Quickie Tummy Toner
/This is a great abdominal workout when you don't have a lot of time. It's quick and effective. I believe abs are made in the kitchen and what you put into your body makes more of a difference than your workouts do. When you eat healthfully AND work out, you can burn any unwanted fat and show off those abs before swimsuit season.
Set your timers for 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of double knees. Complete each of the following exercises. If you want a longer workout, feel free to do 1-2 more sets.
Quickie Tummy Toning Workout
1-4 plank jacks/4 elbow plank jacks: double knees
2-rollback/pushups: double knees
3- plank twists: double knees
4-curtsy lunge/side kick (right): double knees
5-curtsy lunge/side kick (left): double knees
6-mountain climber twists: double knees
7-belly drop knee drives: double knees
8-V sit flutter kicks (kick your feet as you go up into a V sit and back down): double knees
9-prisoner toe taps (hold your hands behind your head and tap your toes on a stair or chair): double knees
10-woodchoppers (holding a dumbbell or weighted ball) . Start standing upright then lunge to the side bringing the weight down toward your toe. Alternate sides.
* For a longer workout, throw in a quick 10 minute run or bike ride and repeat the set.