Win it: Get Thin By Eating Fat!
/When I was in my early twenties, the best way to lose weight, according to the experts, was to eat a low-fat, high-carb diet. My, how things have changed! We now know that fat is not the enemy. Eating good heart-healthy, high quality fat will do more good for your body and your health than most people realize.
I remember when everyone was on the "Atkins diet ". It was amazing! People were literally dropping 20 lbs. In the first two weeks by eating meat and bacon. It blew my mind! I started researching how it was possible to lose so much weight so quickly. To put it very simply, your body burns sugar first. Then, when there is no sugar available, your body will burn fat to use as fuel. The idea behind the Atkins diet is to eliminate all carbs and sugars, thereby forcing your body to burn fat. It's kind of like drinking more water in order to lose water (by peeing or sweating). In order to lose fat, you need to eat it. This only works if you reduce the amount of carbohydrates and sugars you take in and eat more protein and good quality fat. It is important to note that not all fats are created equal. There are high quality fats that have many health benefits that include lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides. A few of my favorite sources of fats include:
-Coconut oil, butter, and cream
-Eggs (hard or soft boiled)
-Seeds (chia, hemp, flax)
-Nuts (raw almond, cashews, macadamia, walnuts)
-Salmon, mackerel, sardines (I'm not a big fan of fish so I take a high quality fish oil, but I know many people who love fish and for them, these are great sources of fat)
-Extra virgin olive oil
How much fat YOU need will depend on your body type, activity level, metabolism, etc... It is definitely worth investigating. To read more about how fat can make you healthier, check out Dr. Hyman's book, "Eat Fat, Get Thin" . You can also check out the article below.
Be well,