Stair workout... For your arms!!! What???

You heard that right, we are going to do a stair workout using nothing but your arms. You can use the stairs in your house, at the park, in a gym...This truly is a do anywhere workout!

Start by coming into a plank position at the bottom of your stairs. Simply step up with one hand, up with the other, then down, down. That is your basic step. Now that we've got that done, let's get it done!

Warm up: 

Step up, up, down, down leading with the right hand for 30 seconds. Switch and lead with the left hand for 30 seconds. Perform 10 pushups on the floor or bottom step, then 10 tricep dips.

Now that you are warmed up complete 4 sets of the following exercises for 45 seconds each. Rest 15 seconds between each exercise.

1. Step up up down down (alternate leading hands)

2. With your hands on the bottom step, perform 2 plank jacks/2 froggers (start in a plank position and jump both feet up towards your hands then jump get back into the plank position).

3. Step up up down down, PUSHUP, up up down down, PUSHUP

4. Step up, up, up, up to the second stair then back down to the floor

5. Hold the plank position and pull your knee to your wrist alternating sides.

6. Turn around and put your feet on a step and perform decline pushups

7. Tricep dips off the step

After 4 rounds and 28 minutes, your arms and abs will be smoked! 

Stretch and cool down

Until next time!