Get "those" legs!
/When I was younger, people used to tell me I had chunky legs. I was determined to show them all that I could change that, and I did. My legs are now firm and strong. This workout is one of my favorites to lift, tone, and strengthen the legs.
Warm up:
20 walking lunges without weights
20 super lunges (lunge, squat, lunge, squat, etc...)
20 crab lunges (walking lunges keeping yourself low to the floor)
20 jump squats
If you are a beginner, this warm up would be a great workout in itself. You can repeat the set 1-2 more times. If you have been training with weights and would like a challenge, perform 1 set of the warm up then continue to set 1. You want to choose moderate weight. Not too heavy, as this is a high repetition workout.
Set 1: Repeat 2-3 times
-Leg extension drop set (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps)
-15-25 Squats (using either a bar or a set of dumbbells)
-Lunge jumps OR squat jumps for 30 sec.
-20 Dead lifts
-Hamstring curls drop set (10,8,6,4,2 reps)
Set 2: burnout set
Tabata squat jumps (8 x 20 sec rounds with 10 seconds of rest)
Cool down:
5 minute walk and stretch
Be well!