
I saw an Instagram post today that made me smile. William Golding praises all women when he writes the following. "I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men. They are far superior and always have been. Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater. If you give her sperm, she will make a baby. If you give her a house, she will make a home. If you give her groceries, she will give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she will give you her heart ❤. She multiplies and enlarges everything that is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of #*!"

-William Golding 

As women, we wear many hats. Much is expected of us and I believe we deliver. May your families and others in your life respect, appreciate, and love you for all you do and for who you are! 

Be AMAZING, women of the world! And be well.