Workout fit for the holiday rush.

The biggest excuse for people to not exercise and nurture their physical body during the holidays is: lack of time.  You owe it to yourself and your family to blow off steam, get your heart rate up, and, burn some calories during this joyous but sometimes stressful time.  Here is a workout sure to get your blood pumping but short enough to crunch pun intended.   And since travel is common during this time of year, this workout is designed to use you, yourself, and you.

***Warm-up: 1 min jogging in place, 1 min of jumping jacks, 1 min of mountain climbers


  • 40 seconds of high-knees/20 seconds of a squat hold
  • 40 seconds of push-ups/20 seconds of a plank
  • 40 seconds of jump squats/20 seconds of a squat hold
  • 40 seconds of mountain climbers/20 seconds of tricep push-ups
  • 40 seconds of jumping jacks/20 seconds of squat pulses
  • 40 seconds of power squats/20 seconds of squat pulses (yes, again) 
  • 40 seconds of tricep push-ups/20 seconds of plank
  • 40 seconds of v-sits/20 seconds of 6" hold
  • 40 seconds of plank to squat (fast!)/20 seconds of reverse v-sits (elbow plank position)
  • 40 seconds of burpees/20 seconds of skaters

REPEAT at least one more time!

Be Well,