The Burst Workout

The following workout is meant to be done fast and furious!
Give each working interval an all out effort, performing each exercise for 30 seconds then either rest for 30 seconds or jump/jog at a slow pace for 30 seconds for an active recovery. Move on to the next interval.

Warm up: 1-2 minutes jump rope or slow jog

Interval 1:
high knees/fast pushups (1:00)
(:30 rest)

Interval 2:
squat jumps/plank jacks (1:00)
(:30 rest)

Interval 3:
Mountain Climbers/Burpees (1:00)
(:30 rest)

*Perform 5 rounds of all 3 intervals

Cool down: 1-2 minutes light jog or walk

Total workout time: 25 minutes

Be well!