Exercise more, eat more!

I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other day. We had both been on vacation, and therefore, we were not working out as much as usual.   Both of us had the same epiphany...we weren't nearly as hungry! We realized that the more we exercised, the hungrier we were.

The more you exercise, the more fuel your body needs. If you are limiting your calories, and working out long and hard, your body is going to put up a fight. You may even become "overtrained". 

I have been in that situation before. Years ago, before I had kids, I would teach a workout class, then work as a personal trainer. If I had a break in my schedule, or if someone didn't show up for their training session, I'd workout again. I was also training for triathlons and it was common for me to either run, swim, or ride my bike. I was exhausted, sore ALL the time, depressed,  irritable, and HUNGRY. A good friend of mine showed me an article that talked about overtraining and it described me to a "T". 

It still took me a few years to really understand that more is not always better and that resting is essential to performing well. I share this with you because I want you to learn now what it took me years to learn. I see so many people working out so hard, for such a long period of time, thinking they need to "just do a little bit more" before they call their workout complete. Sometimes less IS more.

Workout all you want, if that is what makes you happy. I, personally, am a lot happier now that I train smarter. I still have days   when I may teach two difficult classes in a day. On those days, I eat more and make sure to give my body the fuel it needs. If I don't, I'm hungry and more likely to overeat later. If I'm sore, I take a rest day or walk easy and do yoga. Listen to your body. You will be glad you did. 

Be well, 


Win your strength

The best way to increase strength is to lift more weight than the body is adapted to. We grow stronger when we break down muscle fibers, to put it in the most simple way possible. We stress our muscles by progressively increasing the amount of weight we lift which causes the breakdown of muscle fibers. We also increase strength when we change up the exercises we do, causing MORE muscle fibers to break down.

Getting stronger doesn't happen during the workout, but when we are resting. This is a lesson that has taken me years to understand and accept. When we break down muscle fibers, they need 24-48 hours to repair themselves. When they recover, they become stronger. Without resting, we are actually doing more damage to our muscles. That doesn't mean you have to eliminate a workout. Instead, train different body parts each day. You may want to train hamstrings and glutes on Monday, shoulders on Tuesday, chest and back on Wed, etc....

 As women, we don't have the amount of testosterone we need to pack on pounds of muscle. We do, however, benefit from resistance training by increasing strength, muscular endurance, and bone density. We can also shape and tone our physique. 

Below is a simple resistance workout you can do anywhere, and without any equipment.

Strength and muscular endurance anywhere workout

 30 reps of jump squats

30 reps of plank jacks

30 reps of pushup pushbacks

30 reps of Tricep dips

30 reps of V sits

Repeat the above exercises, performing 20 reps of each

Finally, perform 10 reps of each exercise

Great job! You should be feeling the burn! 



Just one thing...

It's easy to lose sight of those small things that are actually enormous when it comes to living life to your fullest and healthiest.  Many individuals think that it is noble and even respected to indulge in or promote self-sacrifice.  But isn't that a bit selfish?  It is good and ok to care for yourself.  Because if you cannot care for yourself how can you nurture others?

It is a small part of your day.  Make it a priority.  What do you want to change, fix, or add to your life?  Keep it simple.  Pick one thing.  That is it.

  • 1.  What is your goal?
  • 2.  Why?
  • 3.  What is your plan of action?

Answer these questions and make yourself a priority, please.

"Be not the slave of your own past.  Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep and swim far, so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power, with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Be Well on Your Journey,

Winning at heart health.

What positive practice will you do for yourself and your heart today and everyday to achieve your most optimal state of heart health and well-being?

Here are a few tips to keep you on track:

  • Start each day and take brief moments throughout to take a deep breath in and a long breath out.  Meditation or simple breathing exercises is the truest way to calm your nerves, clear your head, and open your heart to whatever it is you want to achieve.
  • Incorporate these heart healthy foods in your diet (in moderation of course): organic rolled oats, dark chocolate, salmon, almonds & walnuts (raw/unsalted), red wine, spinach, black & red kidney beans, olive oil, herbs instead of salt.
  • A healthy heart is a heart that is active!  Move you body with purpose daily for an undisturbed 30-minutes.  If you are just starting out, walking to work up a sweat but with the ability to maintain a conversation is a safe gauge of exertion. 

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart...Who looks outside, dreams.  Who looks inside, awakens."   ~Carl Jung

Be Well on You Journey,

Win it by losing it!

If you have been following our blog you may have noticed that we focus on wellness rather than weight loss. However, I personally believe the food we eat that makes us unhealthy and sick also makes us fat. For some, losing weight is something that needs to happen in order to feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. This past week, I have been asked more than a few times how to lose weight. I am hesitant to give an answer here because even though I have knowledge and experience, I am not a nutritionist and, therefore, cannot prescribe meal plans. There are many ways to lose weight and different methods work for different people. And though I am not going to give you a meal plan to follow, I will give you my top 3 suggestions for losing weight and winning wellness.

1. Eliminate as much processed food from your diet as possible. Eat whole foods, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, and lean proteins. Processed foods are loaded with excess fat, sugars, and sodium. It's also extremely important to eliminate as much sugar from your diet as possible. 

2. Drink water!!! This is so important to help purify and cleanse your body. Soda, (yes, even diet soda), juice, sports drinks, etc...DO NOT give your body the same benefit as pure water. Try drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day.

3. Move!!! Do something active every day, whether it's a walk or an intense workout... It's important to move your body.

Certainly, there are other things that are important for weight loss, but these are my top three recommendations! 

Don't waste another day putting off making healthy changes. Do it now! You will feel so much better once you just get started.

Be well!!! 

Win back your health!

A close friend and I decided to do a little spring cleaning...Of our bodies! As of Sunday, we have been cleansing with essential oils and eliminating sugar, gluten, and dairy from our diets. So far, I've got a mega headache, most likely caused by the detoxification process. However, my gut feels great and I am not feeling bloated at all. I think giving your body a good cleanse every now and again is a great way to reboot and reset your system. Our bodies absorb so much junk from our food, skin and hair care products, chemicals, and environment. It's important to detoxify and reduce inflammation in order to restore good health. So, here I am, cleansing, detoxifying, and hoping for a positive experience that I can share with you all.

Be well,



***I do not recommend cleansing if you are pregnant or especially if you are nursing. Toxins come out through sweat, pee, poop, and breast milk...Your toxins are the last thing you want going into your babies food supply

Why Complain?

Bahahahaha!  But after a few hundred we are stronger, more fit, and mentally ready for anything! Becky teaches a cycle/plyo class at the William G. White YMCA in Winston Salem every Monday morning.  For almost 3 years now, I have seen the same group of people attend her class every week.  "Complaints" are heard throughout the following week regarding how tough her session was and how sore they are but they keep coming back.  We all love a challenge.  And we realize that when we are faced with a tough task, if we just push through, stay present, and endure we are stronger than we ever thought.

We become better when we face things head on and experience life.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  So, at 5am (the time you must workout if you wanna fit it in your day) push through and stay present.  Focus on YOUR workout and start your day without complaining.  Embrace your workout, cause, hey, you woke up ;)

Be Well,


Having Fun?

“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” 
~Dale Carnegie

When it comes down to it, if you aren't having fun, will you continue to get up every morning and "force" yourself to make those "healthy" decisions?  At 5am when the alarm goes off and you need to make it to your 6am workout, smile.  Don't frown and hit the snooze.  Don't frown and get up with irritation.  Get up because you can.  Choose positivity.  Choose to make healthy decisions because it is the best thing for YOU or your family.  Not because you are told to.  And choose to have fun with whatever you are doing!  

Be well,


Countdown...then Up!

There are 36 days until January 1, 2016.  Yes, it is true.  So, for our next "Win it" challenge we are offering an idea...something to keep you on track and balanced amidst the chaos that the holidays can stir up.

Starting today, pick two exercises, only two.  Get creative but do what you are capable of!  You will start one with 36 reps and the other with 1, go down & go up.  For an example:

Today: 36 power squats/1 push-up OR 36 burpees/1 minute of meditation OR 36 jumping jacks/1 sun salutation.
Tomorrow: 35 power squats/2 push-up OR 35 burpees/2 minutes of meditation

...You get the idea :)

Please stay in touch and tell us how it is going right here in the comment box.

Be well!  And WE hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Sugar Detox: Day 10


 We are halfway through the Tenth day and tomorrow our 10-day sugar detox will be over. I'm proud of you for taking on the challenge. We hope you have enjoyed this short journey to improving your health.  Some of you may be happy to add a few things back in tomorrow. I just want to caution you to add things slowly. Maybe start by adding in one or two servings of starchy vegetables, such as sweet potato. Then try adding one or two servings of dairy. Be careful not to go overboard and add too much in one day. If you do, you may experience bloating, gas and possibly more severe gastric distress (I speak from experience). Continue to listen to YOUR body. I, for myself have discovered that MY body does not like gluten or dairy. I plan to continue eliminating those things from my diet for a longer period of time. If any of you continue to have questions, please feel free to contact us. Congratulations on your success!

Be well! 


Sugar Detox: Day 9

Is it over yet?!  Hahahaha, one more day.  You can do this.  What have you learned?  Do you regret it?  Ahhhh, regret.  Maybe regret would be something you might feel if you didn't do it!  With any challenge comes a learning experience and most of the time, a silver lining.  

Are you coming out the other side feeling stronger?  Having gained clarity?  Feeling pretty darn stoked about your own level of willpower?  Yes!  Be proud!  Maybe a slip-up here or there?  Maybe total perfection...no cheats.  Hmmm, nothing is perfect.  Moving forward as you adjust to introducing some indulgences back into your diet, remember that it is all trial and error.  Find what makes YOU feel healthy and well.  And know that you can say NO to sugar.  And that you can also say yes in moderation and not beat yourself up over it!  YOU can make good choices, healthy choices.  

Be well on your journey and remember...

"Your problem is not that you are imperfect.  Your problem is believing that imperfection is some sort of problem."  ~Glennon Doyle Melton

Have fun!

Sugar Detox: Day 7

We have eliminated sugar, wheat, gluten, and dairy. Why is it also important to eliminate artificial sweeteners while on this program? Artificial sweeteners have no calories, it should be fine, right? WRONG! in his book, Dr Hyman states, "Artificial sweeteners trick your metabolism into thinking sugar is on its way. This causes your body to pump out insulin, the fat-storage hormone, which leads to more belly fat".

He continues, "Artificial sweeteners confuse and slow down your metabolism, so you burn fewer calories every day. They make you hungrier and cause you to crave even more sugar and starchy carbs, such as bread and pasta. In animal studies, the rats that consumed artificial sweeteners ate more food, their metabolic fire or thermogenesis slowed down, and they put on 14 percent more body fat in just two weeks—even if they ate fewer total calories than the rats that ate regular sugar-sweetened food".

This is very interesting to me, and I hope it enlightens you, as well. Real, whole foods are always better for your health. I encourage you to cut out the artificial sweeteners even after this detox is over. Try using a few drops of stevia instead. It is a natural sweetener that comes from the stevia plant. Your body will thank you.

Be well!

Sugar Detox: Day 5

We are now beginning day 5 of our sugar detox. The following is an excerpt from Dr. Hyman's book.

"Tune in to your body. Now is a time to pay deep attention to how you feel on a physical level without the sugar and other substances you may have been using to manage your feelings and energy. What is happening to your body? How do you feel from the changes in diet? How are your chronic symptoms? How are you sleeping? How is your energy? Slowing down is key now, so you can really tune in to what your body is telling you. Are the cravings gone or subsiding (by now, they will be for most)? What does that tell you about what you believed to be true for yourself?"

On a personal note, I feel pretty good! I don't have any cravings, though I am low on energy. My stomach hasn't been upset, which I attribute to the elimination of gluten, dairy and sugar. What about you? Have you noticed any changes you would like to share? (Remember, part of this challenge includes winning a doterra essential oil when you comment about your experience while participating in this cleanse).

Again, I encourage you to continue the program for the entire 10 days in order to reap the benefits.

Be well!


Sugar Detox: Day 2

 Congratulations! You made it through the first day, and are half way through day two. Now is a good time to think about why we are doing this challenge in the first place.

Dr. Robert J. Johnson, author of The Sugar Fix: The High-Fructose Fallout That is Making You Fat and Sick, states, "sugar activates its own pathways in your body—those metabolic pathways become "upregulated." In other words, the more sugar you eat, the more effective your body is in storing it; and the more you store, the more damage you'll do. You become "sensitized" to sugar as time goes by, and more sensitive to its toxic effects as well. The flip side is, when people are given even a brief sugar holiday, sugar sensitization rapidly decreases and those metabolic pathways become "downregulated." Research tells us that even two weeks without consuming sugar will cause your body to be less reactive to it".

After 10 days of following the sugar detox program you will be able to see how different you feel, for better, or possibly for worse. In either case, I encourage you to be proactive in taking control of your own health and discover what is best for you! After all, that is what this detox is all about.

Be sugar free and be well!


Sugar Detox: Day 1

I hope you have all gotten off to a good start on our 10-day sugar detox. I am excited about completing this challenge with you and I am looking forward to hearing from you about what you experience over the next 10 days.

When I followed this program in July, I found the first couple of days to be somewhat of a challenge, as I was trying to fugue out what to eat exactly.  The best advice I can give you is to make sure your refrigerator and pantry are loaded with the foods you CAN eat while following this program.  Make sure you have a lot of nuts and seeds, VEGETABLES, and lean proteins. Eggs and avocados were my saving grace...

The other important advice I can give you is to make sure you stay hydrated. Drink the recommended 8 cups of water each day. Add  fresh lemon juice and let the detoxing begin. 

It is important to note that you do not need to change your workout regimen unless you want to. Because you are not getting the carbohydrates and sugars your body is used to, it is possible you will feel sluggish and perhaps light-headed. If this is the case, slow it down Or try again another day. Sweating is detoxifying, as well, so we encourage it, but we also want you to listen to YOUR OWN BODY. After all, this detox is about YOU and YOUR health. We are all different and what works for some doesn't necessarily mean it will work for all.

Feel free to comment or contact us if you have any questions.  

Be well! 


Detox Reboot Smoothie


  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • ½ cup frozen cranberries
  • ¼ organic lemon with the rind (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds (see note below)
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (see note below)
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds (see note below)
  • 2 raw walnuts (see note below)
  • 2 raw Brazil nuts (see note below)
  • ¼ avocado
  • ½ tablespoon extra virgin coconut butter
  • ½ cup unsweetened almond or hemp milk
  • ½ cup water
  • Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend on high speed until smooth. You can also add all ingredients to a widemouthed quart-size Mason jar and use a hand-held immersion blender and drink it right from the jar. Be sure to add enough water so that the smoothie is drinkable but still thick (total liquid should be an inch or two above the other ingredients before blending). You can also make it thicker and eat it with a spoon. ***NOTE : To activate the enzymes in the seeds and nuts in any smoothie recipe for easier digestion, you can soak them ahead of time. Fill a bowl with enough water to cover the seeds or nuts and soak for at least 30 minutes, preferably overnight if time permits.

October 29, 2015 Sugar detox intro post

We are excited about the feedback we have already received and are so excited to complete the 10-day sugar detox. I will be taking part in this experience with you. I have done this detox before and had a great experience. Lauren is in the last stages of her pregnancy and Marisa is competing in a 50-mile ultra marathon next weekend, so they will not be participating at this time, but at a later date. Many of you have been asking questions about the specifics of this 10-day program.  I will be posting every day for the next several days to make sure you are prepared to begin next Wednesday, November 4th.

First, this is a sugar detox adapted from the book "The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet" by Dr. Mark Hyman, MD. The suggestions we will be giving you are his recommendations.

Before you begin, you will need to prepare mentally. This is a 10-day detox that will help reboot your body, metabolism, and restore good health. This is not meant to be a long-term diet regimen, although, you may experience a drastic reduction of cravings, feel great, and want to continue. Listen to your own body, become aware of how you feel before, during, and after the 10 days. It is important to be your own detective, and after the 10 days, we hope you will discover what it is that YOU need in order to achieve overall wellness and good health.

The second thing you will need to do is plan your grocery list. When you have the recommended foods stocked and easily accessible, it will set you up for a successful detox.

Tomorrow, I will post a detailed grocery list, but for now, understand that you will be eliminating sugar in all its forms for 10 days. This includes all processed sugars, honey, maple syrup, molasses, rice syrup, fruit, grains, legumes, dairy, gluten and alcohol. It is also recommended that you abstain from caffeine and artificial sweeteners. I realize that seems overwhelming and you are probably asking, "what CAN I eat"??? No worries, there are many foods you will be able to enjoy. Check back tomorrow for a grocery list. Please comment if you have any questions or would like us to address anything in particular. Until tomorrow,
Be well!


Sugar detox? Yes. You can.

Dr. Hyman addresses how just 10 days of following the sugar detox can improve your health. He states, "You might wonder:  How is ten days enough to make a difference? Can I really accomplish anything in ten days that will make a lasting impact?” My answer is yes. We have learned that if you have diabetes, you can reverse it in a few weeks with a gastric bypass, even if you are still morbidly obese. Why? Because when you rapidly shift your way of eating, you shift your hormones, brain chemistry, and biology very quickly.

Some radical thinking...Think of the Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet as a gastric bypass without the pain of surgery, vomiting, or malnutrition. Research has shown that dramatic changes in diet, without gastric bypass, can very quickly normalize blood sugar in type 2 diabetics, getting them off medication in as little as a week. After twelve weeks, their liver, pancreas, and metabolism all return to normal. Your body is capable of amazing healing if you give it the chance. But as I said, you don’t have to believe me. You just have to try it. You can do anything for ten days. The proof will be in the results. Some may think this program extreme, or dismiss it by saying that if you eliminate any group of foods (like sugar or gluten or dairy), you will lose weight because you reduce overall calories. But this is not a calorie-restricted program, although it is possible that your net calories will naturally go down as the result of eating real food. That’s because real, whole foods are nutrient-rich and in some cases low-calorie, whereas processed foods tend to be calorie-rich and nutrient-poor. This really isn’t about calories. If you eat only real, whole, nutrient-dense foods (and stop obsessing about counting calories), you will win every time. In just a few days you can literally reprogram your biology with the right foods, eaten at the right time with a few other simple lifestyle changes that can allow you to detox painlessly and experience how freeing it is to escape food addiction without struggle. There might be a moment of doubt, or even terror at the thought of giving up your Coke or Diet Coke, or your daily bread or cookies. You might wonder, “If I take away the things that make me feel good (however temporarily), what will I replace them with?” What I’m offering you in exchange is a radical promise. It’s the promise that you will emerge after the first few days of this program feeling light, happy, energetic, and alive again. 

Once you have used the program to reset your biology, you’ll see that it is really the beginning of an entirely new way of eating and living—one that will lead to optimal and long-term health and vitality.

We all have our reasons for trying this 10-day sugar detox. Some of us may want to reboot our metabolism and lose weight, others may want to break free of their sugar addiction and rid themselves of food cravings. Perhaps we have a medical problem(s) and would like to restore good health. Whatever the reason, I am hopeful that this 10-day program will create an awareness of your own body and allow you to feel your best. We are in this together and encourage all to share with each other your favorite sugar-detox approved recipes and any other suggestions and experiences you feel would help others. 

If you haven't already done so, you have three days to go shopping for your supplies. Until Wednesday,

Be well!