Weekly Workout Challenge

Recently I had a friend share with me that it's easy to get her cardio exercise, but it's the strength training that she has a hard time doing on her own.  Here are a few ideas that you can do, with and without equipment, that can help your body get tighter and stronger.

Monday: Cardio and abs 

I like to combine cardio and abs into one great workout. Here is a routine that you can do anywhere. It will tighten and tone your abs and get your heart rate up so you can burn fat.


Tuesday:   Cardio and arms

For this workout, choose some form of cardio exercise. It can be walking, running, swimming, cycling, stair climbing, or jumping rope.  

Do 10-15 minutes of cardio, then grab a set of weights and set your timer for 10 minutes. You will perform 15 reps of each of the following exercises consecutively for 10 minutes without rest.

1. Bicep curls

2. Pushups

3. Shoulder presses

Get back to your cardio for another 10 to 15 minutes, then repeat the strength set.

Cool down and stretch

 Wednesday: Legs 

Legs! My favorite body part to train!  You don't need to do extra cardio today. Your leg muscles are so large, training them will also increase your heart rate.

Warm up: 5 minutes walking, biking, or jogging

**Perform each of the following exercises, then repeat the circuit 2-3 more times. 

Drop set: leg extensions (Perform 10 reps, then 9 reps, then 8 reps, then 7,6,5,4,3,2,1)

30 jump squats 

20 walking lunges (with or without weights) 

30 switch jumps

25 Dead lifts 

30   Bridges (lay on your back and push your hips up and down)

Drop set: hamstring curls (10,9,8...1)


Thursday: Yoga or Pilates 

Take a class at your local gym or watch a DVD or YouTube video.  I love Pilates with Cassey Ho, and yoga with Sadie Nardini. Tracy Anderson is my favorite for total body toning.

Friday: Cardio, back and chest

Today, I recommend steady state cardio. Go out for a run, or a bike ride for however long you want. After your cardio session perform the following 10 minute chest/back strength workout.

  Pushups: Have a stopwatch or clock nearby. Do as many pushups as you can until you can't do any more. Make sure to count your reps. You should burn out before the minute is up. Rest until the clock hits one minute. At the one minute mark, perform IYT's (see below for a description of this exercise) for 60 seconds. Then back to pushups. Perform the same number of reps you did on the first set, then rest until the clock hits the 2 minute mark. Keep going like that for 10 minutes, alternating pushups and IYT'S.


Lay on your stomach and lift your arms out in front of you and legs lifted behind you. Make an "I", then open your arms a little more and hold, making a "Y", finally, holding your arms directly out to the sides, make a "T". Then go back to "I"... Continue making each letter, lifting your legs and chest off the floor to work your back muscles.

Saturday:   Plyometric HIIT Workout

Plyometric exercise burns fat, builds strength and power, and increases cardiovascular health. Try the following workout on Saturday.


Sunday: Rest 




What motivates you? Do you work out solely to be able to eat what you want? Do you want to change the way your body looks? Does it make you feel great? And what boosts your mood to be able to work out more energetically, more effectively?

I find that music is what moves me. I’m on day 22 of this beast mode challenge. Yesterday I completed a four-minute plank. During the bulk of the plank I was listening to music. During the last 50 seconds I had my husband cheering me on and making sure I didn’t drop. Both of those things helped me complete it without giving up early. I realize I work out harder and better when I’m being watched or encouraged and when I have some good tunes.

However, while music makes working out a bit more enjoyable for me, it’s the way my body is changing that is keeping me going. I am seeing results that I never anticipated. I wake up dreading the start of it and yet once I get going, I am IN. The mind really is a powerful thing. Just thinking of the end of this challenge keeps me driven. I want to be able to say I did it. Not sure I’d sign up for another 31 days but I’ve come this far, I’m not giving up. What motivates you? And what keeps you going? Think about it…and get moving!

You've got to start somewhere

One of the reasons I wanted to start a blog about fitness and health was because many of my fitness class participants approached me after class asking for the workout, or asking for health or wellness advice. I'm sure Marisa has experienced the same. Rather than email each individual a workout, I thought it best to post my workouts and wellness thoughts online for all to see. Typically, the classes I like to teach are challenging. However, I give options to modify exercises or interval times for those who are beginners, pregnant, or who have recently given birth. I just want to remind you to go at your own pace. You don't have to complete all the rounds of a workout, all the reps, or even all the exercises. Test when you need to and do what you can do, in the time that you are able to do it. There is no judgment here. We have all been beginners at some point and we all have different health and fitness goals.  There are many times I give a modified version of an exercise to those I instruct. There are times when I modify exercises for myself. Those of you that are just starting out with an exercise program, here are some modifications you can try.

Pushups: Try doing pushups on your knees OR standing pushups with your hands on the wall.

Jump squats:  Squat without a jump. Or add dumbbells and squat holding the weights. You can also TRY jumping and then drop the jump when it becomes too difficult.

Burpees: Place your hands on the floor and either step or jump back into a plank position. You can either do a pushup on your knees or omit the pushup. Stand up and repeat. 

Lunge Jumps:  Lunge jumps are very high intensity as well as high impact. Try lunging, forward or back, alternating legs, without jumping.   Make sure your knees are right over your ankles, not pushing too far forward.

V sits:  Another exercise that can be challenging and hard on your lower back is a V-sit. Instead of lifting both legs and touching your hands to your feet, try lifting one leg at a time, alternating legs. 

I hope these modifications help as you begin an exercise program, or are recovering from an injury or child birth. Once again, listen to YOUR body and be well.



Win It by "HIITing"It!

One if the best ways to improve your fitness  is to practice HIIT workouts. HIIT (high intensity interval training) will increase fat burning, stamina and rev your metabolism. It's the perfect workout when you are short on time or have no access to fitness equipment. Training at a high intensity for shorter periods of time can give you the results you want...fast. The key is to go hard. I used to love cardio exercise, working out for long periods of time, but not really pushing myself as hard as I could have. I have found that doing intense plyometric and bodyweight exercises has really helped me take my fitness to the next level, increasing both my strength and cardio in one quick workout. I still love to go for a long bike ride, or run, lift weights and practice yoga. But I also enjoy pushing myself with a quick, super intense workout a couple times per week. If you haven't tried a HIIT workout yet, go for it. After all, anyone can go hard for just a few minutes. Right? 😉 


Sample HIIT workout  

**Perform the following 3 exercises for 30 seconds each, then rest for 30 seconds. Complete the set 5 times

30 sec of jump squats

30 sec of burpees

30 sec of lunge jumps

(30 sec rest) 

Win it! Your child's health!

One of my struggles as a mother is how to encourage my children to want to be fit and healthy. I feed them well, we are active together, they participate in athletics, and we limit their screen time. It is frustrating to me that so many people give our kids candy and other junk food on a regular basis, without asking us first. Ever since they started school, they seem to be fed more sugar than ever before. Birthdays, rewards for good behavior, class parties, etc... That is not even counting the sweets they get between Halloween and New year's. Every day, it's something. From neighbors, grandparents, friends, even the lady at the bank drive through. I will admit, I believe that too much restriction fuels rebellion, and every once in a while it's fine to have a sweet treat. But not every day! So, what do you say when others give your kids junk? How do YOU handle it? We would love to hear from you!


Win your alone time!

I pride myself on my ability to multi-task. I feel very productive when I can clean the house, make dinner, and do laundry all while talking on the phone to Verizon Wireless customer service. However, there are times when it would be nice to NOT live in overdrive; when I could sit down on the couch for a few minutes and enjoy reading a book with my little ones without having something I have to do right then. I had envisioned the summer with me relaxing at the pool, playing with our kids, and going to the beach. Instead, I'm running non stop. As I've said before, I truly believe that busy hands are happy hands, but every now and again, I need a break. We all deserve to go to the bathroom without having one kid sitting on our lap while another decides to find out just how much toilet paper is on that roll...I suppose there is a time and a season, and soon this busyness will seem but a small moment. I have to continually remind myself that this time in my life is so short in the grand scheme of things, and soon those little ones will not be so little. Just a little reminder to enjoy the happy days and laugh more! Be happy and be well!



“Big thinking precedes great achievement.”-Wilfred A. Peterson

Great achievements don't just "happen" . They begin as a thought, followed by action. Whatever goals we have for ourselves, whether health and fitness related or otherwise, it's important to think, and actually believe, we can achieve our goals.

First, we have to set a SPECIFIC goal.   It is difficult to achieve a vague ambition. Rather than say, "I want to be healthier", we should say, "I will eat a vegetable at every meal", or "I will drink 8 glasses of pure water each day". Having a specific goal, one that requires you to act, will be much more achievable.

Second, take action. Once we have a goal set, and have a plan of action, we need to ACT. Eat your vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water each day, exercise 5 times a week, sleep 7 hrs a night, etc... whatever it is, just do it.

Finally, be consistent. If we fail, we will try again. It takes a consistent effort to achieve  goals. Once we achieve one goal, we should prepare to set another. Think it, write it down, act on it, and continue acting upon it consistently.

I love the shakira song from the movie "Zootopia". The lyrics are so uplifting and encouraging. "No, I won't give up, I won't give in, until the end, then I'll start again, Try everything".

When we think it and make a consistent effort to achieve it, we can accomplish anything.



Be Awesome!!!

I came across this quote last week and it made me laugh because aren't we all just trying to be awesome all the time??? Yes, we may fall short of awesome sometimes; we all occasionally yell at our kids, or make a snide remark. We don't always cross everything of our to do list, but we are at least trying to give it our best.

Be awesome and be well! What more can anyone ask for?



Eat Better, Feel Better

I don't know about you, but when I eat well, I feel well. A friend of mine introduced me to a book called "The Abascal Way". The idea is that by eating the recommended foods, you can reduce the inflammation in your body, thereby, improving your overall health. The rules of this type of eating are simple. Divide your plate into thirds. Two thirds should consist of vegetables and fruits, one third should be grain and/or protein. I have just started following this, and have not yet experienced any great changes, but it has only been a couple of days. I'm anticipating feeling great, since the majority of what I will be eating is vegetables, and that is always a good thing. I'm excited to let you know how it goes and will be checking back with you in a few weeks. If you want to learn more about reducing YOUR inflammation and feeling better, read "The Abascal Way" by Kathy Abascal.

Let us know what you think, 


Feel it and Win it!

Isn't there a saying..."sometimes you have to fake it to make it."?  Well, sometimes you really need to be your own motivator and best cheerleader.  After all, you choose to first and foremost stay healthy and well for yourself and your quality of life, right?  Because without your own health and well-being in-check, how can you be the rock, the support, the cheerleader, and the motivator for others?!

When you wake up in the morning, put your oxygen mask on first!  Set your intentions, whatever they may be, and "eat a sexy beast"!  No more excuses.  No more boo-hooing.  Do what you can to the best of your ability and then start fresh tomorrow.

Be well and have fun!

Win It! July bike challenge

Happy Wednesday! Beginning Friday, 1 July, we will have our bike challenge! Log your miles on a road bike, mountain bike, spin bike, or recumbent bike. Cycling is one of the best exercises I can think of. It will improve your cardiovascular fitness and endurance, tone and shape your muscles, and it's low impact, preserving your joints! Join us as we ride! Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 finishers. So gear up and get ready to win it!

Be well!  


For your inflammation

Ininflammation is a hot topic in the health and wellness industry lately, and is something that can sabotage even your best efforts as you journey to achieve wellness.  Inflammation can hold you back from living your best life since research shows it can contribute to weight gain, joint pain, acid reflux, heart disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, auto immune diseases and more. When your body is inflamed it can not function optimally. Inflammation can be your friend in acute situations like illness or injury. However, chronic inflammation can cause a host of problems that can wreak havoc on your health. It is important to avoid chemicals, environmental factors, and foods that you know can cause inflammation in your body. It can be different for everyone. I know that I feel bloated when I eat dairy and foods containing wheat. GMO's, pesticides, artificial sweeteners, and other foods can be treated as invaders by the body and inflammation can occur as a way for the body to protect itself from these types of ingredients. It may be difficult to figure out what causes your inflammation, but eating a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods is a good start. Avoid GMO's, preservatives, artificial colors and sweeteners as much as possible. If you would like to know exactly what your body is sensitive to and what causes YOUR inflammation, you can have your blood tested by ALCAT. I did this several years ago and experienced amazing results.


For more information regarding inflammation, refer to the following article.


Be well! 


Win by drinking WATER!

How many of us go through the day feeling hungry at all times, tired, dry, oily, and with a dull headache?  What if there was a simple cure?  Not all ailments have a simple cure but would you believe that being under-hydrated or dehydrated can cause us to feel all of those mentioned above?

So, how much water does an average healthy adult, living in a temperate climate need?  Well, it is safe to say that sedentary individuals should get about 64 ounces of water per day or to drink when thirsty.  (Easy to remember 8 X 8).  However, according to the Mayo Clinic:
"The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly about 13 cups (3 liters) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is about 9 cups (2.2 liters) of total beverages a day."

Women that are nursing, very active individuals, those that live in hot weather or very dry climates, and individuals suffering from a bout of vomiting and diarrhea all need higher daily amounts of water.

And yes, you must drink clean, plain water.  I suppose with the exception of infusing it with a squirt of lemon or lime or slicing some other types of fruit and letting it sit in a pitcher of water.  Please don't count those glasses of iced tea, juice, milk, or soda!

According to the CDC, water helps your body:

  • Keep your temperature normal
  • Lubricate and cushion joints
  • Protect your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues
  • Get rid of wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements

The daily water intake recommended for children and teens can vary greatly according to level of activity, climate, and health status.  The best way to determine and gauge your child's water intake needs would be to monitor their color of urine.  It needs to be clear!

Tricks to getting enough water:

  • Monitor your urine output, are you going enough and when you go, is it clear?  If it is yellow or looks like apple juice...start chugging! (Side note: multivitamins and B-complex supplements will cause urine to look as if you ate a highlighter.)
  • How are your bowel movements?  Regular and soft?  If not, chug!
  • Carry around a water bottle big enough to hold at least 24 ounces.  That way, you don't find yourself needing to constantly fill your smaller bottle or glass. 
  • Make it a priority!  You find time each day to fit in a few other nonessential activities...staying hydrated and "clean" is essential! 

Cheers to a healthy and happy Summer!
Be Well,

Win it: Get Thin By Eating Fat!

When I was in my early twenties, the best way to lose weight, according to the experts, was to eat a low-fat, high-carb diet.   My, how things have changed! We now know that fat is not the enemy. Eating good heart-healthy, high quality fat will do more good for your body and your health than most people realize.

I remember when everyone was on the "Atkins diet ". It was amazing! People were literally dropping 20 lbs. In the first two weeks by eating meat and bacon. It blew my mind! I started researching how it was possible to lose so much weight so quickly. To put it very simply, your body burns sugar first. Then, when there is no sugar available, your body will burn fat to use as fuel. The idea behind the Atkins diet is to eliminate all carbs and sugars, thereby forcing your body to burn fat. It's kind of like drinking more water in order to lose water (by peeing or sweating). In order to lose fat, you need to eat it. This only works if you reduce the amount of carbohydrates and sugars you take in and eat more protein and good quality fat. It is important to note that not all fats are created equal. There are high quality fats that have many health benefits that include lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides. A few of my favorite sources of fats include:


-Coconut oil, butter, and cream

-Eggs (hard or soft boiled) 

-Seeds (chia, hemp, flax) 

-Nuts (raw almond, cashews, macadamia, walnuts) 

 -Salmon, mackerel, sardines (I'm not a big fan of fish so I take a high quality fish oil, but I know many people who love fish and for them, these are great sources of fat)

-Extra virgin olive oil

How much fat YOU need will depend on your body type, activity level, metabolism, etc... It is definitely worth investigating. To read more about how fat can make you healthier, check out Dr. Hyman's book, "Eat Fat, Get Thin" . You can also check out the article below.


Be well, 


Win your health by committing to fitness!

Today I worked out! I did it. I put Liza down for a nap and I queued up Jillian Michael’s 30-day Shred video on you tube and I worked up a sweat. I know Becky and Marisa are quite committed to their workouts and they make it a priority. I’m not like them. For me it’s been a chore. And for the past few months, it’s all I could do to go to work and pound the hospital floors for 12 hours never mind fit in some cardio and strength training. But I decided that it’s been five months now, the summer is coming and it’s time to start making time for me. It’s time to start getting back into shape.
I must say, although it hurt, it felt good. I kind of missed it….kind of ☺. I have always struggled with getting the motivation to work out consistently, yet it always feels good when I do it.  To all you other ladies out there….whether it’s a weight loss goal or a stay fit challenge, it’s time to stop making excuses and make time for yourself and your cardio fitness. I always say, somehow I manage to put the coffee pot on every day and sit down and enjoy my first cup of the day. I usually also fit in a shower on a daily basis. So why does it seem so difficult to carve out time to fit in a workout? Today I vow to stop making excuses and to set a goal and stick to it. I’m going to make it realistic. I can’t go from not having worked out to working out every day. I’m going to try it for 30 minutes minimum three days a week and use Liza’s morning nap time to do it. I’m leaving notes on my fridge and in my planner to make sure I stick to it. And I’m going to give myself the reward of a massage after one month of sticking to it. All of these things will help me make sure I keep with it. Who’s with me??

1-Minute vs. 45-Minutes

A recent article written by Gretchen Reynolds and published by the New York Times titled: 1 Minute of All-Out Exercise May Have Benefits of 45 Minutes of Moderate Exertion is interesting but also a bit misleading.  What the article goes on to explain and describe is a study done by scientists at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.  Their sample size was small but consisted on 25 out-of-shape men and put them in three groups: a control group, a high-intensity exercise group, and a group that was to do moderate intensity exercise. 

The control group did not exercise.  The moderate intensity group exercised for 45-minutes three days per week for 12 weeks at just that, a moderate intensity on a stationary bicycle.  The high-intensity (or 1-minute group) exercised for actually 10-minutes.  Their workout consisted of a warm-up for two minutes on stationary bicycles, then they pedaled as hard as possible for 20 seconds followed by riding at a very slow pace for two minutes, they sprinted all-out again for 20 seconds; recovered with slow riding for another two minutes; pedaled all-out for a final 20 seconds; then cooled down for three minutes.

The results:  the scientists found that each exercise group had pretty much identical fitness gains (aerobic fitness & blood sugar control).  Read the article.  It is worth it and hyperlinked above.

SURELY, YOU CAN FIND 10-MINUTES!  Choose wellness and win your optimal health!

Be well on your journey,

Working out while traveling: Guest blogger gives the scoop!

VACATION….food, fun, indulgence, no rules!  If your like me, you look for an excuse to let loose even if it is in a small way.  It’s easy to be disciplined when you are at home and in a normal routine, but throw a vacation in there and it is instant anxiety.  How am I going to work out?  Where am I going to work out? Will I have time to work out?  All these things ran through my head as I am packing my bags. 

   I recently went out to Colorado with the family to catch up with some old friends and get some time on the slopes.  With no gym, uncertain weather, and a schedule that I was not in charge of, I was concerned that working out would be put on the back burner.  Fortunately I have the privilege of working out with Marisa and Becky who pointed me to speedbumpontherun.com.  During my vacation I was able to explore the workouts on the website and utilize several of them.  If I had 20 minutes or 45 minutes, there was a workout that would fit my schedule.  One of the best parts was I did not need weights or machines to complete the workout.  Just a side note, these workouts were very challenging!

    As a mom, I strive to be a good example for my children and was thrilled to see them imitate many of the exercises.  I realized then that it is important to show your children that being active is a part of everyday life.  So I encourage you to stay active and be that example for your children. Even when you are on vacation keep moving and show your children that it is a lifestyle.  If you haven’t already, give the workouts on the website a try.  I promise you won’t be disappointed….I wasn’t!

Be Well,
Breland J.