Total Body Couplet Workout

This workout is no joke.  Be sure to fit in a 10-minute warm-up and do at least a 5-minute cool-down.

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, alternating exercises for 4 minutes with no rest!  Ok to rest 30 seconds between each set, however.

Set 1

1. Plank jacks

2. Shoulder taps (while holding a plank)

Set 2

1. Push-up pushbacks

2. Power squats

Set 3

1. Burpees

2. 3 Mtn climbers/1 push up

Set 4

1. Back lunge/swing kick (alternate right and left each minute)

2. Frog hops

Set 5

1. Reptiles (refer to last week's video where Marisa holds a plank and brings one knee out to elbow then swings same leg out to side)

2. Fast toe taps on the a step or high knees

Set 6

1. Squat-to-side leg lift or kick

2. Catch lunges

Set 7

1. V-sits

2. Plank V's

Be Well,