This workout will hit everything! It will work your cardiovascular system as well as challenge your strength and muscular endurance. It is broken up into 4 parts. 2 strength intervals and 2 cardio intervals.

Interval 1: strength 

 Perform 30 reps of each of the following exercise, then 20 reps, and finally, 10 reps of each. Move from one set to the next without rest.

1. Pushups

2. Burpees

3. Renegade rows (using dumbbells, get into a plank position and alternate pulling your elbow up toward the sky)

4. Knee to wrist plank (start in a plank position and pull your right knee to your right wrist then repeat on the other side)

Cardio 1: 

Perform each of the following exercises for 50 sec with 10 sec rest for 3 rounds. Then move on to the next exercise. (i.e. 3 rounds of burpees, then 3 rounds of Jack squats, etc...)

1.   Burpees 

2. 2 jumping jacks/1 squat jump

3. Mtn. Climbers

4. Forward lunge/jump squat/forward lunge on the opposite leg (add weight to intensify) 

5. Jump rope

Interval 2: strength 

Perform each of the following exercises for 30 reps, then each for 20 reps, finally, perform each exercise for 10 reps. Do not rest in between exercises or sets. Move quickly from one exercise to the other. (30 shoulder presses, 30 Tricep dips, then 30 bicep curls...20 of each, then 10)

1. Shoulder press with dumbbells

2. Tricep bench dips

3. Bicep curls

Cardio 2  :

Perform each of the following exercises for 20 sec. Rest for 20 seconds then repeat the set 2 more times. 

1. High knees

2. 180 squat jumps

3. Plank punches

4. Jumping jacks

5. Skaters

6. Plank jacks

  You should feel exhausted! Great job!


Interval 2: strength

Interval 2: strength