Can't fit in a workout?

Well, you can't afford to fit in excuses.  Give this a try... 

It won't work for everyone.  Nonetheless, it is a creative and fun way to fit in physical activity throughout your day!

Set an alarm to alert you at every 10-minutes to the hour (watch, phone, clock, etc) over a 6-hour period.  For example: 8:50am, 9:50am, 10:50am, etc.  Complete 10 minutes of 5 different exercises.

  • 50 seconds of jumping jacks or burpees/10 sec rest OR jog in place Or high-knees
  • 50 seconds of squats or power squats/10 sec rest OR jog in place Or high-knees
  • 50 seconds of push-ups or a variation of/10 sec rest OR jog in place Or high-knees
  • 50 seconds of lunges/10 sec rest OR jog in place Or high-knees
  • 50 seconds plank/10 sec rest OR jog in place Or high-knees
  • REPEAT for a total of 10-minutes

Or simply pick your favorite 5 exercises!

Again, we realize this won't work for everyone.  However, if you can make this work for you, you are doing your mind, body, spirit, and family a favor!  You are setting an example.  You are inspiring.  You are respecting yourself. 

Work for it!  And Be Well,