3 x 3 x 3 Workout

Happy Mother's Day weekend, ladies! Being a mom is definitely something to celebrate, as is having a mom! Whatever you do this weekend, I hope you find some time to enjoy your children and celebrate your motherhood. Isn't it the best??? (Most of the time, anyway)

I also hope you take some time for yourself and do something to improve your health. I read a quote the other day from trainer, mother, and my workout hero, Kaisa Keranen. She said, "Health is NOT a look; It's a feeling". How many of us are always trying to "lose 10 lbs", crunch our way to 6 pack abs, or get rid of those saddlebags??? Believe me, I'm the one who just bought the fascia blaster in order to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Maybe you struggle with your appearance, maybe you don't. If you don't, I think that is awesome and I hope to get there one day. For now, I think it really is so important to focus on health and what makes me feel well. Just because you "look" fit, doesn't mean you are healthy. Health is so much more than your physical appearance. I can go on forever about that, but I will get to the workout. I love this workout. It makes me feel so strong and healthy. It is 3 sets of 3 exercises performed for 3 rounds. The first set consists of 3 arm exercises. You can pick any 3 you want, but for the sake of balance, I chose a shoulder exercise, a bicep exercise and a chest/tricep exercise.

The next three exercises will work your legs and the last three will target your abs. If you are a beginner, aim to complete 1 round. If you are more advanced, try 2-3 rounds. 

3 x 3 x 3 WORKOUT

Set 1: Arms (perform 30 reps of each exercise, then 20, then 10: no rest between sets)

Shoulder presses

Bicep curls

Belly drop knee drives (keep your hands next to your chest and squeeze you elbows into your sides as you push your body of the floor, pulling your knee into your chest. Alternate sides). 

Set 2: Legs: perform 50 reps of each exercise

Jump squats

Lunge jumps  

Prisoner squat with a side leg lift

Set 3: Abs: perform 25 reps of each exercise 

Straddle V sits 

Plank jacks

Swimmer kicks