Let's get real
/It is easy to get caught in the Instagram trap where one loses all sense of time. How fun is it to see the photos of your family, friends, and inspirational strangers? A lot of fun. Come on! Be honest! But it is also a bummer. Everyone looks so happy. So perfect. Mom's are crafting and homeschooling with perfection. Dad's are piggyback carrying their kiddos at the beach while carrying the beach bag and chairs and smiling. Abs are exposed and 8-packs seem to have a spotlight shining on them. Kids are smiling and posing and hugging and reading and...agh! We see perfection! I love seeing success and happiness and inspiration. But...
I'll be honest here, I end up feeling as if I am constantly doing something wrong. Parents are tired more often than rested and if we fail to be in a state of mindful awareness (hello...tired parent, here!) we forget that we are human. We aren't beings of perfection.
Authenticity is something I seek in life and relationships. And it is hard to have authentic relationships when imperfections are hidden. Or at least, I think so. Here ya go...my "fails" and those wild moments parents rarely share of their kids. Let's be present and authentic together...not perfect.
As you can see, my "little angels" are wild children being children and well, quite destructive. Let's call them little scientists.
This is how my littlest likes to fall asleep. Hands always on my face. Often with a finger up my nose or down my shirt.
Love You,