Weekly Workout Challenge

Recently I had a friend share with me that it's easy to get her cardio exercise, but it's the strength training that she has a hard time doing on her own.  Here are a few ideas that you can do, with and without equipment, that can help your body get tighter and stronger.

Monday: Cardio and abs 

I like to combine cardio and abs into one great workout. Here is a routine that you can do anywhere. It will tighten and tone your abs and get your heart rate up so you can burn fat.


Tuesday:   Cardio and arms

For this workout, choose some form of cardio exercise. It can be walking, running, swimming, cycling, stair climbing, or jumping rope.  

Do 10-15 minutes of cardio, then grab a set of weights and set your timer for 10 minutes. You will perform 15 reps of each of the following exercises consecutively for 10 minutes without rest.

1. Bicep curls

2. Pushups

3. Shoulder presses

Get back to your cardio for another 10 to 15 minutes, then repeat the strength set.

Cool down and stretch

 Wednesday: Legs 

Legs! My favorite body part to train!  You don't need to do extra cardio today. Your leg muscles are so large, training them will also increase your heart rate.

Warm up: 5 minutes walking, biking, or jogging

**Perform each of the following exercises, then repeat the circuit 2-3 more times. 

Drop set: leg extensions (Perform 10 reps, then 9 reps, then 8 reps, then 7,6,5,4,3,2,1)

30 jump squats 

20 walking lunges (with or without weights) 

30 switch jumps

25 Dead lifts 

30   Bridges (lay on your back and push your hips up and down)

Drop set: hamstring curls (10,9,8...1)


Thursday: Yoga or Pilates 

Take a class at your local gym or watch a DVD or YouTube video.  I love Pilates with Cassey Ho, and yoga with Sadie Nardini. Tracy Anderson is my favorite for total body toning.

Friday: Cardio, back and chest

Today, I recommend steady state cardio. Go out for a run, or a bike ride for however long you want. After your cardio session perform the following 10 minute chest/back strength workout.

  Pushups: Have a stopwatch or clock nearby. Do as many pushups as you can until you can't do any more. Make sure to count your reps. You should burn out before the minute is up. Rest until the clock hits one minute. At the one minute mark, perform IYT's (see below for a description of this exercise) for 60 seconds. Then back to pushups. Perform the same number of reps you did on the first set, then rest until the clock hits the 2 minute mark. Keep going like that for 10 minutes, alternating pushups and IYT'S.


Lay on your stomach and lift your arms out in front of you and legs lifted behind you. Make an "I", then open your arms a little more and hold, making a "Y", finally, holding your arms directly out to the sides, make a "T". Then go back to "I"... Continue making each letter, lifting your legs and chest off the floor to work your back muscles.

Saturday:   Plyometric HIIT Workout

Plyometric exercise burns fat, builds strength and power, and increases cardiovascular health. Try the following workout on Saturday.


Sunday: Rest