less concerned with the way you are going to look, you will see changes".

Amen, sister! I have spent far too much time being concerned with how I look, instead of how I feel. I am almost 40 years old, and I can finally say that my mindset has shifted towards eating healthfully, feeling great, and being well. My goal is to continue down this road instead of going back to always worrying about how big my bum kids or how much cellulite I have. It is so freeing to finally feel this way. To all of you, I hope you find what makes you feel good. I hope you achieve wellness and happiness. Find someone who inspires you-come-alive and be well!