Win your health by committing to fitness!
/Today I worked out! I did it. I put Liza down for a nap and I queued up Jillian Michael’s 30-day Shred video on you tube and I worked up a sweat. I know Becky and Marisa are quite committed to their workouts and they make it a priority. I’m not like them. For me it’s been a chore. And for the past few months, it’s all I could do to go to work and pound the hospital floors for 12 hours never mind fit in some cardio and strength training. But I decided that it’s been five months now, the summer is coming and it’s time to start making time for me. It’s time to start getting back into shape.
I must say, although it hurt, it felt good. I kind of missed it….kind of ☺. I have always struggled with getting the motivation to work out consistently, yet it always feels good when I do it. To all you other ladies out there….whether it’s a weight loss goal or a stay fit challenge, it’s time to stop making excuses and make time for yourself and your cardio fitness. I always say, somehow I manage to put the coffee pot on every day and sit down and enjoy my first cup of the day. I usually also fit in a shower on a daily basis. So why does it seem so difficult to carve out time to fit in a workout? Today I vow to stop making excuses and to set a goal and stick to it. I’m going to make it realistic. I can’t go from not having worked out to working out every day. I’m going to try it for 30 minutes minimum three days a week and use Liza’s morning nap time to do it. I’m leaving notes on my fridge and in my planner to make sure I stick to it. And I’m going to give myself the reward of a massage after one month of sticking to it. All of these things will help me make sure I keep with it. Who’s with me??