The Slider Workout

All you need for this workout is a slick floor and two folded up towels.  You are going to place either your hands or feet on the towels and slide through each exercise. Have fun with these movements. They will work you in a completely different way.

Warm up for 5-10 minutes, then perform each of the following 7 exercises on the sliders for 45 sec each, followed by high knees, jumping jacks, or jump rope for 15 sec. 

1-with your right foot on the towel, slide back into deep lunge then stand up

2-repeat on the left leg

3-plank jacks with your feet on the towels

4-Place one hand on each towel while on a pushup position. Slide your right hand out to the right as you lower into a pushup, the pull your hand back in and do the same thing on the left. Alternate hands 

5-lay flat on your back with each foot on a towel. Pull your heels to your bum as you lift your hips up, then slide both feet out to your starting position

6-with both feet on the towels, come to a plank position and slide both feet in towards your hands, then slide both feet back into a plank position and perform 1 pushup

7-in a plank position and with each foot on a towel, perform mtn climbers

* Complete 4 rounds


1000 squat challenge

Complete the following 5 sets of squats. Each set of squats is 50 reps for a total of  250 reps per round. Complete 1 or more rounds if you are a beginner or 4 rounds to complete the 1000 rep squat challenge. You can add 5 minutes of cardio, such as walking, jogging or cycling between rounds for a complete strength and cardio workout.

1. Weighted squats (50 reps)

2. Alternate 10 Jump squats and 10 power squats (50 reps) 

3.   Abductor Squats (50 reps)

* squat down, stand up and lift your leg to the side, alternating legs

4. Quarter turn squats (50 reps) 

5. Kneeling squats (50 reps) 

*from your knees, drop your hips to your heels then push back up to a kneeling position

**This workout is CHALLENGING! If you are a beginner, you can reduce the number of reps and sets.


Another HIIT workout

Get your body prepped and ready for a high intensity, focused workout with 10-15 minutes of aerobic activity (AKA cardio) such as, stair climbing, running, power walking, or cycling.

Main Workout:

Set #1

  • 30 seconds of power squats/30 seconds of burpees w/push-up - for 2 minutes, alternating every 30 sec without stopping
  • 30 seconds REST
  • 30 seconds of reptiles (refer to video a couple of weeks ago)/30 seconds of 3 mountain climbers w/1 push-up - for 2 minutes, alternating every 30 sec without stopping
  • 30 seconds REST
  • 30 seconds standing fast straight-leg kicking (think of high-knees but with straight legs)/30 seconds of gorilla hops, 3 each side, (squat low like a frog and now hop 3x to right side then 3x to left) - for 2 minutes, alternating every 30 sec without stopping
  • 30 seconds REST
  • 30 seconds crab kicks/30 seconds tricep dips with one-leg up (alternate per 30-sec set) - for 2 minutes, alternating every 30 sec without stopping

Set #2 - CARDIO! for 10-15 minutes

Set #3
***Do this set 2X through for 10 total minutes without stopping

  • 45 seconds single-leg needle squats (R leg) w/15 seconds of high knees
  • 45 seconds single-leg needle squats (R leg) w/15 seconds of high knees
  • 45 seconds push-up/push-back w/15 seconds of plank-jacks
  • 45 seconds frog hops w/15 seconds of plank-jacks
  • 45 seconds of squat-pulse x 4 w/1/2 turn w/ 15 seconds of high knees

Be sure to spend 5-10 minutes doing a cool-down.


Total Body Couplet Workout

This workout is no joke.  Be sure to fit in a 10-minute warm-up and do at least a 5-minute cool-down.

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, alternating exercises for 4 minutes with no rest!  Ok to rest 30 seconds between each set, however.

Set 1

1. Plank jacks

2. Shoulder taps (while holding a plank)

Set 2

1. Push-up pushbacks

2. Power squats

Set 3

1. Burpees

2. 3 Mtn climbers/1 push up

Set 4

1. Back lunge/swing kick (alternate right and left each minute)

2. Frog hops

Set 5

1. Reptiles (refer to last week's video where Marisa holds a plank and brings one knee out to elbow then swings same leg out to side)

2. Fast toe taps on the a step or high knees

Set 6

1. Squat-to-side leg lift or kick

2. Catch lunges

Set 7

1. V-sits

2. Plank V's

Be Well, 


Hip & Core Strength Combo for Runners

No excuse for running injuries!  Well...there is but you must know that you are in control and CAN prevent them!  A couple of weeks ago we mentioned running with less force and the best way to go about this is to increase your stride rate.  Now that you have been working on that, it is time to work on hip and core strength and keep it in the weekly repertoire! 

Running is a linear activity.  It doesn't give us much of a chance to work the muscles that help our body move laterally.  If you think of a table you will notice that to be able to stand it has a stable base of some sort or at least 4 legs.  Our bodies need lateral support even if we are moving one direction.  For a more in-depth look at why our hips are are important to running health, please refer to this article: Booty Power: Why Every Triathlete Should Want a Big Butt

And always remember, running is a series of one-legged stances.  Can you stand on one leg for more than 60 seconds without stumbling?  Here are a few exercises to do at least 3X per week.  Start with 2 sets of 10 reps and then start to add reps then sets every 2-3 weeks as you feel yourself becoming stronger!

Be well on Your running journey!

Stair workout... For your arms!!! What???

You heard that right, we are going to do a stair workout using nothing but your arms. You can use the stairs in your house, at the park, in a gym...This truly is a do anywhere workout!

Start by coming into a plank position at the bottom of your stairs. Simply step up with one hand, up with the other, then down, down. That is your basic step. Now that we've got that done, let's get it done!

Warm up: 

Step up, up, down, down leading with the right hand for 30 seconds. Switch and lead with the left hand for 30 seconds. Perform 10 pushups on the floor or bottom step, then 10 tricep dips.

Now that you are warmed up complete 4 sets of the following exercises for 45 seconds each. Rest 15 seconds between each exercise.

1. Step up up down down (alternate leading hands)

2. With your hands on the bottom step, perform 2 plank jacks/2 froggers (start in a plank position and jump both feet up towards your hands then jump get back into the plank position).

3. Step up up down down, PUSHUP, up up down down, PUSHUP

4. Step up, up, up, up to the second stair then back down to the floor

5. Hold the plank position and pull your knee to your wrist alternating sides.

6. Turn around and put your feet on a step and perform decline pushups

7. Tricep dips off the step

After 4 rounds and 28 minutes, your arms and abs will be smoked! 

Stretch and cool down

Until next time!



Running and Avoiding Injury

Today's post will not contain a specific workout and instead discuss one aspect of running and avoiding running-related injuries, an outcome that everyone thinks will inevitably happen. 

Yes, you CAN avoid serious running injuries, and yes you should probably adjust more than just one element of your training or running form.  Nonetheless, one simple adjustment is sure to begin your journey to smarter running that leads to running for life. 

Gretchen Reynolds from the New York Times summed up recent research beautifully: run with less force.  Read it, bookmark it, and refer to it often.  It won't solve all of your running questions but it is the perfect place to start.  (New York Times article by Gretchen Reynolds)

Ok, how do I run with less force?  Keep it simple and focus on one thing: your cadence.  The longer the amount of time each foot spends on the ground the more ground reaction force absorbed and the more force needed from your muscles and tendons to rebound to the next stride.  So, what is the ideal running cadence?  According to research, 180 steps per minute (right, left, right, left, etc). 

Fit it in.  It won't be easy but it will be worth it.  It doesn't have to be for your whole run or with every run.  But fit it in for a mile or two over the majority of your runs or at least your warm-up.  How do I do that?  Look at a watch and count your steps.  Or download one of my favorite metronomes to your smart phone.  Pro Metronome.  It can also be found on iTunes or your app store if you have an iPhone. 

Don't get me wrong, though!  Core, hip, glute, and overall body and tendon strength are key to maintaining a healthy, fit, and injury-free body.  In addition to range of motion or flexibility and balance in your training plan (intensity, frequency, and duration).  But focusing on cadence is a simple change that offers insight, focus, and purpose to your daily runs.

Give it a try!

Be Well on Your Journey,


This workout will hit everything! It will work your cardiovascular system as well as challenge your strength and muscular endurance. It is broken up into 4 parts. 2 strength intervals and 2 cardio intervals.

Interval 1: strength 

 Perform 30 reps of each of the following exercise, then 20 reps, and finally, 10 reps of each. Move from one set to the next without rest.

1. Pushups

2. Burpees

3. Renegade rows (using dumbbells, get into a plank position and alternate pulling your elbow up toward the sky)

4. Knee to wrist plank (start in a plank position and pull your right knee to your right wrist then repeat on the other side)

Cardio 1: 

Perform each of the following exercises for 50 sec with 10 sec rest for 3 rounds. Then move on to the next exercise. (i.e. 3 rounds of burpees, then 3 rounds of Jack squats, etc...)

1.   Burpees 

2. 2 jumping jacks/1 squat jump

3. Mtn. Climbers

4. Forward lunge/jump squat/forward lunge on the opposite leg (add weight to intensify) 

5. Jump rope

Interval 2: strength 

Perform each of the following exercises for 30 reps, then each for 20 reps, finally, perform each exercise for 10 reps. Do not rest in between exercises or sets. Move quickly from one exercise to the other. (30 shoulder presses, 30 Tricep dips, then 30 bicep curls...20 of each, then 10)

1. Shoulder press with dumbbells

2. Tricep bench dips

3. Bicep curls

Cardio 2  :

Perform each of the following exercises for 20 sec. Rest for 20 seconds then repeat the set 2 more times. 

1. High knees

2. 180 squat jumps

3. Plank punches

4. Jumping jacks

5. Skaters

6. Plank jacks

  You should feel exhausted! Great job!


Interval 2: strength

Interval 2: strength

Mix it up

Be sure to start with a 5-10 minute warm-up so that your body is ready to work and respond!

*You can do this with a stationary bike or treadmill.

  • 10 minutes of cycling, walking fast on an incline, or running at a challenging pace.
  • Hop off and do: 10 push-ups; 10 power squats; 10 knees-to-elbow in plank; 10 plank jacks
  • 9 minutes at a challenging pace on choice of "machine".
  • Hop off and do: 10 push-ups; 10 power squats; 10 knees-to-elbow in plank; 10 plank jacks
  • 8 minutes at a challenging pace.
  • Hop off and do: 10 jump lunges; 10 dragon squats; 10 burpees with a push-up; 10 up-down-down-ups in plank, going from elbows to hands.
  • 7 minutes at a challenging pace.
  • Hop off and do: 10 jump lunges; 10 dragon squats; 10 burpees with a push-up; 10 up-down-down-ups in plank, going from elbows to hands.
  • 6 minutes at a challenging pace.
  • Hop off and do: 10 power squats; 10 jump lunges; 10 burpees with a push-up; 10 plank jacks; 10 up-down-down-ups in plank (elbows to hands); 10 dragon squats.
  • 5 minutes at a challenging pace.
  • Hop off and do: 10 power squats; 10 jump lunges; 10 burpees with a push-up; 10 plank jacks; 10 up-down-down-ups in plank (elbows to hands); 10 dragon squats.
  • 4 minutes at a challenging pace.
  • Hop off and do: 10 push-ups; 10 plank jacks; 10 burpees; 10 x 4-pulse squats w/half jump turn
  • 3 minutes at a challenging pace.
  • Hop off and do: 10 push-ups; 10 plank jacks; 10 burpees; 10 x 4-pulse squats w/half jump turn
  • 2 minutes at a challenging pace.
  • Hop off and do: 45 sec of high-knees; 15 sec of power squats; 45 sec of plank jacks; 15 sec of burpees
  • 1 minute at a challenging pace.
  • Hop off and do: 45 sec of high-knees; 15 sec of power squats; 45 sec of plank jacks; 15 sec of burpees

Pheww!  You are done!  Be sure to walk a bit to cool down.  This was a tough one. 

Continue to challenge yourself.  Get stronger physically and mentally.  Be well.  Stay well.  Choose happiness!



Shape up those shoulders!

Whether you want to shape up and tone your shoulders, or strengthen the muscles that stabilize the shoulders in order to rehab an injury, these exercises are extremely effective.

Using either a resistance tube with handles or a set of light dumbbells, perform the following exercises for 30 seconds each. Rest for 30 seconds, then repeat 3-4 more times.

1. Standing on the middle of your tube with one foot, lift your arms straight out to the side. Lift and lower your arms using a small range of motion. Down 3 inches, up 3 inches, keeping the tension on the shoulders for the entire 30 seconds.

2.  Next, using your tube, lower your arms with your palms facing your thighs and lift both arms straight out to the front, lifting and lowering for 30 seconds.

3.  Holding your tube or dumbbells, press the arms up over your head then lower them until your hands are beside your ears, then continue to press up and lower down for 30 seconds.

4.  Finally, extend the arms straight out to the side and draw little circles with your hands for 30 seconds. Make sure to keep your elbows straight. You can always drop the tube if it is too difficult.

Release the tube shake out your arms, stretch, and then repeat. If you want an extra challenge, bring your body into a plank position and hold for 60 seconds after each set!

Great job! Who knew that little tube could challenge your body so much? 

Until next week, 



The Black Jack workout

Pick 2 exercises. Perform 20 reps of one exercise and 1 rep of the other. (Get it? 20-1... BlackJack...)

On the next set, perform 19 reps of one exercise and 2 reps of the other. Then 18 and 3, 17 and 4, etc... Until you complete 1 of the first exercise and 20 of the other. Simple, right? Maybe...but not easy...

Need help deciding which 2 exercises? Here are some ideas...or come up with your own

Burpees and pushups

Squat jumps and burpees

Mountain climbers and 180 squat turns with a push up

Switch lunges and plank jacks  

Skaters and tricep  dips

Be creative and have fun! 


Stairwell Workout

You are in luck if you have stairs at home or have access to stairs.  No equipment needed.  But bring your focus and energy!

WU:  Walk up and down stairs 2X.  Jog up and down stairs 3X.  PLEASE BE CAREFUL.  I need to remind myself of this, I'm considerably clumsy for a former dancer.

Main Workout

  • 30 seconds ON/5 seconds rest - Incline push-ups on a stair
  • 30 seconds ON/5 seconds rest - Stand up for jogging toe taps (on just one stair while at bottom of stairwell)
  • Jog up and down stairwell 3X
  • 30 seconds ON/5 seconds rest - Right leg up 2 stairs - squat down and lift Left leg up to side to work abductors
  • 30 seconds ON/5 seconds rest - Left leg up 2 stairs - squat down and lift Right leg up to side to work abductors
  • Jog up and down stairwell 3X
  • 30 seconds ON/5 seconds rest - Toe raises with heels hanging off back of stair
  • 30 seconds ON/5 seconds rest - With both feet, hop up to next stair (or 2 or 3 if you dare) then back down.  Goal is to move fast!
  • Jog up and down stairwell 3X
  • 30 seconds ON/5 seconds rest - tricep dips with hands on stair
  • 30 seconds ON/5 seconds rest - Flip back over for incline push-ups with hand on stairs; however, turn just your body and stack your feet so that essentially your body and feet are in a side plank but your chest is facing straight down to the floor.  Now do push-ups!  15 seconds each side.
  • Jog up and down stairwell 3X
  • 30 seconds ON/5 seconds rest - step-ups (about 2 stairs) then back down. Right leg up and down only.  Move fast!
  • 30 seconds ON/5 seconds rest - step-ups (about 2 stairs) then back down. Left leg up and down only.  Move fast!
  • Jog up and down stairwell 3X
  • Walk up and down stairs 2X

Cool down is your choice!

This is just a quick and simple way to burn some calories, work up a sweat, get strong, and burn off some nervous energy!

Enjoy and Be Well.

Burn Workout

This workout is designed to get your heart rate up and keep it up. It is intense, so do what you can do, modify the exercises if you need to, take a short rest after each round and then keep going. One of the most challenging workouts I've done. I hope you enjoy it!

Perform each of the following 10 exercises one time. On the second round, perform each exercise two times, then each exercise three times, then 4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10 times. It took me about 40 minutes to complete the entire workout. Remember to go full range, and really power up on the jumps. 

1. Bent knee plank jack (Just like a plank jack, but bend your knees and tap them to the floor on the in and the out)

2. Pushup/Pushback  (from a plank position go down then push up and back with knees bent, bringing your chest to your thighs, then back to plank position)

3. Jump squat

4. Broad jump (take a long jump forward landing in a squat then jump and turn landing in a squat)

5. Burpee

6. Elbow to knee abs (lay on your back and then sit up bringing your right elbow to your Left knee, lay down then bring your right hand to your left toe...Repeat the same thing on the other side)

7. High knees for 10 then drop your belly to the floor. Push yourself back up to your feet. (That is one rep)

8. In out mountain climbers (from a plank position jump both feet in between your hands, jump back into a plank then jump both feet in and to the outside of your hands)

9. Lateral jump with a double butt kick (Jump sideways from one end of your mat to the other then jump up kicking both heels toward your butt) 

10. Single leg lunge jump (From a lunge position jump straight up, then repeat on the other leg)

Have fun! 


Fast and furious

This workout consists of 2 plyometric intervals and one bonus round. Perform 3 sets of each interval. Complete each exercise for 50 seconds, then take 10 seconds rest. (Modify by performing each exercise for 30 seconds with 15 sec rest)

Interval 1: 

Jump squat with a toe click

Pushup/double knee tuck (pushup then jump both knees into your chest and land in a plank)

Russian twists

Repeat the interval 2 more times, then run or stair climb for 5-10 minutes and move on to interval 2. 

Interval 2

Modified ninja jump squats (Start on your knees, place your hands on the floor and jump to both feet. Jump squat forward, then back and come back to your starting position on your knees. Continue for 50 seconds)

Plank jacks with knees bent  

V sits  

Repeat interval 2 two more times then run or stair climb for 5-10 minutes

Bonus round

20 burpees

Pushups until failure (meaning you can't do one more) 

40 jump squats

Run or stair climb 5-10 minutes

Cool down


5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5 workout

Here's a kick butt workout that you can do at home in 30 minutes. Start with a 5 min set, 4 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, then one minute. When you have completed the one minute set, work your way back up. This workout alternates the muscle groups used so rest between sets isn't necessary. Here's a sample workout, but feel free to modify or change the exercises in order to customize it for YOU! Now, let's get our sweat on!

5 minutes: 

Step up onto a box or bench 5 times, leading with the right leg. Perform 5 box jumps, 5 step ups on the left leg, and 5 box jump/burpees. Repeat for 5 minutes. 

4 minutes:  

With or without weights, alternate back lunges for one minute. Next, lunge the right leg back, pause, stand up and kick the right leg forward. Continue for 1 minute then repeat the alternating lunges then lunge kicks on the left leg. 

3 minutes: 

5 push ups, 10 tricep dips, 10 V-sits (Repeat for 3 minutes)

2 minutes: 

30 seconds power squats, 30 seconds skaters, 30 seconds plank jacks, 30 seconds mountain climbers

1 minute: 


Now, go back to the 2 minute set, then 3, 4, and 5.  

Have fun!


12 Days of Christmas Workout

Perform the first exercise, then the second and first, then the third, second and first... continue until you achieve 12 sets. Merry Christmas!


1-star jump

2- 2 wide pushups/2 narrow pushups

3- 3 sets of 4 plank jacks/1 pushup

4- 4 helicopter squats

5- 5 shoulder press pushups

6- 6 lunge jumps

7- 7 V-sits 

8- 8 mountain climbers

9- 9 Plank up downs

10- 10 front kick/back lunges (5/side) 

11- 11 Plank to squats  

12- 12 side lunge/burpees

Last week before Christmas workout!

We know you are busy with holiday parties, shopping, gift wrapping, and figuring out what that elf on the shelf is going to do tonight! A workout would definitely help with your stress levels, but who has time for that??? Here's a quick total body workout that is sure to burn off stress as well as some of those holiday treats!

Lower body exercises  

Power squats

Lunge jumps

Back lunge/front kick

3 pulse squats/1 burpee


Upper body/core exercises  

Plank jacks

Mountain climbers

Body builders   (burpee with a push up)

Push ups


warm-up: walk, jog, or bike 5 min

Pick one upper body and one lower body exercise. Alternate between the two exercises, performing each for 1 minute. Repeat 4 more times for a total of 10 minutes

Run, bike, or stair climb for 5 minutes

Pick another set of two exercises and perform 5 sets of each for 1 minute.  

Run, bike, or stair climb for 5 minutes

(If you have time, keep going. If not, cool down and stretch) 

Be well!