Working out while traveling: Guest blogger gives the scoop!

VACATION….food, fun, indulgence, no rules!  If your like me, you look for an excuse to let loose even if it is in a small way.  It’s easy to be disciplined when you are at home and in a normal routine, but throw a vacation in there and it is instant anxiety.  How am I going to work out?  Where am I going to work out? Will I have time to work out?  All these things ran through my head as I am packing my bags. 

   I recently went out to Colorado with the family to catch up with some old friends and get some time on the slopes.  With no gym, uncertain weather, and a schedule that I was not in charge of, I was concerned that working out would be put on the back burner.  Fortunately I have the privilege of working out with Marisa and Becky who pointed me to  During my vacation I was able to explore the workouts on the website and utilize several of them.  If I had 20 minutes or 45 minutes, there was a workout that would fit my schedule.  One of the best parts was I did not need weights or machines to complete the workout.  Just a side note, these workouts were very challenging!

    As a mom, I strive to be a good example for my children and was thrilled to see them imitate many of the exercises.  I realized then that it is important to show your children that being active is a part of everyday life.  So I encourage you to stay active and be that example for your children. Even when you are on vacation keep moving and show your children that it is a lifestyle.  If you haven’t already, give the workouts on the website a try.  I promise you won’t be disappointed….I wasn’t!

Be Well,
Breland J.