The Slider Workout

All you need for this workout is a slick floor and two folded up towels.  You are going to place either your hands or feet on the towels and slide through each exercise. Have fun with these movements. They will work you in a completely different way.

Warm up for 5-10 minutes, then perform each of the following 7 exercises on the sliders for 45 sec each, followed by high knees, jumping jacks, or jump rope for 15 sec. 

1-with your right foot on the towel, slide back into deep lunge then stand up

2-repeat on the left leg

3-plank jacks with your feet on the towels

4-Place one hand on each towel while on a pushup position. Slide your right hand out to the right as you lower into a pushup, the pull your hand back in and do the same thing on the left. Alternate hands 

5-lay flat on your back with each foot on a towel. Pull your heels to your bum as you lift your hips up, then slide both feet out to your starting position

6-with both feet on the towels, come to a plank position and slide both feet in towards your hands, then slide both feet back into a plank position and perform 1 pushup

7-in a plank position and with each foot on a towel, perform mtn climbers

* Complete 4 rounds