Workout fit for the holiday rush.

The biggest excuse for people to not exercise and nurture their physical body during the holidays is: lack of time.  You owe it to yourself and your family to blow off steam, get your heart rate up, and, burn some calories during this joyous but sometimes stressful time.  Here is a workout sure to get your blood pumping but short enough to crunch pun intended.   And since travel is common during this time of year, this workout is designed to use you, yourself, and you.

***Warm-up: 1 min jogging in place, 1 min of jumping jacks, 1 min of mountain climbers


  • 40 seconds of high-knees/20 seconds of a squat hold
  • 40 seconds of push-ups/20 seconds of a plank
  • 40 seconds of jump squats/20 seconds of a squat hold
  • 40 seconds of mountain climbers/20 seconds of tricep push-ups
  • 40 seconds of jumping jacks/20 seconds of squat pulses
  • 40 seconds of power squats/20 seconds of squat pulses (yes, again) 
  • 40 seconds of tricep push-ups/20 seconds of plank
  • 40 seconds of v-sits/20 seconds of 6" hold
  • 40 seconds of plank to squat (fast!)/20 seconds of reverse v-sits (elbow plank position)
  • 40 seconds of burpees/20 seconds of skaters

REPEAT at least one more time!

Be Well,

Get Strong

100 squats: alternating 10 jump squats/10 weighted squats
90 walking lunges (weighted)
80 Plank jacks
70 v-sits (side, center, side)
60 step ups with a knee lift
50 high knees with a pushup (1,2,3,4,5/ pushup)
40 pushups (10 wide,10 narrow, 10 halfway down, 10 pulses)
30 skaters
20 frog hops
10 burpees

Run/walk/bike for 5-15 minutes

***Repeat 1-2 times, depending on time.

***Core and hip strength work of your choice for another 10 minutes.

Cool down

Burn 1000

This is nothing short of a high intensity workout!  Put your game face on and get strong and fit.  

Perform 3 sets of each of the following intervals without rest.

For a shorter and less intense workout, jog or jump rope for two minutes between of the 3 intervals.  To boost the calorie burn and intensity level: jog or walk at an incline for 15 minutes.  OR, if it is just you, yourself, and you with no access to equipment or a safe setting outside, do the following between each of the 3 intervals: 10 burpees, 20 mountain climbers, 30 jumping jacks, 40 high-knees, 50 power squats.

***Warm up of choice for 5-15 minutes.

Squat/press x 15
Power squats x 30 sec
Plank jacks x 30 sec
Pushup-T stands x 12


Back lunge right x 12
Switch jumps x 20 sec
Back lunge left x 12
Switch jumps x 20 sec
4 knee twists/Plank up downs x 30 sec
Tricep dips x 30 sec


Side lunge right/lateral raise x 12
Skaters x 30
Side lunge left/lateral raise x 12
Skaters x 30
Plank to squat x 30
Tricep pushups x 30 sec


***Below you will find a demo of the Push-up to T-stand & Knee Twist.

60-20-30 Workout

This workout is designed to build cardiorespiratory and muscular endurance, strength, speed, and power.  In other words, it's a butt kicker. You will start by performing 60 seconds of work, followed by a 20 second hold, and finally 30 seconds of work at a higher intensity. Then repeat, repeat, repeat. Mix up cardio and strength exercises for a total body blast. If you are new to exercise or need to modify, try 30 seconds of work, a 10 second hold, and a 20 second high intensity interval.

60, 20, 30 workout

Perform each of the following exercises in order, rest 10 seconds between exercises. If you feel good, we challenge you to repeat the entire circuit 1-3 more times (depending on your fitness level and how much time you have to workout).

1. Squat for 60 seconds (with or without weights), hold a low squat for 20 seconds, then jump squat for 30 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.

2. Skaters for 60 seconds, hold a low squat for 20 seconds, speedskaters for 30 seconds.

3. Plank jacks for 60 seconds, plank hold for 20 seconds, fast plank jacks for 30 seconds.

4. Lunge (right leg) for 60 seconds, hold a deep right lunge position for 20 seconds, switch jumps for 30 seconds.

5. Lunge (left leg) for 60 seconds, hold a deep left lunge position for 20 seconds, switch jumps for 30 seconds.

6. Pushups for 60 seconds, plank hold for 20 seconds, fast pushups for 30 seconds.

7. V-sits for 60 seconds, hold the V position for 20 seconds, fast V-sits for 30 seconds.

8. Triple Burpee/squats for 60 seconds, low pulse squats for 20 seconds, Burpees for 30 seconds.

9. Mountain climbers for 60 seconds, elbow plank hold for 20 seconds, fast Mtn climbers for 30 seconds.

10. Side lunges for 60 seconds, low plie squat hold for 20 seconds, "ughs"(formerly called suicides but we aren't too fond of that term) (shuffle to one direction two steps and hit the floor, then shuffle to the other side and hit the floor) for 30 seconds.

Rest 1-2 minutes then repeat

Have fun, get sweaty, and let us know how it goes!




30, 20, 10 Workout

This workout is quick, effective, and completely versatile.

Perform the exercise of your choice at an easy to moderate pace for 30 seconds, increase your pace for 20 seconds, then sprint for 10 seconds.  Repeat this sequence 4 more times then rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat the entire set as many times as possible.

Run at an easy to moderate pace for 30 seconds, run faster for 20 seconds, then sprint for 10 seconds.
Repeat 4 more times, rest for 1-2 minutes, then perform the set again.

Now, go get your sweat on!

Be Well,

Get "those" legs!

When I was younger, people used to tell me I had chunky legs. I was determined to show them all that I could change that, and I did. My legs are now firm and strong. This workout is one of my favorites to lift, tone, and strengthen the legs. 

Warm up:
20 walking lunges without weights
20 super lunges (lunge, squat, lunge, squat, etc...)
20 crab lunges (walking lunges keeping yourself low to the floor)
20 jump squats

If you are a beginner, this warm up would be a great workout in itself. You can repeat the set 1-2 more times. If you have been training with weights and would like a challenge, perform 1 set of the warm up then continue to set 1. You want to choose moderate weight. Not too heavy, as this is a high repetition workout.

Set 1: Repeat 2-3 times
-Leg extension drop set (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps)
-15-25 Squats (using either a bar or a set of dumbbells)
-Lunge jumps OR squat jumps for 30 sec.
-20 Dead lifts 
-Hamstring curls drop set (10,8,6,4,2 reps)

Set 2: burnout set
Tabata squat jumps (8 x 20 sec rounds with 10 seconds of rest)

Cool down:
5 minute walk and stretch 

Be well!

Get out of the gym and take your workout outside

I workout 5 days a week at the gym, but by the time Saturday rolls around, the gym Is the last place I want to be. Lately, I've been taking my workouts outside. It's been so fun to break the routine and do something different. This weekend, I want to challenge YOU to do something different. Go for a bike ride, run on a trail, take a hike, or simply jump on the trampoline with your kids. Let us know how it goes and as always, be well!


Jump start your day!

No need for excuses if you start your day by jump starting your heart!  10 minutes is better than nothing.  And if this is all you have, then use them to improve your health and wellbeing.   

The Workout: 

50 jumping jacks

40 power squats

30 push-up

20 plank jacks

10 burpees  

20 mountain climbers

30 tricep dips

40 power squats

50 jumping jacks

If you can, add this to your to current exercise regimen 2-3 times per week.

The "Ladies, get out your guns"! Workout

We spend a lot of time working on our legs, so today we are going to put the focus on our upper bodies. Head to the weight room of your local gym and prepare yourself to get your arms in tip-top shape. 

Warm up:  Walk, jog, or ride a bike for 5-10 minutes

Set 1:  perform this set 3-4 times

Alternate between 10 reps of bicep curls, 10 shoulder presses,  and 10 pushups (moderate weight)

Set 2:  

-Bicep curls 1,1,3's (right arm 1 rep, left arm 1 rep, both arms 3 reps) x 10

-Tricep bench dips (perform as many as you can)

Repeat entire set 2 more times

Set 3:  

 -Set your timer for 3 minutes and complete as many continuous rounds possible of 5 pushups, 5 bicep curls, 5 shoulder presses.

-Rest 1 min then repeat the set for 2 min

-Rest 30 seconds then repeat the set for 1 min

Set 4:  burnout round

-Perform as many underhand grip pull-ups as you can (assisted or unassisted)

-Perform as many pushups as you can

-Perform as many lateral raises as you can

You are done! And your arms should be smoked!!!


10, 9, 8...

This is a fairly intense HIIT workout that challenges your cardiorespiratory fitness, strength, and endurance!

Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of walking, running, biking, etc. 

Main Workout: 
***Go straight through each set with only 30 seconds of rest, which is listed throughout the workout.
--10 minutes as: 30 seconds of burpees/20 seconds of mountain climbers/10 seconds of powerful jump squats X 10
*30 seconds rest

--9 minutes as:  20 seconds of lunges (R-leg)/20 seconds of lunges (L-leg)/20 seconds of plank jacks X 9
*30 seconds rest

--8 minutes as:
(Make sure each 20 second interval is done at a high speed but not compromising form)
----20 seconds of power squats w/4 pulses then 10 seconds rest
----20 seconds of high knees/10 seconds rest
----20 seconds of jump lunges/10 seconds rest
----20 seconds of tuck jumps
(Now repeat this whole set 3 more times)
*30 seconds of rest

--7 minutes as: 1-minute of push-ups/1-minute of mountain climbers/1-minute of power squats/1-minute of plank-to-shoulder taps/1-minute of mountain climbers/1-minute of burpees/1-minute of shoulder press
*30 seconds rest

--6 minutes as:
----45 seconds of high knees/15 seconds jump squats
----45 seconds of jumping jacks/15 seconds plank jacks
----45 seconds of skaters/15 seconds squat pulses
----45 seconds of bicep curls/15 seconds of arm circles
---45 seconds of tricep push-ups/15 seconds mountain climbers
----45 seconds of biceps curls/15 seconds arm circles
*30 seconds rest

--5 minutes as: 1-minute high knees/1-minute jumping jacks/1-minuteskaters/1-minute burpees/1-minute high knees
*30 seconds rest

--4 minutes as:
----30 seconds push-ups/30 seconds mountain climbers
----30 seconds tricep push-ups/30 seconds mountain climbers
----30 seconds planks jacks/30 seconds plank-to-shoulder taps
----30 seconds push-ups/30 seconds mountain climbers
*30 seconds rest

--3 minutes as: 10 power squats/10 tuck jumps/10 squat pulses - cycle through this for 3 minutes
*30 seconds rest

--2 minutes as: V-sits...yes, v-sits for 2-minutes
*30 seconds rest

--1 minute as: high-knees

**CD with another 5-10 minutes of aerobic activity.

Cardio/Strength Circuit

This week's workout will combine cardio (either running, walking, stair climbing or cycling) and strength intervals using either a dumbbell or a kettle bell.

*Warm up 5-10 minutes on your chosen stationary cardio equipment

Cardio Interval 1: 10 minutes
--Increase your speed for 1 minute, then take it easy for 1 minute. (1 min ON/1 min OFF)
--Perform this interval 5 times for a total of 10 minutes


Strength interval
--25 squats (with dumbbells or kettlebell)
--20 pushups (modified push-ups on your knees)
--15 v-sits
--10 lunges with a shoulder press (on each side) using either dumbbells or kettle bells
--5 burpees


Cardio interval 2
--30 seconds easy, 20 seconds hard, 10 seconds as fast as you can
--Perform this interval 5 times, rest for 1-2 minutes, then repeat 5 more times


Strength Interval
--Perform strength interval again


Cardio Interval 3
--30 seconds fast/30 seconds faster/30 seconds rest
--Perform this interval 5 times


Strength interval
--Perform the strength interval one more time 

**Cool down and stretch 5-10 minutes

Beginner: perform cardio interval 1 and then 1 strength interval

Intermediate: perform cardio intervals 1 and 2 with the strength interval in between

Advanced: perform workout in it's entirety.

The Burst Workout

The following workout is meant to be done fast and furious!
Give each working interval an all out effort, performing each exercise for 30 seconds then either rest for 30 seconds or jump/jog at a slow pace for 30 seconds for an active recovery. Move on to the next interval.

Warm up: 1-2 minutes jump rope or slow jog

Interval 1:
high knees/fast pushups (1:00)
(:30 rest)

Interval 2:
squat jumps/plank jacks (1:00)
(:30 rest)

Interval 3:
Mountain Climbers/Burpees (1:00)
(:30 rest)

*Perform 5 rounds of all 3 intervals

Cool down: 1-2 minutes light jog or walk

Total workout time: 25 minutes

Be well!

It's a Lifestyle

The stars aligned this past weekend.  We didn't have to work, our husband's didn't have to work, and we answered the ocean's call for a visit.  And we got lucky.  We met for a brief fellowship and fun in the surf! 

I speak for all three of us when I say that we value our health, wellness, and love for staying adventurous and active.  But sometimes the lines between getting in a defined workout and having fun is a welcomed blur.

Getting in a "sanity" workout may or may not happen during a spontaneous weekend getaway.  Staying healthy, well, and active is a lifestyle.  If you happen to get enough sleep and want to get up with the sun, have at it!  Our workouts are designed to be done anywhere!  But if you just wanna have fun and enjoy the surf...go FitBit free and ride the waves.  Take a long walk on the beach or rent a beach cruiser.  Staying active and exercising is a lifestyle.  It is not a chore or a moment of torture to maintain a figure. 

Let go of the guilt.  Be free.  Be active.  And have can see that we did!

Be Well,


Fit Fifty

*Warm up walking or jogging for 5-10 minutes.

Perform 50 reps of each exercise, with 10 burpees in between each set.

Here we go!

50 squat jumps
50 pushups
50 plank v-ups (from a low plank position on your elbows push your hips upward and then lower back down into a low plank)
50 shoulder presses
50  power squats
50 v-sits
50 plank up-downs (moving from a low plank to a high plank then back to a low plank)
50 skaters
50 plank jacks
50 switch jumps
50 mountain climbers
50 russian twists

Cool down walking or jogging 5-10 minutes


Be well!

For the Triathletes: Swim & Land

One of my favorite workouts to plug into a triathletes training program is the "Swim & Land" workout.  North Carolina is saturated with triathlons and road races and provides a great opportunity for people to test out the sport or find a race to hop into every weekend.  So, you might as well be race ready!  Here is a great workout, again, to help you train for those transitions from sport-to-sport.

Warm-up: 500-1000yds of swimming, drilling, kicking, and sculling
Main set: 10 x 100yd/m at your intended race pace.  After every 100y, hop out of the pool for:
--10-20 lunges
--10-20 to raises
--10-20 push-ups
--10-20 v-sits (butt on kickboard)
**Try to keep this set moving at a challenging pace!
2nd set:  10 x 50yd/m at best pace with only a :05-10 second rest
3rd set:  500yd/m breath control - breathing 3, 5, 7, 9 for each 25 and repeat 5X
Last set:  6 x 50 yd/m (25 Sprint/25 kick on back)
Cool down:  200-300yd/m pull with buoy and paddles

While Away...

I know we've given you some quickie work out ideas in the past, but here's another one to add to your list. I spent 9 days in Utah, where the air is thin and it's very difficult to breathe if you are used to training at sea level.  The only chance I had to workout was while my children were playing in the yard with their cousins, so I had to make it quick and I had to make it count. Here is what I did.

*I set my timer for 10 minutes and performed 5 reps of each of the following exercises. No rest in between sets.

--5 Box jumps onto the front porch or bench
--5 Step ups (right leg)
--5 back lunges off the step (step back with the left leg in order to work the right leg)
--5 Box jump/burpees

Repeat, performing each exercise on the opposite leg.  Continue for 10 minutes

*** Increase the intensity by holding dumbbells

If you have more time, take a jog around the block a few times then repeat the same set of exercises for another 10 minutes. Your legs and glutes will be smoked!

Be well!


The Triathlete Breakout Session

This is a great workout for all the triathletes out there!  For the most part, triathletes include the quintessential "brick" (bike-to-run) workout into their weekly programs.  However, many tend to forget that the hardest transition is going from the swim (horizontal) to the bike (vertical).  Here is a workout to help you train your body to endure and to get stronger at changing body positions and movements without getting in the water!  The goal is for your body to adapt to those position changes without causing a major spike in heart rate.

Have Fun!

This workout can be a run or a bike session, preferably on your own bike on a trainer or an indoor cycle bike.

--Run or bike for 15 minutes to warm-up.  You can include intervals of your choice.
--Hop off the bike or stop running for: 10 burpees, 20 jumping jacks, 10 push-ups, 20 power and/or jump squats, 10 plank jacks, then 30 seconds of high-knees.  Do this whole set 1-2 more times!
--Run or bike for another 15 minutes, including intervals or a tempo session.
--Hop off bike or stop running for: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of each of these exercises: power squats, plank to frog jump, mountain climbers.  So, 10 PS, 10 Plank to FG, 10 MC...then 9 of each and so on.
--Back to bike or running for another 15 minutes!

Done!  Great workout!


Kettlebell Workout

Here is one for the beast in you.  Disciples of hard-core strength training: this one is for you!

Perform each of the following exercises in order:
4 reps (of each exercise), 8 reps, 12 reps, 16 reps, 12 reps, 8 reps, 4 reps

KB dead lift
KB swing squat
KB single arm lunge and press (right leg/left arm, then left leg/right arm)
KB goblet squat
KB single arm shoulder press
KB russian twists

Great sweat! Be well!