Win your alone time!

I pride myself on my ability to multi-task. I feel very productive when I can clean the house, make dinner, and do laundry all while talking on the phone to Verizon Wireless customer service. However, there are times when it would be nice to NOT live in overdrive; when I could sit down on the couch for a few minutes and enjoy reading a book with my little ones without having something I have to do right then. I had envisioned the summer with me relaxing at the pool, playing with our kids, and going to the beach. Instead, I'm running non stop. As I've said before, I truly believe that busy hands are happy hands, but every now and again, I need a break. We all deserve to go to the bathroom without having one kid sitting on our lap while another decides to find out just how much toilet paper is on that roll...I suppose there is a time and a season, and soon this busyness will seem but a small moment. I have to continually remind myself that this time in my life is so short in the grand scheme of things, and soon those little ones will not be so little. Just a little reminder to enjoy the happy days and laugh more! Be happy and be well!

