Burn Workout

This workout is designed to get your heart rate up and keep it up. It is intense, so do what you can do, modify the exercises if you need to, take a short rest after each round and then keep going. One of the most challenging workouts I've done. I hope you enjoy it!

Perform each of the following 10 exercises one time. On the second round, perform each exercise two times, then each exercise three times, then 4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10 times. It took me about 40 minutes to complete the entire workout. Remember to go full range, and really power up on the jumps. 

1. Bent knee plank jack (Just like a plank jack, but bend your knees and tap them to the floor on the in and the out)

2. Pushup/Pushback  (from a plank position go down then push up and back with knees bent, bringing your chest to your thighs, then back to plank position)

3. Jump squat

4. Broad jump (take a long jump forward landing in a squat then jump and turn landing in a squat)

5. Burpee

6. Elbow to knee abs (lay on your back and then sit up bringing your right elbow to your Left knee, lay down then bring your right hand to your left toe...Repeat the same thing on the other side)

7. High knees for 10 then drop your belly to the floor. Push yourself back up to your feet. (That is one rep)

8. In out mountain climbers (from a plank position jump both feet in between your hands, jump back into a plank then jump both feet in and to the outside of your hands)

9. Lateral jump with a double butt kick (Jump sideways from one end of your mat to the other then jump up kicking both heels toward your butt) 

10. Single leg lunge jump (From a lunge position jump straight up, then repeat on the other leg)

Have fun!