Jump Squat, Burpee, Lunge, Plank Workout
/There are not a lot of different moves in this workout, but you will definitely feel every muscle in your body working. I've taken the 4 most effective bodyweight exercises (in my opinion) and have combined them in a way that will get your heart pumping, legs burning, and core tight. We will start with jump squats, an overall great Cardiovascular and strength exercise. Then, on to Burpees (with a pushup). Burpees will target your entire body; legs, arms, core... They hit EVERYTHING! Next, we will perform lunge jumps. Not only will they target your Quads, but your Glutes and Hamstrings, as well. Last, but definitely not least, we will hold a plank. Make sure you are pressing the floor down, rounding slightly through your upper back, engaging your entire core. All righty then, let's do this!
Set 1: 30,20,10 rep workout
Perform 30 reps of each exercise, then 20 reps of each exercise, then 10 reps. Try not to rest between sets.
-jump squats
-plank jacks
-lunge jumps
Set 2: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Complete 5 rounds.
-jump squats
-lunge jumps
-plank hold
**Repeat Set 1 if you have anything left. These exercises should be done powerfully, jumping high and landing low. I'd love to hear what you think!
Be fit and be well!