60-20-30 Workout
/This workout is designed to build cardiorespiratory and muscular endurance, strength, speed, and power. In other words, it's a butt kicker. You will start by performing 60 seconds of work, followed by a 20 second hold, and finally 30 seconds of work at a higher intensity. Then repeat, repeat, repeat. Mix up cardio and strength exercises for a total body blast. If you are new to exercise or need to modify, try 30 seconds of work, a 10 second hold, and a 20 second high intensity interval.
60, 20, 30 workout
Perform each of the following exercises in order, rest 10 seconds between exercises. If you feel good, we challenge you to repeat the entire circuit 1-3 more times (depending on your fitness level and how much time you have to workout).
1. Squat for 60 seconds (with or without weights), hold a low squat for 20 seconds, then jump squat for 30 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
2. Skaters for 60 seconds, hold a low squat for 20 seconds, speedskaters for 30 seconds.
3. Plank jacks for 60 seconds, plank hold for 20 seconds, fast plank jacks for 30 seconds.
4. Lunge (right leg) for 60 seconds, hold a deep right lunge position for 20 seconds, switch jumps for 30 seconds.
5. Lunge (left leg) for 60 seconds, hold a deep left lunge position for 20 seconds, switch jumps for 30 seconds.
6. Pushups for 60 seconds, plank hold for 20 seconds, fast pushups for 30 seconds.
7. V-sits for 60 seconds, hold the V position for 20 seconds, fast V-sits for 30 seconds.
8. Triple Burpee/squats for 60 seconds, low pulse squats for 20 seconds, Burpees for 30 seconds.
9. Mountain climbers for 60 seconds, elbow plank hold for 20 seconds, fast Mtn climbers for 30 seconds.
10. Side lunges for 60 seconds, low plie squat hold for 20 seconds, "ughs"(formerly called suicides but we aren't too fond of that term) (shuffle to one direction two steps and hit the floor, then shuffle to the other side and hit the floor) for 30 seconds.
Rest 1-2 minutes then repeat
Have fun, get sweaty, and let us know how it goes!